International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

Increment of Mobile Subscriber in India : Gompertz Curve

Vandit Hedau, Pragya Soni –  April 2016   Page No.: 01-04

In India mobile phone was introduced around 1995-1996. In the starting years, it was not so common among people. But as time moves it becomes a necessary component of people’s lives. Now everyone can do their work within a few minutes by using mobile phones. This is the reason of mobile phone growth. In this research work we will ascertain the pattern of mobile subscriber with respect to population, as population increases the subscriber is also increased. To determine the growth of the user it uses Gompertz curve that indicates the shape and growth of mobile subscriber with respect to time here we encounter the upper limit of the curve that is used to fit the data to the model and the model suggests the development of mobile subscriber in near future This work will extrapolate the mobile phone subscriber in the future as well as find out the trend of future subscribers.

  •  Page(s): 01-04
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2016
  •  Vandit Hedau
    School of Future Studies and Planning,
    Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya,Indore, India.
  •  Pragya Soni
    School of Future Studies and Planning,
    Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya,Indore, India.


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Dr. Meghna Sharma, Prachi Trivedi “Increment of Mobile Subscriber in India : Gompertz Curve’ Buying Behaviour for Green Products” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 1, pp.01-04 2016

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Signature Verification by using Radial Basis Function (SVM)

Gurpreet Singh, Gurbinder Singh, Mandeep Singh – April 2016  Page No.: 05-09

Computerization has definitely revolutionized the way banking is done these days. However, even today all banking transactions, especially, financial require our signatures to be authenticated. The identifiable side-effect of signatures is that they are vulnerable to forgery. In order to avoid misuse or manipulations on account of forged signatures the need for research in efficient automated solutions for signature recognition and verification has increased in recent years. A concrete system has to be developed which should not only be able to consider these factors but also detect various types of forgeries. Signature verification approaches using information technology can be categorized according to the acquisition of the data: On-line and Off-line. On-line data records the motion of the stylus while the signature is produced, and includes location, and possibly velocity, acceleration and pen pressure, as functions of time. Online systems could be used in real time applications like credit cards transaction or resource access. While off-Line signature verification systems take as input the 2-D image of a signature. Offline systems are useful in automatic verification of signatures found on bank checks and documents. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) which has been modeled on human brain has been successfully used classifier in numerous fields. The present study focuses on detection of these forgeries using Support Vector Machine with Radial Basis Function (SVM – RBF) kernel. For evaluating our system’s performance and to know the output unit response accuracy we have developed a classification/confusion matrix and kept our performance goal based on mean square error. It was found that while ANN base system had an overall accuracy of 90% the accuracy of SVM –RBF kernel was significantly higher at 95%.

  •  Page(s): 05-09
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2016
  •  Gurpreet Singh
    Department of CSE,
    PTU, AIET, Faridkot, India
  •  Gurbinder Singh
    Department of CSE,
    PTU, AIET, Faridkot, India
  •  Mandeep Singh
    Department of CSE,
    PTU, AIET, Faridkot, India



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Gurpreet Singh, Gurbinder Singh, Mandeep Singh “Signature Verification by using Radial Basis Function (SVM)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 1, pp.05-09 2016

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Leveraging Performance Parameters in Predictive Design Evolution of MEMS

Dr. BP Joshi, Dr. SA Gangal –April 2016  Page No.: 10-13

Modern era is witnessing a boom of IT Enabled Services that is converting the world flatter into non-linear functional dimension. Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Nano Technology and Genetic Engineering have revolutionised today’s industry. MEMS is an integration of mechanical systems, sensors, actuators and electronics all on a common silicon substrate. MEMS development is recursive in nature, which involves various design and testing cycles until design parameters are met. This would prove to be very expensive but for the predictive design techniques that are applied now a days. The paper discusses two design techniques for the prediction of sensor parameters and how they have been leveraged to achieve flexibility in design evolution of MEMS devices. Employment of such techniques will help MEMS designers optimising design parameters.

