International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

Manjunath K.S, Dr. H. N. Suresh – February 2018 Page No.: 01-06

In manufacturing industry in production of parts machine tool plays a vital role. Good quality end product depends on condition of the machine. More condition monitoring methods are used to determine condition of the machine like vibration and noise but vibration signal analysis is the best one because by measuring vibration signal majority of machine tool problems can be assessed. Two lathes were selected (PSG A141) for the study one is in good condition (PSG A141A) and other not in a condition (PSG A141B). This work is carried out using shock pulse meter (SPM) to collect vibration level at different operating condition. Then the vibration data is analyzed using statistical tools like Multiple Regression Analysis to check the relationship between vibration level and their parameters, collinearity between dependant and independent variables along with determination of their coefficients. Monte Carlo Simulation in @RISK of palisade, UK is used for effective analysis for the generated regression model. Process Capability and Capability Index method is used to examine the process condition by which we can check whether product is acceptable or not. In this study, the graphical result shows that whether the vibration level is under control or not by specifying suitable upper and lower specification limits. When the process capability and capability index value is more than 1, it means a better quality product or the process is capable of producing acceptable products.

  •  Page(s): 01-06
  •  Date of Publication: 17 February 2018
  •  Manjunath K.S
    Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, India
  •  Dr. H. N. Suresh
    Professor & HOD, Department of Automobile Engineering,
    Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India



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Manjunath K.S, Dr. H. N. Suresh “Product End Quality Assessment using Vibration Analysis Technique”, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 2 February 2018, pp.01-06 URL:

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Manmeet Kaur, Jagminder Cheema Brar, Sukhveer Brar – February 2018 Page No.: 07-11

Steganography is the art and science of hiding secret data information in other media like digital images. The secret message is hidden in such a way that no one can apart from the sender or the intended recipient view the information. Therefore, different techniques have been proposed so far for. Steganography can be proceeded either in spatial domain of image where the data is hidden in the pixels of the image without any modifications to the image or it can be transformed domain steganography where the image is transformed into the frequency domain before embedding the message. Imperceptibility, Capacity, and Robustness are main characteristics features of any data hiding technique. So far many techniques have been proposed for edge based steganography. And these techniques have been achieved better performances than the conventional techniques of data hiding. But quality of the stego image, data security, and data capacity are still major issues faced by the area. The key objectives of the research are to design a high capacity data embedding algorithm, to propose a block based bit level algorithm to improve the quality of the image, to find the improved imperceptibility, to make the algorithm simple secure and less time consuming. The present work introduces a Block based Steganography Technique which hides the message bits into the edges of color images. In the proposed algorithm, to preserve the quality of the stego image it is preferred to hide the data at the edges because by doing so the visual quality of the image is affected less as compared to the other areas in the image. And the parameters like MSE, PSNR, BER, and CC were calculated to check the imperceptibility of the algorithm. The results were tested using various images of various sizes by embedding the data of different lengths. The smaller values of MSE, high values of PSNR, values closer to zero for BER, and values closer to 1 for CC shows the high imperceptibility of the algorithm. Also due to use of the secret key the proposed algorithm is more secure than the conventional algorithms and an unauthorized person cannot access the secret message without knowledge of the secret key.

  •  Page(s): 07-11
  •  Date of Publication: 17 February 2018
  •  Manmeet Kaur
    CSE, PTU, BMSCE, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab, India
  •  Jagminder Cheema Brar
    CSE, PTU, BMSCE, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab, India
  •  Sukhveer Brar
    ECE, PTU, BMSCE, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab, India



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Manmeet Kaur, Jagminder Cheema Brar, Sukhveer Brar “Bit level Block Based Steganography Technique using Edge Detection” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 2 February 2018, pp.07-11 URL:

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S. S. Tanavade, S. Premachandran – February  Page No.: 12-16

This paper presents state space modeling for a single stage LCC type resonant converter. The converter is designed for high power factor on supply side and minimization of reactive power rating for its resonant components. Quality factor at the peak of AC line for minimum expected value of input voltage is chosen for designing the converter. State Space modeling is used to analyze the converter. Converter operation in a power frequency cycle is split in to eight modes. State variable models are developed for each mode of operation. Time domain operating characteristics of the converter are obtained by using MATLAB simulation.
The output voltage of the converter is regulated using controlling the switching frequency without any active control of AC line current. Ratio of switching frequency to series resonant frequency is required to be kept more than one to maintain lagging power factor mode of operation over majority of the AC cycle. However, the converter operates in leading power factor mode near valleys of line voltage.

  •  Page(s): 12-16
  •  Date of Publication: 26 February 2018
  •  S. S. Tanavade
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
    Caledonian College of Engineering, Muscat
  •  S. Premachandran
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
    Caledonian College of Engineering, Muscat



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S. S. Tanavade, S. Premachandran “State Space Modeling and Simulation for LCC type Resonant Converter” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 2 February 2018, pp.12-16 URL:

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Esha Bansal – February 2018 Page No.: 17-20

Goods and Service Tax is an indirect tax levied on the supply of goods and services. GST Law has replaced many indirect tax laws that previously existed in India.GST is one indirect tax for the entire country. There are 3 taxes applicable under GST: CGST, SGST & IGST. GST will mainly remove the Cascading effect on the sale of goods and services. Removal of cascading effect will directly impact the cost of goods. This paper gives an understanding about GST in India & its impact on the Indian Economy. The Evolution of GST in India is also discussed in this research paper. The research objectives focus around the evolution of GST, how it works & how different sectors are affected by GST.

