International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

Prof. Asit Mohanty, Dr. Suresh Kumar Patra – January 2017 – Page No.: 01-04

Panel Vector Auto Regression is used to examine the impact of financial decentralization on economic growth in seventeen sub-national governments (SNGs) in India taking data from 2000-01 to 2014-15. We find the positive impact of decentralization on the economic growth of SNGs with feedback effect.

  •  Page(s): 01-04
  •  Date of Publication: 31 January 2017
  •  Prof. Asit Mohanty
    Professor in Finance,
    Xavier Institute of Management, Xavier University, Bhubaneswar, India.
  •  Dr. Suresh Kumar Patra
    Research Associate,
    Centre of Excellence in Fiscal Policy and Taxation, Xavier University, Bhubaneswar, India.



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Prof. Asit Mohanty, Dr. Suresh Kumar Patra “The Nexus between Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth: Evidence from Sub-National Governments in India” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 1, pp.01-04 2017

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C. M. S. Negi – January 2017 Page No.: 05-10

The sun is a G-type main sequence star. Corona is an aura of Plasma that Surrounds the Sun and other Stars. The heating of solar Corona is one of most important problem in Astrophysics. There are several mechanism of Coronal heating. In this paper we discuss Numerical Simulation on Flux tube Tectonic Model For Solar Coronal Heating.

  •  Page(s): 05-10
  •  Date of Publication: 31 January 2017

C. M. S. Negi
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Science,
Nanhi Pari Seemant Engineering Institute, Pithoragarh (Uttarakhand), India



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C. M. S. Negi “Numerical Simulations on Flux Tube Tectonic Model for Solar Coronal Heating” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 1, pp.05-10 2017

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