  •  Page(s): 10-13
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2016
  •  Dr. BP Joshi
    Cummins College of Engineering for Women Nagpur, India
  •  Dr. SA Gangal
    ISRO Chair
    Savitribai Phule University of Pune, Pune, India



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Dr. BP Joshi, Dr. SA Gangal “Leveraging Performance Parameters in Predictive Design Evolution of MEMS” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 1, pp.10-13 2016

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Strategies for the Adoption of E-Commerce

Jair Mu López, José G. Vargas-Hernández- April 2016  Page No.: 14-19

This work seeks to analyze if there is an impact from the adoption of technology used for online transactions, starting from the theories of adoption of electronic commerce as well as the strategies that companies choose to develop a competitive advantage, the models on economic interactions, the barriers on the part of companies to be included in the electronic marketplace, Mexico data are revised in recent years to review the trend that has been e-commerce and exploratory.

  •  Page(s): 14-19
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2016
  •  Jair Mu López
    University Center for economic and Managerial Sciences
    University of Guadalajara Zapopan, Jalisco, México
  •  José G. Vargas-Hernández
    University Center for economic and Managerial Sciences
    University of Guadalajara Zapopan, Jalisco, México

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Jair Mu López, José G. Vargas-Hernández “Strategies for the Adoption of E-Commerce” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 1, pp.14-19 2016

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High linear Traveling Wave Tube

Renu Malsaria – April 2016  Page No.: 20-21

Linearity improvement is one of the most critical issues in the development of high-power, high frequency TWT. Higher linearity allows utilizing more compact and less expensive power supplies. Furthermore, high-efficiency Travelling wave tubes can operate more reliably and have longer lifetime due to reduced collector loading. While the high-power outputs and wide gain-band widths make TWTs ideally suited for these purposes, the nonlinearity of these devices results in amplitude, phase and spectral distortion. Nonlinear distortion products appear as harmonics and for multi-carrier operation also as intermodulation products, at the output of the amplifier thus limiting the usable bandwidth of the amplifier and degrading fundamental efficiency. In this paper, design and development of a Ku-band 140W Helix TWT for improved linearity and high efficiency will be presented.

  •  Page(s): 20-21
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2016
  •  Renu Malsaria
    Central Electronics Engineering & Research Institute (CEERI) Pilani, Rajasthan, India



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Renu Malsaria “High linear Traveling Wave Tube” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 1, pp.20-21 2016

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Is the Sun affects our climate?

Kamsali Nagaraja, Manikiam B and S. Ganapathy Venkatasubramanian –April 2016   Page No.: 22-27

The Earth is at a distance of 150 million kilometres from the Sun and still the radiation emitted by the Sun drives the Earth’s climate system. Variations in the composition and intensity of incident solar radiation hitting the Earth may produce changes in global and regional climate which are both different and additional to those from man-made climate change. In the current epoch, solar variation impacts on regional climate appear to be quite significant. Annual or decadal variations in solar activity are correlated with sunspot activity. Sunspot numbers have been observed and recorded over hundreds of years. From a global perspective the processes through which changes in incident solar radiation affect the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, and the climate at the surface, are fairly understood. The response of climate on regional scales to changes in the composition and intensity of incident solar radiation is more complex. Understanding the role of variability in solar activity is essential for the interpretation of past climate and prediction of the future. An effort is made to understand the change in atmospheric conditions through boundary studies of all the meteorological parameters with incoming solar radiation and outgoing long wave radiation.

  •  Page(s): 22-27
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2016
  •  Kamsali Nagaraja
    ASSR Lab, Department of Physics, Bangalore University, Bangalore 560 056, India
  •  Manikiam B
    Sir M Visvesvaraya – ISRO Chair, Bangalore University, Bangalore 560 056, India
  •  S. Ganapathy Venkatasubramanian
    Centre for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Chennai, India

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Kamsali Nagaraja, Manikiam B and S. Ganapathy Venkatasubramanian “Is the Sun affects our climate?” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 1, pp.22-27 2016

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