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Analysis of Added Value and Development Strategy for Sweet Glutinous Corn Agroindustry in Rhee Village Rhee

  • Muhammad Syafiq
  • Amiruddin
  • Tajidan Tajidan
  • 40-54
  • Oct 28, 2024
  • Agriculture

Analysis of Added Value and Development Strategy for Sweet Glutinous Corn Agroindustry in Rhee Village Rhee District Sumbawa Regency

Muhammad Syafiq1*, Amiruddin2, Tajidan Tajidan2 

1Student of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram

2Lecturers Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram


Received: 10 September 2024; Revised: 26 September 2024; Accepted: 30 September 2024; Published: 28 October 2024


Study This aims to: (1) Know the magnitude mark plus agroindustry boiled corn and corn burn in Rhee Village, Rhee District, Sumbawa Regency. (2) Knowing the magnitude of profit, businesspeople boiled and burnt corn in Rhee Village, Rhee District, and Sumbawa Regency. (3) Identify suitable development strategies for increasing the mark plus agroindustry corn in Rhee Village, Rhee District, and Sumbawa Regency. The method used in the study is descriptive, whereas data collection was carried out using a survey technique, and data was analyzed in an explanatory way. The analysis unit in this research is the agroindustry processing raw boiled and burnt corn in Rhee Village, Rhee District, Sumbawa Regency. SWOT is representative of apparatus Rhee Village, entrepreneur agroindustry corn in Rhee Village, and consumers boiled corn and corn burnt in Rhee Village. Research results show that: (1) Added value in processing boiled corn IDR 1.049/cob material standard with ratio mark plus by 52.45%. Meanwhile, Mark adds to the process of burning corn IDR 849/cob material standard with a ratio mark plus 42.45%. (2) Average business profit of boiled corn for one production process amounting to IDR 45.615 obtained from difference reception amounting to IDR 107.789 with cost production amounting to IDR 62.174. Then, for average profit, boiled corn per day amounts to IDR 228.080. Corn fuel is obtained in one production process for an average profit of IDR 5.464 obtained from the difference reception of IDR 20.000 with cost production IDR 14.536. Then, for the average profit, corn burn per day amounts to IDR 10.928. So, the advantage of businessman agroindustry corn in Rhee Village per day is IDR 239.008. (3) Development Strategy that can used for business agroindustry corn in Rhee Village, Rhee District, Sumbawa Regency is an aggressive strategy (SO) with use internal strength and leverage opportunity existing external for to obtain profit in development business with how to utilize interest public for maintain and develop business corn, develop place business so that own Power pull more for consumers, and with strategic location and lots of business person corn so that can develop become agrotourism.

Keywords: Agroindustry, corn, added value, profit, and development strategy


Sumbawa Regency has the potential to develop enormous corn. Its climate, supportive land, and topography make it ideal for development. Corn should be planted in dry and rice fields (Sumbawa, 2022). One of the many types of corn is sweet, sticky rice.

Rhee District is one of the central producers of sweet corn in Sumbawa Regency. This is due to its ability to produce​ regularly and source Power-supportive nature​, as well as its becoming a base for the public Rhee District to try, especially in the field of agroindustry corn (Sumbawa, 2022).

Rhee Village is one of the producers of the giant sweet corn in the Rhee District, with a total production of 50 tons in 2023. Penyampang Hamlet became a hamlet with the production of more corn​ dominant, amounting to 90% compared to hamlet others in Rhee Village.​

See, from potential giant corn, lots of it is public local. Then processed corn becomes boiled corn, and grilled corn meat is sold along Lintas Tano Street, Rhee Village. Entrepreneurs take raw corn from farmers in Rhee District and some​ from other areas such as Utan, Buer, Sumbawa, and Lape. The Kumala variety of sweet corn is a type of regular corn​ entrepreneurs use. Processed becomes boiled corn and grilled corn. Corn Kumala variety sweet sticky rice is a type of sweet corn that has the fastest harvest​ compared to type corn. Other sweet sticky rice is 59.67 days (Sri Utami, 2022). However, because of limitations from education, the entrepreneur boiled corn, and corn burned for several years. The development is good in both internal and external aspects.

