International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

Sheetal Kadam, Dr. Snehal Donde –  January 2018 Page No.: 01-06

The present paper attempt at understanding the perception of B.Ed teachers towards the UGC Regulation, 2010. Higher education plays an essential role in society by creating new knowledge, transmitting it to students and fostering innovation. Quality teaching in higher education matters for student learning outcomes. But fostering quality teaching needs higher education institutions to ensure that the education they offer meets the expectations of students and the requirements of employers, both today and for the future. Teacher being a dynamic activity requires a favourable attitude and certain specific competencies from its practitioners. Teachers’ proficiency depends on the attitude she possesses for the profession. This can be developed by having awareness about the UGC Regulations.

  •  Page(s): 01-06
  •  Date of Publication: 18 January 2018
  •  Sheetal Kadam
    Asst. Professor, Pillai HOC College of Education & Research, Rasayani, India
  •  Dr. Snehal Donde
    Principal, Hallary Visa Oswal College of Commerce, Bhiwandi, India



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Sheetal Kadam, Dr. Snehal Donde “A Study of the Perception of UGC Regulation, 2010 on Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers with Special Reference to B.Ed Faculty” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 1 January 2018, pp.01-06 URL:

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Ramprasad Shetti, Mayur Appaiah – January 2018 Page No.: 07-09

This paper is regarding the design of the leak testing machine which can test 4 filters at a time which is connected to the Cylinder activation. After the machine is designed various issues are addressed which occurred during testing of the machine.

  •  Page(s): 07-09
  •  Date of Publication: 18 January 2018
  •  Ramprasad Shetti
    Department of Industrial Engineering & Management,
    B.M.S. College of Engineering, VTU PG Extension Centre, Bangalore-560019, Karnataka, India
  •  Mayur Appaiah
    Asst. Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management,
    B.M.S. College of Engineering, VTU PG Extension Centre, Bangalore-560019, Karnataka, India



[1]. Value Engineering of Hand Lever Assembly for a Goods Carrier Vehicle by Mayur Appaiah, B Ramesh Nayak
[2]. Journal paper on Bushing End Screen Failure – Case Study by “Antun Mikuleckya, Nikola Jamanb, Maja Glavinića ”
[3]. Influence of local bush wear on water lubricated sliding bearing load carrying capacity by Wojciech Litwin.
[4]. Journal paper on Bushing Failure- Investigation process & findings by “Tarik Al Abria, Mohan Lala, Ibrahim Al Balushia, Mohammed Al Zedjalia “ .
[5]. A Textbook of Production Enginerring- By P C Sharma.
[6]. Machinist Trade Theory and Assignments -By G.Sethi.

Ramprasad Shetti, Mayur Appaiah “FEA Analysis of Components in Leak Testing Machine” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 1 January 2018, pp.07-09 URL:

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S.V.Kiran, K.L.V. Prasad, R Anil Kumar – January 2018 Page No.: 10-13

Communication is one of the important aspects of life. With the advancement of age and its growing demands, there has been rapid growth in the field of communications. Signals, which were initially sent in the analog domain, are being sent more and more in the digital domain these days. For better transmission, even single–carrier waves are being replaced by multi–carriers. Multi–carrier systems like CDMA and OFDM are now a day’s being implemented commonly. OFDM has important advantages in dealing with the frequency selective nature of high data rates. In the OFDM system, orthogonally placed sub–carriers are used to carry the data from transmitter end to receiver end. Presence of guard band in this system deals with the problem of Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and noise is minimized by large number of sub–carriers. But the large Peak – to- Average power ratio of these signal have some undesirable effects on the system. In this paper we focused on methods to reduce the PAPR in the system so that this system can be used more commonly and effectively. Due to the fact that OFDM is an underlying technology of most modern wireless communication systems one can use and expand the projects to study not only the OFDM system but also other wireless communication.

  •  Page(s): 10-13
  •  Date of Publication: 18 January 2018
  •  S.V.Kiran
    Dept of ECE, Aditya College of Engineering & Technology, India
  •  K.L.V. Prasad
    Dept of ECE, Aditya College of Engineering & Technology, India
  •  R Anil Kumar
    Dept of ECE, Aditya College of Engineering & Technology, India



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[8]. Bahubali K. Shiragapur and UdayWali, “Hybrid Techniques for PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signal”, International Journal of Computer Networking, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 9-15, 2016.
[9]. S. Meymanatabadi, J.M. Niya and B.M. Tazehkand, “Multiple Recursive Generator-Based Method For Peak-To-Average Power Ratio Reduction In Selected Mapping Without Side Information”, China Communications, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 68-76, 2013

S.V.Kiran, K.L.V. Prasad, R Anil Kumar “PAPR Reduction by using Modified SLM-PTS Techniques in OFDM” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 1 January 2018, pp.10-13 URL:

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Malini Singh – January 2018 Page No.: 14-18

Indian Television is playing a pivotal role in creating awareness about the variety of products available in the market. TV Commercials are one of the major sources which persuade and remind the viewers about the products and attract the consumers to buy the specific brand. Keeping this fact in mind, this study has majorly focused on the TV Commercials of FMCG sectors and different emotional appeals used in the different categories of the products. It has been observed that in Food & Beverages, Household care products and in Personal Care product’s advertisements are mostly using Humour, Amazement and Love & Affection appeal respectively.

