International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

Sudhanshu Aggarwal –July 2018  Page No.: 01-04

In the modern time, Bessel’s functions appear in solving many problems of sciences and engineering together with many equations such as Schrodinger equation, heat equation, wave equation, Laplace equation, Helmholtz equation in cylindrical or spherical coordinates. In this paper, we determine Kamal transform of Bessel’s functions. Some applications of Kamal transform of Bessel’s functions for evaluating the integral, which contain Bessel’s functions, are given.

  •  Page(s): 01-04
  •  Date of Publication: 07 August 2018
  •  Sudhanshu Aggarwal
    Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, National P.G. College Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, U.P., India



[1]. Bell, W.W. Special functions for scientists and engineers, D. Van Nostrand Company LTD London.
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[3]. Korenev, B.G. Bessel functions and their applications, Chapman & Hall/CRC.
[4]. Watson, G.N. A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions, Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Farrell, O.J. and Ross, B. Solved problems in analysis: As applied to Gamma, Beta, Legendre and Bessel function, Dover Publications Inc. Mineola, New York.
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[9]. Taha, N.E.H., Nuruddeen, R.I., Abdelilah, K. and Hassan, S. Dualities between “Kamal & Mahgoub Integral Transforms” and “Some Famous Integral Transforms”, British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 20(3), 1-8 (2017).
[10]. Raisinghania, M.D. Advanced differential equations, S.Chand & Company PVT LTD Ramnagar, New-Delhi.
[11]. Lokenath Debnath and Bhatta, D.Integral transforms and their applications, Second edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC (2006).
[12]. Aggarwal, S., Chauhan, R. and Sharma, N. A new application of Kamal transform for solving linear Volterra integral equations, International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science, 7(4), 138-140 (2018).

Sudhanshu Aggarwal “Kamal Transform of Bessel’s Functions”, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 7 July 2018, pp.01-04 URL:

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Dr. Rohini G Shetty July 2018 Page No.: 05-09

The feminization of paid employment is a global reality leading to women power growing exponentially in all business activities, at present. Women have always played a pivotal role in society and faced a no. of critical situations resulting in stress and strain. Thus, it is important to enable them to adjust and avoid all adversities faced at work and home. Given this background it is imperative that a study on understanding the nuances of work life balance (WLB) of women in employment needs to be undertaken in order to gain insights into the adjustments they will have to make &the conflicts they may undergo trying to balance their work and non-work responsibilities. Besides, the scenario of more women in employment and the awareness and changing landscape of WLB has led to generating a great deal of interest on the said subject. WLB matters for all and more so, for women employees who constantly juggle family life and work life especially in the Indian context. Most women work not by choice or chance but by compulsions of survival and the need to make life more comfortable for themselves and their families and thus, achieving WLB is a necessity for working women to have a good quality of life. Women need to devote some time at least to all quadrants of their life and not neglect even one, be it family & friends, work & career or leisure and self-time. WLB is a genuine attempt made to schedule equal or more or less equal time for each of the various activities on the work & home front. Interestingly, WLB varies on a daily basis and from person to person and from time to time. Striking the right balance is easier said than done as there is no perfect one-size fits all to strive for in the WLB area. The study attempts to understand the nuances of WLB of women in employment and the changing scenario regarding WL Bin organizations employing women. It is based on secondary data and utilizes the vast information available in Books, Journals, Magazines and Websites. The three sixty degree angle is utilized to obtain a multiple perspective on the subject and all inferences are drawn based on the secondary data. The present study is a precursor for the empirical investigation that the researcher plans to take up on the topic in the near future in order to arrive at all findings, first hand.

  •  Page(s): 05-09
  •  Date of Publication: 07 August 2018
  •  Dr. Rohini G Shetty
    Bhavan’s M P Birla Institute of Management, {Associate Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan}, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
    Affiliated to Bangalore University



[1]. Agarwal, Bina (2000), “Gender Inequality—Some Critical Neglected Dimensions”,
[2]. Banerjee, Nirmala (1997), “How real is the Bogey of Feminization?” The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol.40, No. 1.
[3]. Cagatay, N. and S. Ozler (1995), “Feminization of the Labour Force: The Effects of Long-term Development and Structural Adjustment”, World Development, Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 1883-1894..
[4]. Global Employment Trends for Women 2004
[5]. How extreme is your job? There is a danger of 70 hour workweek becoming the new standard SURVEY. 18 FEB.2007(
[6]. Jim Bird – Work-Life Balance Doing it right and avoiding the pitfalls. Employment Relations Today, autumn 2006, Vol.33, no.3.Wiley periodicals, Inc.
[7]. Kanter, R. M. (1977). Work and family in the United States: A critical review and agenda for research and policy. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
[8]. Kenexa Research Institute Finds That When it comes to work/life Balance, Men and women are not created equal;
[9]., NOV 20,2009
[10]. The work-Family Dilemma : A Better Balance (The Barnard centre for research on women) htpp://
[11]. Work-life balance. (2002).The Word Spy.
[12]. Work Life Balance: A Conceptual Review; Omar Fayaz Khan; Asif Iqbal Fazili. Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management; New Delhi Vol. 5, Issue. 2, (2016):
[13]. Women-and-service-sector-employment-the-global-context-by-dr-vibhaben-bhatt