Based on the description, the objectives of this study are as follows: (1) Knowing the magnitude mark plus agroindustry boiled corn and corn burn in Rhee Village, Rhee District, Sumbawa Regency. (2) Knowing the magnitude of profit, businesspeople boiled and burnt corn in Rhee Village, Rhee District, and Sumbawa Regency. (3) Identify suitable development strategies for increasing the mark plus agroindustry corn in Rhee Village, Rhee District, and Sumbawa Regency.


Study This uses a descriptive method. Unit of analysis for Mark add to research This is businessman agroindustry boiled corn and corn burnt in Rhee Village, Rhee District, Sumbawa Regency, while for SWOT is representative from Apparatus Rhee Village, entrepreneur agroindustry corn in Rhee Village, and consumers boiled corn and corn burnt in Rhee Village. Data was analyzed descriptively, including analysis mark add, profit, and SWOT. As for the formula or the formula used in the study, this is as follows:

1. For count mark plus Used Method Hayami as follows (Hayami et al., 1987):

 Table 1 Analysis mark plus with Hayami Method

No  Variables Mark
I Output, Input, and Price
1. Output (Cob/Production process) A
2. Input (Cob/Production process) B
3. Labor (HKO/Production process) C
4. Factors Conversion D = A/B
5. Labor Coefficient (HKO/Cob) E = C/B
6. Output Price (Rp/Cob) F
7. Labor Wages (Rp/Production Process) G
II Revenue and Profit
8. Raw Material Price (Rp/Cob) H
9. Donations Other Input (Rp/Cob) I
Output Value (Rp/Cob) J = D x F
11. a. Added Value (Rp/Cob) K = J – H – I
b. Value Added Ratio (%)     L = (K/J) x 100%
12. a. Labor Rewards (Rp /Cob) M = E x G
b. Labor Share Ratio (%)  N = (M/K) x 100%
13. a. Profit (Rp/Cob)  O = K – M
b. Profit Rate (%)     P = (O/J) x 100%
III Owner’s Reward Factor Production
14. Margin Profit (Rp/Cob) Q = J – H
a. Labor Income (%) R = (M/Q) x 100%
b. Contribution Other Inputs (%)     S = (I/Q) x 100%
c. Benefits Businessman (%) T = (O/Q) x 100%

2. For count profit, use the formula as following (Rahim et al., 2005):

π                  = TR – TC


π                  = Profit

TR               = Total revenue

TC               = Total Cost

3. To calculate Total revenue is calculated using the following formula (Soekartawi, 2009):

TR               = P x Q


TR               = Total revenue

P                  = Price (Rp/Cob)

Q                 = Amount Production (cob)

4. To calculate the total cost, one can use the following formula (Soekartawi, 2009):

TC               = TFC + TVC


TC               = Total Cost

TFC             = Total Fixed Cost (Rp)

TVC            = Total Variable Cost (Rp)


If TR = TC, then the agroindustry corn Break Even Point (BEP)

If TR > TC, then agroindustry corn profit

If TR < TC, then agroindustry corn makes a loss

5. The SWOT analysis in this study uses several steps as follows (Rangkuti, 2006):

a. Development Strategy

Development strategy business agroindustry corn analysis uses SWOT analysis with the table as follows:

Table 2 SWOT Matrix Business Development StrategyStage Evaluation Factor External and Internal

Untitled STRENGTHS (S)

Determine 3-5 internal strength factors


Determine 3-5 internal weakness factors


Determine 3-5 external opportunity factors


Create strategies that use strengths to take advantage of opportunities


Create strategies that minimize weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities.


Determine 3-5 external threat factors


Create strategies that use strengths to avoid threats.


Create strategies that minimize weaknesses and avoid threats.

