International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

Vladimir Gurevich – April 2017  Page No.: 01-08

Protection of modern sensitive electronics used in power systems (Digital Protective Relays – DPR, control devices and microprocessor-based communication equipment, etc.) against High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP), and also protection of power transformers, is a vital task for today’s world. The purpose of this article is to inform civilian specialists in power engineering, in a very simple, short, but illustrative form, about the means of protection of power substations which are now available for use.

  •  Page(s): 01-08
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2017

Vladimir Gurevich
Central Electric Laboratory, Israel Electric Corp.



1. Gurevich V. Protection of Substation Critical Equipment Against Intentional Electromagnetic Threats. – Wiley, 2017, 228 p.
2. Gurevich V. The Issues of Electronic Equipment Grounding at the Power Facilities. – International Journal of Research Studies in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2017, Volume 3, Issue 1.
3. Gurevich V. Grounding of Control Cable Shields: Do We have a solution? – Energize, 2017, No. 4.

Vladimir Gurevich “Basic HEMP Protection Means for a Power Substation: A Quick Guide” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 4, pp.01-08 2017

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Bhaskar Sailesh – April 2017   Page No.: 09-15

Marine tourism plays an important role for the tourists and the people living in the coastal regions of Indonesia. Due to climate change, marine tourism is facing an immense threat. The changing climate is having impacts on the marine resources, aquatic ecosystem and coastal weather to name a few. Secondary impacts follow soon further leading to reduced number of tourists and economic losses. In the last fifty years however, adaptation and mitigation programs has been formulated. International and regional organizations are coming together to support the government and working towards adapting to the current climatic patterns and mitigating to reverse the climatic impacts. This paper reviews the importance of marine tourism for recreation, presents updated knowledge on the impacts of climate change on activities in these environments followed by identifying adaptation and mitigation measures taken up by the government and international and regional organizations. The focus area for this study is the islands of Southern Indonesia namely Java, Bali, Lombok and Nusa Tenggara. This study provides a strong knowledge base for understanding climate change relationship with marine tourism and proposes a number of future research areas.

  •  Page(s): 09-15
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2017

Bhaskar Sailesh
Faculty of Tourism and Airlines, Department of Hospitality and Tourism,
AIMS Institute of Higher Education 1st Cross, 1st Stage, Peenya, Bangalore, Karnataka 560058 , India



[1]. Becken, S (2010). The importance of Weather and climate for Tourism. Pg 4, 6-8, 13
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[20]. Bali News: Climate Change to Have Lasting Effect on the Island of Bali
[21]. Building with Nature project in Java in Dutch Magazine the Ingenieur
[22]. Climate change and Indonesia
[23]. Climate Change in Indonesia
[24]. Coral Restoration Project
[25]. Impacts of Cyclone Narelle, Typhoon Bopha make Indonesia very windy Pewarta: Fardah –
[26]. Indonesia risks losing up to 1,500 islands by 2050 Zubaidah Nazeer –
[27]. Indonesia Tourism: The Marine World in the Archipelago Indonesia and Bali Tourism and Travel –
[28]. Land and Geography of Indonesia Jeffrey Hays –
[29]. Methane vs. Carbon Dioxide: A Greenhouse Gas Showdown
[30]. The Many Faces of Sustainable Tourism – My Week in Bali Sucheta Rawal –
[31]. The Biorock Project: Coral Reef Restoration in Pemuteran Francesco Ricciardi –

Bhaskar Sailesh “Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Tourism in Southern Indonesian Islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and Nusa Tenggara” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 4, pp.09-15 2017

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Naveen Kumar, Abhishek H A – April 2017  Page No.: 16-19

Using a liquid fuel derived from waste tyres in Diesel engines was evaluated in this paper. The liquid fuel was obtained by thermal cracking process carried out at moderate temperatures (300–500oC). Fuel properties of the pyrolysis oil were analysed density, viscosity, calorific value and flash point comparable to those of a Diesel fuel. An engine investigation was carried out on a single-cylinder four stroke Diesel engine using tyre pyrolysis oil (TPO) Diesel blends TPO10, TPO20 and TPO30 for performance characteristics and the results were compared with those of the diesel. Engine performance, evaluated at different engine speed and loads, showed that the use of TPO20 didn’t had much difference in terms of torque, power and specific fuel consumption in respect to those obtained using the diesel.

  •  Page(s): 16-19
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2017
  • Naveen Kumar
    Asst.Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering,
    Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam, India.
  •  Abhishek H A
    Asst.Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering,
    Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam, India.



[1]. Shah, Jasmin, M. Rasul Jan, and Fazal Mabood. “Catalytic conversion of waste tyres into valuable hydrocarbons.” Journal of Polymers and the Environment 15.3 (2007): 207-211.
[2]. Murillo, R., et al. “The application of thermal processes to valorise waste tyre.” Fuel processing technology 87.2 (2006): 143-147.
[3]. Shah, Jasmin, M. Rasul Jan, and Fazal Mabood. “Catalytic pyrolysis of waste tyre rubber into hydrocarbons via base catalysts.” Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) 27.2 (2008): 103-109.
[4]. Murugan, S., M. C. Ramaswamy, and G. Nagarajan. “The use of tyre pyrolysis oil in diesel engines.” Waste Management 28.12 (2008): 2743-2749.
[5]. Frigo, Stefano, et al. “Liquid fuel production from waste tyre pyrolysis and its utilisation in a Diesel engine.” Fuel 116 (2014): 399-408.