Dr. Rohini G Shetty “Nuances of Work Life Balance – Women in Employment” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 7 July 2018, pp.05-09 URL:

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R.Saravana Kumar, G.Radhakrishnan  – ]July 2018 Page No.: 10-14

This paper describes power generation using agriculture irrigationpump system. Water flow in the agricultural irrigation pumps has kinetic energy that has the potential to generate electricity for energy storage purposes which can be used for domestic purposes. The inherent water pressure and flow inside the pipe which is used for usual activities is also used to rotate small scale hydro turbine to drive a generator for electrical power generation. This work aims to develop a small scale hydro generation system using agricultural irrigation pump system. The main principle is that water from the pipe is sent via nozzle to a turbine which is coupled to a generator which produces dc power. That dc power is stored in battery then stored power is converted into ac power using Inverter.

  •  Page(s): 10-14
  •  Date of Publication: 07 August 2018
  •  R.Saravana Kumar
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
    Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar, India.
  •  G.Radhakrishnan
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
    Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar, India.



[1]. IEEE, 1984, IEEE Standard Reliability Data for Pump and Drives, Valve Actuators, and Valves, ANSI/IEEE Std 500-1984 P&V. 1431
[2]. K.V. Alexander, E.P. Giddens (2008), Optimum penstocks for low head microhydro schemes, Renewable Energy, Vol 33, No 3, pp. 507-519.
[3]. E.M. Nfah, J.M. Ngundam (2009), Feasibility of pico-hydro power systems, Vol. 34, pp. 1445–1450.
[4]. Jiaqi Liang, Ronald G. Harley “Pumped storage hydroplant models for system transient and long-term dynamic studies” IEEE2009.
[5]. Livestock Census Report, 1992, Directorate Of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
[6]. Cook, T.C., G.E. Hecker, H.B. Faulkner, and W. Jansen. 1997. Development of a more fish tolerant turbine runner – Advanced hydropower turbine project”, prepared for DOE(Idaho Operations Office), contract No. DE-AC07-95ID13383.
[7]. Micro-hydro Design Manual, A Harvey &A Brow, ITDG Publishing, 1992.
[8]. Harvey, A., Village planning of isolated energy schemes, IMechE, 1995.
[9]. A. Harvey, A. Brown, P. Hettiarachi and A. Inversin, “Micro hydro design manual: A guide to small-scale water power schemes,” Intermediate Technology Publications, 1993.
[10]. E.M. Nfah, J.M. Ngundam (2009), Feasibility of pico-hydro power systems, Vol. 34, pp. 1445–1450.

R.Saravana Kumar, G.Radhakrishnan “Power Generation Using Irrigation Pump System” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 7 July 2018, pp.10-14 URL:

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Dr. S. Krishnaprabha – July 2018 Page No.: 15-19

The objective of this study is to determine the risk and return and analysing the market price for particular products in commodity market (gold, silver, aluminium, copper, natural gas, zinc, nickel, crude oil). The investors should keenly watch the situation like market price, economy, returns, and the risk involved in a commodities before taking decision on a particular commodity. This study made will help the investors know the commodity market and technical analysis thus can succeed in the market.

  •  Page(s): 15-19
  •  Date of Publication: 07 August 2018
  •  Dr. S. Krishnaprabha
    Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies,
    Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, India




[1]. Punithavathy Pandiyan “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management” Vikas publishing Pvt Ltd.
[2]. S.Kevin “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management” PHI learning Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.


[3]. Dr. Shree Bhagwat (2015) had conducted a study on “ Commodity Exchanges in Commodity Markets of India: An Analytical Study of National Commodity Exchanges
[4]. Nilajana kumari (2014), had conducted a study on “Recent Trends in Commodity Markets of India.
[5]. Mr. P.Periasamy, Dr.R. Satish (2014), had conducted a study on, “ A Study on Commodity Derivative Market of Selected Non-Agricultural Products (Gold, Crude Oil, Copper) in the Chennai Market- An Analysis. Management Studies -Research Guide, Sathyabama University, Chennai.
[6]. Mr. Rohit Bansal, Varsha Dadhich,(2014), had conducted a study on, “Indian Commodity Market- A Performance Review. Department of Management Studies, Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak.
[7]. Ahmed Imran Hunjra,(2011), had conducted a study on “Risk and Return Relationship in Stock Market and Commodity Prices. International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing
[8]. Bhaskar Goswami, Isita Mukherjee (2015), had conducted a study on, “Risk-Return Analysis of Different Commodity Futures in Indian Derivative Market
[9]. R. Chakrapani (2012), had conducted a study on, “A Study on Forecasting Predicting Commodity Prices Of Gold Movements With Use Of Holt-Winter Model Trend Smoothing Method at Hydrabad Stock Exchange. Vani Nikethan Institute of ManagementStudies, Mukarampua, Karimnagar, AP, India.

Dr. S. Krishnaprabha “Commodity Price Movements – An Analysis” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS vol.3 issue 7 July 2018, pp.15-19 URL:

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