Stages identify internal factors, namely strengths and weaknesses, and​ external factors, covering opportunities and threats (Dwi Jatenaya, 2021).

b. Stage Analysis

Stage analysis was done by making internal (IFAS) and external (EFAS) matrices with the table as follows (H. Hasan, 2016):

Table 3 Internal Strategy Factors

Internal strategy factors Weight Rating Weighted Score (weight x rating )
Strength (S)
1. Power 1 Strength weight 1 Strength rating 1
2. Power 2 Etc. Strength weight 2 Strength rating 2
Amount (S) A B
Weakness (W)
1. Weakness 1 Weakness weight 1 rating 1
2. Weakness 2 Etc. Weakness weight 2 rating 2
Amount (W) C D
Total ( a+c ) = 1.00 ( b+d )

 Table 4 External Strategy Factors

External strategy factors Weight Rating Weighted Score (weight x rating )
Opportunity (O)
1. Chance 1 Opportunity weight 1 rating 1
2. Chance 2 Etc. Opportunity weight 2 rating 2
Amount (S) A B
Threat (T)
1. Threat 1 Threat weight 1 rating 1
2. Threat 2 Etc. Threat weight 2 rating 2
Amount (T) C D
Total ( a+c ) = 1.00 ( b+d )


Value Added Analysis, Profitability, and SWOT of Agroindustry Corn

1. Analysis of Added Value of Corn Agroindustry

This value-added analysis used the Hayami Method to determine the amount of value added to the corn agroindustry processing in the study. The table below analysis mark plus as follows:

Table 5 Value Added Analysis Corn Agroindustry Products in Rhee Village in 2024

No. Variable Mark
Output, Input, and Price Corn on the Cob Roasted Corn
1 Output (Cob) 54 10
2 Input (Cob) 54 10
3 Labor (HKO/Production process) 0.33 0.83
4 Conversion Factor (Cobs/Raw Material) 1 1
5 Labor Coefficient (HKO) 0.01 0.08
6 Average Output Price (Rp/Cob) 2 2
7 Average Labor Wages (Rp/Production process) 10,895 3.026
Revenue and Profit
8 Raw Material Price (Rp/Cob) 821 821
9 Input Contributions (Rp/Cob) 130 330
10  Output Value (Rp/Cob) 2 2
11. a. Added Value (Rp/Cob) 1,049 849
       b. Value Added Ratio (%) 52.45 42.45
     12. a. Labor Rewards (Rp/Cob) 67 251
       b. Labour Share Ratio (%) 6.39 29.56
    13. a. Profit (Rp/Cob) 982 598
        b. Profit Rate (%) 49.1 29.9
Remuneration for Owners of Production Factors
14 Profit Margin (Rp/Cob) 1,179 1,179
a. Labor Income (%) 5.68 21.29
b. Other Input Contribution (%) 11.03 27.99
c. Entrepreneur Profit (%) 83.29 51.72

Source: Primary Data Processed in 2024

So, based on Table​ 9, we can outline things as follows:

Output, Input, and Price

Based on the analysis in Table 9, in one production process, 54 cobs of boiled corn and ten cobs of roasted corn were produced. The raw materials used in production are the same as the output produced, with the number of workers for the boiled corn business at 0.33 HKO/production process and the number of workers for boiled corn at 0.83 HKO/production process. The conversion factor value is calculated based on the division between the amount of output produced and the raw materials used. (Hamidah et al., 2015). The conversion factor of boiled and grilled corn is the same: one cob/raw material. The labor coefficient in the results of this analysis is 0.01 HKO for boiled corn and 0.08 HKO for grilled corn, with the price of the average output for boiled corn and roasted corn businesses being relatively the same, which is IDR 2.000/cob. Meanwhile, the average wage for labor received per person’s workday is the total wage received by labor in one production process divided by the labor used in one production process, with the average salary for labor per production in the corn business boiled and grilled corn being respectively IDR 10.895/production process and IDR 3.026/production process.

