International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

A. Sangeeta, N. Pandey – March 2017 Page No.: 01-09

A thick sedimentary succession belonging to Surma Group (Miocene) is well exposed along the road section (NH-37) in and around Nungba, Tamenglong district, Western Manipur. The Surma sediments have been analyzed for their heavy mineral suite following heavy liquid separation technique. The research result reveals the dominance of transparent varieties over the opaques. The diagnostic non-opaque variety includes Zircon, Tourmaline, Rutile, Garnet, Phlogopite, Sphene, Scapolite, Humite, Glauconite, Glaucophane, Wollastonite, Sillimanite, Staurolite, Chlorite, Chloritoid, Chondrodite and Hedenbergite. The heavy minerals suite is characterised by the presence Euhedral, Anhedral as well as Rounded to Sub-rounded varieties indicating a mixed provenance for the Surma sedimentation. Among the opaque variety iron-oxide is most abundant. The value for ZTR Index has been calculated to be 40.4 indicating a mineralogically an overall submature for Surma sediments.

  •  Page(s): 01-09
  •  Date of Publication: 31 March 2017
  • A. Sangeeta
    Department of Earth Science,
    Assam University, Silchar – 788011, India.
  •  N. Pandey
    Department of Earth Science,
    Assam University, Silchar – 788011, India.



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A. Sangeeta, N. Pandey “Heavy Mineral Analysis and Provenance Studies of Surma Sediments in and Around Nungba, Tamenlong District, Manipur, Northeast India” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 3, pp.01-09 2017

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Maitri N. Patel, Niralee R. Satasiya, Kumarpal R. Trivedi – March 2017   Page No.: 10-13

This paper reviews the importance of composite structure in construction of high rise buildings. Here there is basic comparison between the commonly used construction materials i.e. steel and concrete. The significance of each of this material in construction field has been briefly discussed. also, some important characteristics of each material is explained.

  •  Page(s): 10-13
  •  Date of Publication: 31 March 2017
  • Maitri N. Patel
    Civil Engineering Department,
    A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Anand, Gujarat, India
  •  Niralee R. Satasiya
    Civil Engineering Department,
    A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Anand, Gujarat, India
  •  Kumarpal R. Trivedi
    Civil Engineering Department,
    A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Anand, Gujarat, India



[1] Ali Sherif S. Rizk. Structural design of reinforced concrete tall buildings.
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Maitri N. Patel, Niralee R. Satasiya, Kumarpal R. Trivedi “Important Characteristics and Behavioral Impact of Materials to Be Used in Tall Structures: An Overview” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 3, pp.10-13 2017

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Siddharth Shah, Kashish Sonpal, Vardhan Garg, Yash Kulshreshtha – March 2017  Page No.: 14-18

Fire Safety is one of the important parameter in modern design philosophy. Effect of fire on structural elements made up of concrete and steel are quite different and is mostly considered as secondary effects. Both most widely used structural materials concrete and steel shows different response when subjected to fire of constant temperature. Thus detailed study on effect of fire on structural materials like concrete and steel under different loading conditions, exposure conditions and cooling methodology is essential. In the present study effect of fire on concrete cubes subjected to different loading conditions and cooling conditions are studied experimentally. Apart efficacy of protective coating made up of piezoelectric powder with structural epoxy for structural steel material subjected to temperature exposure is also explored. It has been found that, compressive strength of concrete cube reduces significantly when preloaded with load irrespective of types of cooling methods.

  •  Page(s): 14-18
  •  Date of Publication: 31 March 2017
  •  Siddharth Shah
    UG Student,
    Institute of Technology, Nirma University (Ahmedabad), India.
  •  Kashish Sonpal
    UG Student,
    Institute of Technology, Nirma University (Ahmedabad), India.
  •  Vardhan Garg
    UG Student,
    Institute of Technology, Nirma University (Ahmedabad), India.
  •  Yash Kulshreshtha
    UG Student,
    Institute of Technology, Nirma University (Ahmedabad), India.



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Siddharth Shah, Kashish Sonpal, Vardhan Garg, Yash Kulshreshtha “Study of Fire on Structural Materials and Its Protection” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 3, pp.14-18 2017

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Sonalika Satapathy, Harish Chandra Mohanta – March 2017  Page No.: 19-22

The comparative analysis of the rectangular and circular patch antenna parameters is presented in this paper. To make it acceptable for various wireless applications the selected bandwidth is 10 GHz. HFSS is a software development tool which is used for design and the study of the performance of the presented antennas. The study gives the idea that the rectangular patch antenna exhibits higher return loss than the return loss of circular patch antenna whereas the rectangular patch antenna has an improved VSWR value of 1.18 than that of the circular patch with VSWR 1.27. Also the circular patch antenna offers about 8% higher radio bandwidth and nearly 2.0dB less side lobe power than that of the rectangular patch antenna. With rise in the dielectric constant of the substrate material there is a diminish structure of the patch antenna which leads to an accommodation in bandwidth, impedance and efficiency of the antenna. The simulated antennas are used in the field of 3G communications due to the resonance frequency. The delineate study about the dimensions such as width, length, feed point location, ground dimension for each patch antenna of different dielectric material are calculated and compared and the result shows about the contrastive analysis of different patch antenna performance parameter like VSWR, Reflection coefficient, Bandwidth, Impedance, Mismatch loss, Directivity, Gain and Field are analysed and compared. The paper includes the detailed analysis of various tables, graphs.

  •  Page(s): 19-22
  •  Date of Publication: 31 March 2017
  • Sonalika Satapathy
    MSc Student,
    Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India
  •  Harish Chandra Mohanta
    ECE Dept,
    Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India



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Sonalika Satapathy, Harish Chandra Mohanta “Contrastive Parametric Analysis of Rectangular and Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 3, pp.19-22 2017

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