  •  Page(s): 17-20
  •  Date of Publication: 01 February 2018
  •  Esha Bansal
    Assistant Professor,
    IEC University, Himachal Pradesh, India


[1] Dr. Yogesh Kailashchandra Agrawal, “Goods and Services Tax and Its Impact on Indian Economy”, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR JBM), vol. 19, no. 10, 2017, pp. 26–30
[2] Haiderkhan S. Pathan,” A Comparative Study of GST in India and Other Countries, VOLUME 4 I ISSUE 4,pg 1-5

Esha Bansal “A Study on Impact of GST on Indian Economy” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 2 February 2018, pp.17-20 URL:

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Krishna Murthy M, Channabasavaraj. B. Dharani, Manjunath.K.S – February 2018  Page No.: 21-24

In automobile and aerospace industries Aluminium alloys are widely used because they are having low density and good mechanical properties, wear and better corrosion resistance, low thermal coefficient of expansion as compared to conventional metals and alloys. The mechanical properties of these materials and relatively low production cost make them a very attractive for several applications both from technological and scientific viewpoints. The point involved in designing metal matrix composite materials is to combine the desirable attributes of metals and Ceramics. Present work is focused on the study of mechanical behaviour of Aluminium Cast Alloy (A356) with Al2O3 composite produced by the stir casting technique. Different percentage of reinforcement is used. Tensile test, Impact test and wear test performed on the samples obtained by the stir casting process. Optical microscope analysis was performed to know the presence of the phases of reinforced material.

  •  Page(s): 21-24
  •  Date of Publication: 01 March 2018
  •  Krishna Murthy M
    Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department,
    Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, India.
  •  Channabasavaraj. B. Dharani
    Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department,
    Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, India.
  •  Manjunath.K.S
    Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department,
    Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, India.



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Krishna Murthy M, Channabasavaraj. B. Dharani, Manjunath.K.S “A Study on Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium Based MMC Reinforced with Alumina” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 2 February 2018, pp.21-24 URL:

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Prof. Mansi Khadke, Dr. Smita Sovani – February 2018  Page No.: 25-29

The increasing industrialization, urbanization and changed standard of living have triggered the process of economic growth. This has increased the generation of waste leading to increased threats to the environment. In recent years, many countries globally have developed and demonstrated advanced technologies that help in reducing the amount of waste considerably. And also could generate substantial quantity of energy by processing solid waste. However, solid waste management is a relatively recent development in India, and as a result, there are competing technologies and process routes, each with its pros and cons. In India Solid Waste Management is one of the most neglected areas of urban development. Magnitude and density of urban population of country is increasing rapidly and accordingly the civic bodies, which are responsible for management of solid waste, are facing generous difficulties in providing adequate services such as supply of water, electricity, roads, education and public sanitation, including Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM). Municipal agencies spend about 5-25% of their budget on MSWM. In spite of such a heavy expenditure, the present level of service in many urban areas is so low that there is a threat to public health in particular and to environmental quality in general. The main objective of this research paper is to understand the Solid Waste Management system of Pune City. Through this study we have attempted to provide a brief overview of the solid waste management in Pune and the current practises, challenges & future strategies by PMC. And to suggest the best practices to reduce & manage solid waste accordingly. An in depth interview of the officials of Solid Waste Management department of Pune Municipal Corporation has been undertaken for the same.

  •  Page(s): 25-29
  •  Date of Publication: 01 March 2018
  •  Prof. Mansi Khadke
    Assistant Professor, Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Research
  •  Dr. Smita Sovani
    Professor, Sinhgad Institute of Management



[1]. “ Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management of Pune City using Geospatial Tools”, Nitin Mundhe, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 100– No.10, August 2014
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[3]. “Strategic Action Plan for Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan”, Volume I, Prepared by Dr. Prasad Modak for UNEP DTIE IETC and PMC
[4]. “Best Practice initiatives by in waste management – Pune City” by Suresh Jagtap, Joint Municipal Commissioner, Pune Municipal Corporation

Prof. Mansi Khadke, Dr. Smita Sovani “Solid Waste Management: Current Practices and Future Strategies by Pune City” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 2 February 2018, pp.25-29 URL:

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Manisha C. Phate, Dr. Rajashree A. Shinde – February 2018 Page No.: 30-34

The strength of a state depends on the efficiency of its Police force in maintaining internal peace, law and order. The Police personnel need to carry out their activities efficiently and capably. The police are expected to be the most accessible, interactive and dynamic organization. Here in this study researcher is dealing with the association between demographic variables and different work conditions in police system. Primary objective of this paper is study association between age, gender and salary, opportunity at work, work conditions, and life space occupied by work. Data has been collected by using primary source that is structured questionnaire and further analyzed by using crosstab and chi square. Results are shown that the demographic variables are associated with satisfaction towards work conditions.

  •  Page(s): 30-34
  •  Date of Publication: 04 March 2018
  •  Manisha C. Phate
    Assistant Professor,
    SKN Sinhgad School of Business Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  •  Dr. Rajashree A. Shinde
    SKN Sinhgad School of Business Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India



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Manisha C. Phate, Dr. Rajashree A. Shinde “Association between Demographic Factors of Employees and Working Conditions in Police System” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 2 February 2018, pp.30-34 URL:

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