Revenue and Profit

From the results of the added value calculations in Table 9, it is known that the price material is standard corn for making boiled corn and corn burn of IDR 821/cob. Donation other inputs obtained from amount cost material helper and cost depreciation tool then shared with input, contribution other input for boiled corn for IDR 130/cob and corn burn of IDR 330/cob. Based on the analysis, it is known that the value output of the business boiled corn and corn burn in Rhee Village is relatively the same, IDR 2.000/cob material standard. In this matter, value is added to processing boiled corn IDR 1.049/cob material standard with a ratio mark plus by 52.45%, meaning in One cob material standard, corn used​ in the production process can give a mark plus by 52.45%. Meanwhile, Mark adds to the process of burning corn IDR 849/cob material standard with a ratio mark plus by 42.45%, meaning in one cob material standard, corn used​ in the production process can give a mark plus of 42.45%. Therefore, agroindustry This corn provides added value greater than zero (NT > 0) and is favorable for development.

(Kipdiyah et al., 2013) He stated that the calculation mark plus can know the category of a business based on the ratio mark he added that includes business worth plus low, medium, or high. Based on the statement, the mark plus product boiled corn and corn burn in Rhee Village is included in the criteria tall because of its mark ratio of > 40%, namely 52.45% for boiled corn and 42.45% for grilled corn. The labor compensation in the boiled corn business is IDR 67/cob of raw materials, with a labor compensation ratio of 6.39%. In the grilled corn business, it is IDR 251/cob of raw materials with a labor compensation ratio of 29.56%, meaning that for every labor compensation obtained from added value, the labor portion is 6.39% for boiled corn and 29.56% for grilled corn. While benefits were gained​, the businessman boiled corn IDR 982/cob material standard with a level profit of 49.10%. This means that every cob corn used​ to produce boiled corn will profit 49.10% of mark production. While benefits are gained,​ businessman corn burns IDR 598/cob material standard with a level profit of 29.90%. This means that every cob corn used​ for corn burn will profit 29.90% of mark production.

Owner’s Reward Factor Production                                                                            

The amount of compensation given by the company to employees has a positive relationship with increasing employee work productivity. Therefore, if the compensation system given to employees is less practical, it will cause a decrease in employee work productivity, and vice versa if the compensation system given to employees is considered appropriate, then it will increase employee work productivity (Jasmin Daud, 2009). The profit margin obtained from the output value minus the price of raw materials, the boiled corn and roasted corn businesses in Rhee Village have the same profit margin, namely 1,179/cob. Meanwhile, the margin is divided equally for labor income obtained from labor compensation; then, the benefit is multiplied by 100%. So, the compensation received by workers is 5.68% for boiled corn and 21.29% for grilled corn. Other inputs contributed 11.03% for boiled corn and 27.99% for roasted corn, respectively. Meanwhile, the remuneration received by corn agro-industry entrepreneurs from production activities is 83.29% for boiled corn and 51.72% for roasted corn, respectively.

Analysis of Costs, Revenue, and Profits of Corn Agroindustry

Corn Agroindustry Cost Analysis

In increasing company profits, companies must pay attention to operational activities such as how much production will be produced, how much the company must spend, and other factors that will impact the profits generated later, such as the Cost of goods sold (Gita Ramadhani, 2023). Cost analysis is based on fixed and variable costs (Nuzuliyah, 2018). Fixed costs include depreciation costs of equipment used during the production process. At the same time, Variable costs include the Cost of raw materials, labor, and auxiliary materials used during the production of boiled and roasted corn. The following is the average cost table for a business agroindustry corn in Rhee Village in 2024. According to the research results, the​ average production cost incurred in the boiled corn business amounts to IDR 62.174 obtained from the results total cost summation variable amounting to IDR 62.022, and the total Cost is still IDR 152, then for average cost production issued​ daily, amounts to IDR 310.867. Whereas business corn burn, the average production cost​ for one-time products amounts to IDR 14.536 obtained from the results total cost summation variable amounting to IDR 14.416, and the total Cost is still IDR 120. Then, the average Cost of production issued​ daily amounts to IDR 29.072.