  •  Page(s): 14-18
  •  Date of Publication: 01 February 2018
  •  Malini Singh
    Assistant Professor in Management,
    IITM College, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India



[1]. Agarwal, Sandeep; Hooda Dr. Sanjay (2012); “Children’s in TV Commercials: Review of Toiletries and Personal Care Advertisements” IRJC International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, Vol.1 Issue 7, pp 178-183.
[2]. Anurekha, Dr S (2015), “An Analysis of Television Commercials directed to Young adults-ELM and Social Identification Perspective”, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 20, Issue 7, Ver. VI ,pp 71-81.
[3]. Ashra, Aanchal & Kamra Akshay (2017), “Emotional Advertising-Connecting Brands with People”, Annual International Conference Proceedings, Vol. No. XVIII, pp 369-375.
[4]. Dickinson, S. & Holmes, M. (2008), “Understanding the emotional and coping responses of adolescent individuals exposed to threat appeals”, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. No. 27(2), pp 251–278.
[5]. Lakshmanan, D., Rabiyathul Basariya, Dr. S.(2017), “Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Advertising in the Current Scenario “Advertising Factors are Immune to Business which Aspire to Inspire before You Expire”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 1, pp 1264-1267.
[6]. Naseema CM (2016), “Impact of TV Advertisement On Buying Behaviour Of FMCG Consumers In Malappuram District”, Abhinav National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Volume 5, No.8.
[7]. Khan, Bilal Mustafa and Khan, Saima, Effect of Humorous Advertising on Brand Recognition (April 25, 2013). The IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol. X, No. 1, March 2013, pp. 7-36.



Malini Singh “A Study on Most Popular Emotional Appeals used in Television Commercials of FMCG Sector” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 1 January 2018, pp.14-18 URL:

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Partha C R, Swetharani V J, Dipa Malik, Prashanth V, Mallika P.  – January 2018 Page No.: 19-25

Usage of ground water is increasing due to rapid population growth, high rate of urbanization, industrial growth and agricultural utilizations. In view of vital demand of groundwater, it is essential to identify groundwater potential zones for systematic planning and management of ground water resources. The existing methods of groundwater exploration are expensive and time consuming. Remote sensing and GIS play a vital role in identification of groundwater potential zones. This study was aimed at identifying ground water potential zones in southern part of Bangalore East Taluk. The various factors influencing ground water occurrence e.g., slope, land use and land cover, drainage density, geology, geomorphology, soil were considered and the corresponding thematic layers were generated using Remote sensing and GIS techniques. A numerical rating scheme for the factors was developed using AHP method based on their relative importance. The resulting ground water potential map delineates the area into three zones such as low, moderate, high. The results showed that 29%, 37% and 34% of study area are liable to high, moderate, and low potential zone respectively. This result was validated with field investigation data.

  •  Page(s): 19-25
  •  Date of Publication: 01 February 2018
  •  Partha C R
    Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  •  Swetharani V J
    Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  •  Dipa Malik
    Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  •  Prashanth V
    Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  •  Mallika P.
    Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India



[1]. M. Kavitha Mayilvaganan, P. Mohana and K.B. Naidu (2011), ‘Delineating groundwater potential zones in Thurinjapuram watershed using geospatial techniques’, Indian Journal of Science and Technology,Vol.4 No.11, pp. 1470–1476.
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[4]. Rambabu Palaka Ȧ and G. Jai Sankar Ḃ (2015), ‘Identification of Potential Zones for Groundwater Recharge in Kosigi Mandal, Kurnool District, using Remote Sensing and GIS’, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.1
[5]. S. Saravanan (2012), ‘Identification of Artificial Recharge Sites in a Hard Rock Terrain using Remote Sensing and GIS’, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 05, No. 06.

Partha C R, Swetharani V J, Dipa Malik, Prashanth V, Mallika P. “Identification of Groundwater Potential Zone in Southern Part of Bangalore East Taluk using Remote Sensing and GIS” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 1 January 2018, pp.19-25 URL:

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