Naveen Kumar, Abhishek H A “Experimental Investigation on Performance Characteristics of Four Stroke Diesel Engine using Oil Derived from Waste Tyre” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 4, pp.16-19 2017

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Iqbal Husen Jujara – April 2017 Page No.: 20-22

In order to maintain the original performance of a bearing for as long as possible, proper maintenance and inspection should be performed. If proper procedures are used, many bearing problems can be avoided and the reliability, productivity, and operating costs of the equipment containing the bearings are all improved. Effective preventive measures enhance bearings life. However, they often fail prematurely de to avoidable mistakes.
In contrast to fatigue life, this premature failure is caused by improper mounting, handling, or lubrication, entry of foreign matter, misalignment or abnormal heat generation .

  •  Page(s): 20-22
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2017
  •  Iqbal Husen Jujara
    BBIT, Anand, Gujarat, India



[1]. NSK Global, “Maintenance and repair service of motion and control”, 2012
[2]. TIMKEN, “10213 industrial bearing maintenance manual catalog 1”,
[4]. The SKF bearing, “Bearing Installation and maintenance guide”,
[5]. BARDEN PRECISON BEARING, “Bearing failures : causes and cure”,
[6]. NTN CORPORATION, “Care and maintenance of bearing CAT .NO.3017/E”,
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[9]. Real Elliot, “Clean and Grease your skateboard bearing”,

Iqbal Husen Jujara “Preventive Measures and Repairing of Anti Friction Bearings” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 4, pp.20-22 2017

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A.Valli Bhasha, Dr M.Venkatanarayana – April 2017 Page No.: 23-25

In this paper, the different research papers applicable to topic of super resolution images are reviewed. Image super resolution is a most important subject of research in the area of image processing. The “super resolution image” refers as technique to produce the high resolution of the image from single or multiple low resolution images. Image resolution is described as information amount contained by images. The basic idea for Super-Resolution (SR) is that the fusion of a sequence of low-resolution (LR) images which are noisy and blurred that create a high resolution (HR) image. Super resolution is process of restoring and denoising of image.

  •  Page(s): 23-25
  • A.Valli Bhasha
    ECE Department,
    KSRM College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  •  Dr M.Venkatanarayana
    ECE Department,
    KSRM College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India.



[1]. Chao Dong, Chen Change Loy and Xiaoou Tang, “ Image Super- Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks” arXiv:1501.00092v3[cs.CV] 31 Jul 2015(pp:1-14).
[2]. Eason, Zhaowen Wang, Ding Liu, Jianchao Yang, Wei Han, Thomas Huang: Deep Networks for Image Super-Resolution with Sparse Prior. ICCV paper(pp:370-378).
[3]. Chao Dong, Chen Change Loy, Kaiming He and Xiaoou Tang: Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution. Research Gate Conference Paper, Sep 2014(pp:1-16).
[4]. Ding Liu, Zhaowen Wang, Bihan Wen, Jianchao Yang and Thomas S. Huang: Robust Single Image Super-Resolution via Deep Networks With Sparse Prior. IEEE Transactions on image processing Vol. 25, No.7, JULY 2016. (pp:3194-3207).
[5]. Radu Timofte, Vincent DE Smet and Luc Van Gool : AnchoredNeighborhood Regression for Fast Example Based Super-Resolution. Conference paper (pp:1-8).
[6]. Radu Timoftc,Vincent De Smet and Luc Van Gool: A+: Adjusted Anchored Neighborhood Regression for Fast Super-Resolution.Conference paper(pp:1-15).
[7]. Jia-Bin Huang, Abhishek Sing and Narendra Ahuja: Single Image Super-Resolution from Transformed Self- Exemplars.CVPR 2015(pp:5197-5206).
[8]. Yapeng Tian, Fei Zhou, Wenming Yang, Xuesen Shang and Qingmin Liao: Anchored Neighborhood Regression Based Single Image Super- Resolution From Self Examples. ICIP 2016(pp:2827-2831).
[9]. Junjun Jiang, Xiang Ma, Chen Chen, Tao Lu, Zhongyuan Wang and Jiayi Ma: Single Image Super-Resolution via Locally Regularized Anchored Neighborhood Regression and Nonlocal Means. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2016 (pp:1-11).
[10]. Li-Wei Kang,Chih-chung Hsu, Boqi Zhuang, Chia-wen Lin and Chia- Hung Yeh: Learning-Based Joint Super-Resolution and Deblocking for a Highly Compressed Image. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2015 (pp:1-13).
[11]. Li-Wei kang, Boqi Zhuang, Chih-chung Hsu, Chia-Wen Lin and Chia-Hung Yeh : Learning-Based joint Super-Resolution and Deblocking for a Highly Compressed Image. IEEE Transactions on multimedia, Vol. 17, No. 7, JULY 2015. (pp:921-933).
[12]. Naveed Akhtar,Faisal Shafait and Ajmal Mian : Bayesian Sparse Representation for Hyper spectral Image Super Resolution.CVPR 2015(pp:3631-3640).
[13]. Zahra Hashemi Nezhad, Azam Karami, Rob Heylen, Paul Scheunders : Fusion of hyperspectral and multispectral images using spectral unmixing and sparse coding. ResearchGate July 2016.
[14]. Jakub Bieniarz, Rupert Miiler, Xiao Xiang Zhu, Peter Reinartz: Hyperspectral Image resolution enhancement based on joint sparsity spectral unmixing. ResearchGate July 2014.
[15]. Weisheng Dong, Fazuo Fu, Guangming Shi,Xun Cao, Jinjian Wu, Guangyu Li and Xin Li: Hyper spectral image super-resolution via non-negative structured sparse representation. IEEE Transactions on image processing, Vol. 25,No. 5, May 2016.