Table 6 Average Cost of Corn Agroindustry Business in Rhee Village in 2024

NO Description Value (Rp/PP) Value (Rp/Day)
Corn on the Cob Roasted corn Corn on the Cob Roasted corn
1.     Cost Variables
a. Raw Material Costs 44,248 8.21 221.238 16.42
b. Cost of auxiliary materials 6.879 3.18 34.395 6.36
c. Labor Costs 10.895 3.026 54.474 6.053
Total Variable Cost 62.022 14.416 310.107 28.833
2.     Cost Still
a. Depreciation Cost of Equipment 152 120 760 239
Total Fixed Cost 152 120 760 239
Total Production Cost (1+2) 62.174 14.536 310.867 29.072

Source: Primary Data processed in 2024

Analysis of Revenue and Profit Agroindustry Corn

Acceptance in matter This is obtained from the amount of each production multiplied by the product’s price. Meanwhile, profits are obtained from revenue minus the total costs incurred by corn business owners in producing boiled corn and roasted corn.

 Table 7 Average Income and Profit of Boiled Corn and Grilled Corn Agroindustry Business in Rhee Village in 2024

No Description Per Production Process Per day
Corn on the Cob Roasted corn Corn on the Cob Roasted corn
1 Production (Cob) 54 10 269 20
2 Selling Price (Rp/Cob) 2.000​ 2.000​ 2.000​ 2.000
3 Receipts (Rp) 107.789 20.000​ 538.947 40.000
4 Total Production Cost (Rp) 62.174 14.536 310.867 29.072
5 Profit (Rp) 45.615 5.464 228.080 10.928

Source: Primary Data processed in 2024

Then, for the average profit of corn burned, the Theis in Table 11 shows the average profit of a business that boiled corn for one production process that amounts to IDR 45.615 obtained from difference reception amounting to IDR 107.789, with a total cost of production amounting to IDR 62.174. Then, for average profit, boiled corn per day amounts to IDR 228.080. For business corn burn, the average profit is earned​ for a one-time production process, namely IDR 5.464 obtained from the difference reception of IDR 20.000 with cost production IDR 14.536. Then, for the average profit, corn burn per day amounts to Rp 10.928. The analysis results in the table also show that the total profit of businessman agroindustry corn in Rhee Village is IDR 239.008/day. This value was obtained from the amount of profit-boiled corn IDR 228.080/day plus the amount of profit corn burn of IDR 10.928/day. Amounting to IDR 10.928. The analysis results in the table also show that the total profit of businessman agroindustry corn in Rhee Village is IDR 239.008/day. This value was obtained from the amount of profit-boiled corn IDR 228.080/day plus the amount of profit corn burn of IDR 10.928/day.

2. SWOT Analysis of Corn Agroindustry

Strategy formulation can be done with Good after-known elements, including​ the internal and external environments of external agroindustry. The internal environment describes quantity and quality owned so that one can estimate weaknesses and strengths, while the environment can explain the existence of opportunities and threats (Setiawan, 2008).

Analysis of Internal and External Factors   

Analysis Internal Factors

Internal factors are described as strengths and weaknesses. Description as follows:

Table 8 Average Weight Relative and Rating Strength of Boiled Corn and Grilled Corn Agroindustry in Rhee Village

Strength Relative Weight Rating Score
Sweet corn taste and soft texture 0.15 3 0.45
Abundant corn production 0.12 3 0.36
Famous for its corn culinary tourism 0.10 3 0.30
A comfortable place to stop over 0.08 4 0.32

Source: Primary Data processed in 2024

In the section on internal factors’ strengths, factors with a rating on a scale from 3 to 4 are determined, which has an average rating of great strength for the business. Based on Table 13, the results obtained are: (1) The corn tastes sweet, and the texture is soft, it has a rating value of 3 with a relative weight of 0.15, so it has a score of 0.45, meaning this factor is a big strength for entrepreneurs. The sweet taste of corn means that the corn in Rhee Village has many fans who visit and buy the corn. When compared to the boiled corn and grilled corn products in Anjani Village, the boiled corn and grilled corn products in Rhee Village are slightly sweeter and have a slightly fluffier texture. (2) Abundant production has a rating value of 3 with a relative weight of 0.12, so it has a score of 0.36, meaning this factor is a great strength for entrepreneurs. (3) Famous for corn culinary tourism, it has a rating value of 3 with a relative weight of 0.10, so it has a score of 0.30, meaning this factor is a big strength for entrepreneurs. (4) A comfortable place to stop over gets a rating of 4 with a relative weight of 0.08, so it has a score of 0.32, meaning this factor is a huge strength for entrepreneurs.

