International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

Faysal Satter, Mezbahur Rahman – September 2016 Page No.: 01-05

The Beta Inverse Weibull distribution is one of the widely applied distribution. In reliability and biological studies, we can model failure rates by this distribution. In this paper, we extend the study of the Beta Inverse Weibull distribution (BIW). The unimodal BIW with three parameters are estimated by the Method of Quantile Estimates (MQE) and then compared with parameters estimated by the Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE). To estimate the model parameters, Newton-Raphson method is applied for MLE and Nelder-Mead Simplex method is applied for MQE and the table of simulation results is shown. Finally, practical use of the model is demonstrated by dint of an application to real data. For the real data computation, standard deviations of the estimated parameters are calculated by random permutation method.

  •  Page(s): 01-05
  •  Date of Publication: 06 October 2016
  •  Faysal Satter
    Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN 56002, USA.
  •  Mezbahur Rahman
    Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN 56002, USA



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Faysal Satter, Mezbahur Rahman “Estimating Beta Inverse Weibull Distribution by the Method of Quantile Estimates” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 6, pp.01-05 2016

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Dr. Vladimir Gurevich – September 2016  Page No.: 06-10

The purpose of the given publication is to give to civil specialists the information on accessible standards and reports in the field of EMP/HEMP which they can use at an estimation of danger of EMP for the power electrical and electronic equipment and development of means of protection.

  •  Page(s): 06-10
  •  Date of Publication: 06 October 2016
  •  Dr. Vladimir Gurevich
    Central Electric Laboratory, Israel Electric Corp., POB 10, Haifa 31000, Israel



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Dr. Vladimir Gurevich “EMP and Its Impact on Electrical Power System: Standards and Reports” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 6, pp.06-10 2016

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Sushma Kumari, Anup Deshpande, Arun B Joshi – September 2016  Page No.: 11-14

Antigonon leptopus (Polygonaceae) is an evergreen climber native to Mexico. The parts of this plant like seeds, tubers and flowers are consumed as food in several parts of the world. Tea prepared from aerial parts is used as a cold remedy and pain relief. The leaves are used for diabetes, urinary problems, low blood pressure and as a heart tonic. It also has Xanthine oxidase inhibitor and anticancer activity. Though pharmacogostic evaluation of other plant parts of Antigonon leptopus is already carried out, no standards are available for the leaf. The present study has been carried out for the authentication and to lay down the standards for the identification of the leaves. Therefore, the fresh leaves and dried powder is used for the microscopical, macroscopical, physicochemical and fluorescence analysis.

  •  Page(s): 11-14
  •  Date of Publication: 06 October 2016
  •  Sushma Kumari
    Department of Pharmacognosy,
    Goa College of Pharmacy, 18th June Road, Panaji, Goa, India
  •  Anup Deshpande
    Department of Botany,
    Goa University, Panaji, Goa, India
  •  Arun B Joshi
    Department of Botany,
    Goa University, Panaji, Goa, India



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Sushma Kumari, Anup Deshpande, Arun B Joshi “Microscopic Studies and Physicochemical Evaluation of Antigonon Leptopus Leaves” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 6, pp.11-14 2016

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Jagadeesh. S.K., Sathish. S., Krishnaraj, U.N. – September 2016  Page No.: 15-19

Aluminium based metal matrix composites are finding wider usage in most of the engineering applications owing to their excellent mechanical properties. These composites are prepared by liquid metallurgy route. The quality of castings produced by this method largely depends on the rate of cooling during the solidification of the composite melt. It is therefore, very much essential for the foundry technologists to understand the solidification phenomenon and control the influencing variables resulting in sound quality castings. In the present work, casting simulation is carried out for LM25 aluminium alloy and its silicon carbide particle composites using commercially available CASTDESIGNER™ software. The simulated cooling curves are experimentally verified and found to be in good agreement.

  •  Page(s): 15-19
  •  Date of Publication: 06 October 2016
  •  Jagadeesh. S.K.
    Department of Mechanical Engineering,
    Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
  •  Sathish. S.
    Department of Mechanical Engineering,
    Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
  •  Krishnaraj, U.N.
    Department of Mechanical Engineering,
    Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India



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Jagadeesh. S.K., Sathish. S., Krishnaraj, U.N. “Simulation Studies on Sand Cast LM25 Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.1 issue 6, pp.15-19 2016

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