A.Valli Bhasha, Dr M.Venkatanarayana “A Review on Super Resolution Technique” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 4, pp.23-25 2017

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Chubatemsu Ozukum and Malini Barthakur Sharma – April 2017 Page No.: 26-28

The study of inheritance of various developmental and productive traits through the estimation of different genetic parameters like components of variances, genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variability, heritability and genetic advance is helpful for framing an effective breeding programme. An experiment was conducted under All India Coordinated Research Project on pigeon pea, Nagaland Centre NU:SASRD to estimate the genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance of 6 traits in 5 Urdbean breeding materials which were conducted under Randomized Block Design with three replications during the Kharif season of 2016-17. A relatively higher estimate of phenotypic coefficient of variation were observed number of pods per plant (89.76) and yield per plot (82.69) which demonstrated the effect of environment upon the traits. Results of the study showed that there were considerable variations among the lines for days to 50% flowering, days to 80% maturity, 100 seed weight and for yield per plot. Broad sense heritability estimate (hbs2) was 99% for days to 80% maturity, 94.17% for days to 50% flowering and 85% for 100 seed weight. The highest genetic advance as percent of mean was recorded for yield per plot (28.92 %) followed by number of pods per plant (24.47 %). These information showed that there is sufficient genetic variability to justify selection for improvement in the urdbean lines and will be of immense practical uses for plant breeders to choose parent of interest to meet different breeding objectives.

  •  Page(s): 26-28
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2017
  • Chubatemsu Ozukum
    All India Cordinated Research Project on Pigeion Pea Nagaland University,
    School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Dvelopment, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema-797106, Nagaland , India
  •  Malini Barthakur Sharma
    All India Cordinated Research Project on Pigeion Pea Nagaland University,
    School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Dvelopment, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema-797106, Nagaland , India



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Chubatemsu Ozukum and Malini Barthakur Sharma “Variability among Urdbean (Vigna Mungo L. Hepper) for Yield and Yield Components” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 4, pp.26-28 2017

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Hetal Gevariya, Dhaval Parikh – April 2017  Page No.: 29-36

Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) of wireless nodes is a temporarily formed network, created, operated and managed by the nodes themselves. It is also often termed as an infrastructure-less or self-organized network. Nodes assist each other by passing data and control packets from one node to another, often beyond the wireless range of the original sender. The execution and survival of an ad-hoc network is solely dependent upon the cooperative and trusting nature of its nodes. However, this naïve dependency on the intermediate nodes makes the ad-hoc network vulnerable to passive and active attacks by the malicious nodes. Generally cryptographic mechanisms are used in the routing protocols to secure the routing information from tampering it by the attacker, but this approach can’t be deployed in real MANET network because of high computational cost and it can’t identify the attacker nodes. Recently many trust-based routing protocols have been introduced but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. In MANETs, trust is a challenging task and it is imperative for the nodes to work in a trusted and cooperative way. We propose a trust- based secure on-demand multipath routing scheme which considers the behaviour of nodes and computes trust and accordingly sets the trustworthiness of the nodes in an ad- hoc network to decrease the hazards from malicious nodes. Our propose scheme considers two parameters for computing the trust which are control packet forwarding ratio and data packet forwarding ratio. The primary goal of our proposed scheme is to mitigate nodes performing packet dropping and maximizes Packet Delivery Ratio, Throughput and minimizes End-to-End Delay performance parameters. Performance comparison of S_AOMDV and exist AOMDV shows that S_AOMDV is able to achieve a remarkable improvement in packet delivery ratio, throughput, end-to-end delay parameters and to reduce black-hole attack..

  •  Page(s): 29-36
  •  Date of Publication: 30 April 2017
  • Hetal Gevariya
    Student, Computer Department,
    L D College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
  •  Dhaval Parikh
    2Associate Professor, Computer Department,
    L D College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.



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Hetal Gevariya, Dhaval Parikh “Trust Based Secure On-Demand Multipath Routing Scheme in MANET” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.2 issue 4, pp.29-36 2017

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