Table 9 Average Weight Relative and Weakness Rating of Boiled Corn and Grilled Corn Agroindustry in Rhee Village

Weakness Relative Weight Rating Score
The size of corn cobs varies 0.16 2   0,32
Lack of innovation from products 0.15 2   0,30
Production using simple technology 0.12 2   0.24
Capital limitations 0.12 1   0.12

Source: Primary Data processed in 2024

Based on Table 14, the following results were obtained: (1) The size of the corn cobs varies and has a rating value of 2 with a relative weight of 0.16, so it has a score of 0.32, meaning that this factor has quite significant weaknesses for entrepreneurs. (2) Lack of product innovation, which has a rating value of 2 with a relative weight of 0.30, is a significant weakness for entrepreneurs. Its nature is still traditional to make business corn, but it has yet to experience significant development. (3) The production process uses simple technology and has a rating value of 2 with a weight of 0.12, so it has a score of 0.24, which means that this factor is a weakness. Quite significant for entrepreneurs. Corn entrepreneurs still need more modern and sophisticated tools, so the production is limited and relatively small. Appropriate technology will support rapid production (Adnyana, 2001). (4) Capital limitations have a rating value of 1 with a relative weight of 0.10, so it has a score of 0.12, meaning that this factor has no significant weaknesses for entrepreneurs. Corn entrepreneurs in Rhee Village have limited capital to run their businesses because most of the capital used is personal capital compared with agroindustry corn in Anjani Village, which received help from the government through the provision stall effort. The results of the analysis of internal environmental factors  concluded in table​ IFAS business matrix agroindustry corn as follows:

  Table 10 IFAS Matrix of Boiled Corn and Roasted Corn Agroindustry Businesses in Rhee Village

Internal Strategy Factors Weight Relatively Rating Score
1. Sweet corn taste and soft texture 0.15 3 0.45
2. Production of corn in abundance 0.12 3 0.36
3. Famous with tour culinary corn 0.10 3 0.30
4. Comfortable place​ for a stopover 0.08 4 0.32
Total 1.43
1. Size cob various types of corn 0.16 2 0.32
2. Lack of innovation from product 0.15 2 0.30
3. Production uses technology simple 0.12 2 0.24
4. Limited capital 0.12 1 0.12
Total 1.00 0.98
Total Internal Factors 0.45

Source: Primary Data processed in 2024

The analysis results in Table 15 show that the total strength score is 1.43 and the weakness score is 1.22; thus, the total internal factor score in the IFAS matrix is 0.21. This value shows that internal conditions are vital enough to support the development of the corn business in Rhee Village because the strengths are more significant than the weaknesses.

Analysis Factor External Corn Agroindustry                                                                                

Analysis factor external in study This is related to the analysis of opportunities and threats. In the external factors section, opportunities are defined as factors with a rating of 3 – 4. Have a high chance rating for business. Here served average weight relative and opportunity rating agroindustry Corn on the table as follows:

 Table 11 Average Weight Relative and Rating of Corn Agroindustry Opportunities Boiled and Grilled Corn in Rhee Village

Opportunity Relative Weight Rating Score
The product is widely known 0.15 4 0.60
The existence of support government 0.14 2 0.28
Becoming a center for corn souvenirs 0.13 3 0.39​
 Strategic location 0.11 3 0.33​

Source: Primary Data processed in 2024

  Based on the analysis in Table 11, the results can be described as follows: (1) The product is already widely known; a rating value of 4 is obtained with a relative weight of 0.15, so it has a score of 0.60, which means that this factor has a massive opportunity for the business. (2) The existence of support government has a rating value of 2 with a relative weight of 0.14, so it has a score of 0.28, which means that it has ample opportunities for entrepreneurs. Supporting the government is essential in pushing activity entrepreneurship (M. Afdhal et al., 2023). (3) Becoming a center for corn souvenirs obtained a rating value of 3 with a relative weight of 0.13, so it has a score of 0.39, which means that this factor has a significant business opportunity. (4) The strategic location has a rating value of 3 with a relative weight of 0.11, so it has a score of 0.33, which means it has excellent opportunities for entrepreneurs. In opening a business, several factors must be considered so that the business is booming, one of which is the location (M. Ikhlas, 2021).

 In the external factors section, threats are also defined as factors with a rating of 1 – 4. A threat rating that is very significant to insignificant for the business. The results of the threat factor rating are shown as follows :

Table 12 Average Obot Relative and Threat Rating of Boiled Corn and Grilled Corn Agroindustry in Rhee Village

Threat Relative Weight Rating Score
Many competitors with similar products 0.14 3 0.42
Increase in production material prices 0.12 1 0.12
Changes in consumer tastes 0.11 2 0.22
Disturbance wild animals 0.10 3 0.30

Source: Primary Data processed in 2024

Based on Table 17, the research results can be described: (1) The number of competitors with similar products is a threat with a rating value of 3 and a relative weight of 0.14, so it has a score of 0.42, which means it has a significant threat to the business. The current business competition means that companies always try to provide guarantees that the products they offer can support efforts to create consumer satisfaction (Ainun Mardhiyah, 2021). (2) The increase in the price of production materials is a threat with a rating value of 1 with a relative weight of 0.12, so it has a score of 0.12, which means it has an insignificant threat to the business. This is because the price of corn raw materials in Rhee Village is relatively stable. This is different from the corn agroindustry in Anjani Village, which sometimes experiences an increase in the price of production raw materials. The choice of quality of raw materials affects product quality (Dewi Pratiwi, 2022). (3) Changes in consumer tastes are a threat with a rating value of 2 with a relative weight of 0.11, so it has a score of 0.22, which means it has a significant threat to the business. Consumer tastes influence the success of a business (Maisaroh, 2023). (4) Wild animal disturbance is a threat that has a rating value of 3 with a relative weight of 0.10, so it has a score of 0.30, which means it poses a significant threat to business. Animals such as monkeys often interfere with businesses, such as stealing corn. It is hoped that entrepreneurs will install nets/fences in their businesses to prevent this disturbance. The results of the analysis of external environmental factors can be concluded from the EFAS Matrix in the EFAS Matrix table for Corn Agro-Industry Businesses as follows:

Table 13 EFAS Matrix of Boiled Corn and Roasted Corn Agroindustry Businesses in Rhee Village

External Strategy Factors Relative Weight Rating Score
1. The product is widely known. 0.15 4 0.60
2. Addition of product innovation 0.14 2 0.28
3. Becoming a center for corn souvenirs 0.13 3 0.39​
4. Strategic location 0.11 3 0.33​
Total 1.60
1.   Many competitors with similar products 0.14 3 0.42
2.   Increase in production material prices 0.12 1 0.12
3.   Changes in consumer tastes 0.11 2 0.22
4.   Wild animal disturbance 0,10 3 0.30
Total 1.00 1.06
Total External Factors 0.54​

Source: Primary Data processed in 2024

The results of the analysis in Table 18 show that the total opportunity score is 1.70 and the threat is 1.16; thus, the total external factor score in the EFAS matrix is 0.54; this value shows that the external conditions of opportunity are strong and can overcome various threats that will become obstacles in the future. After knowing external and internal, then the current condition or state of the corn agroindustry business can be known using the Cartesius SWOT diagram in Figure 1 as follows:

Internal Factors
X = (Strength – Weakness) /2
X = (1.43 – 0.98) /2
X = 0.45 / 2 = 0.22 5
External Factors
Y = (Opportunity – Threat) /2
Y = (1.60 – 1.06) /2
Y= 0.54 / 2 = 0.27

Cartesian Diagram of SWOT Analysis of Corn Agroindustry Business in Rhee Village

Figure 1 Cartesian Diagram of SWOT Analysis of Corn Agroindustry Business in Rhee Village

The analysis results in Figure 1 show that the condition business is profitable (quadrant I) because the Corn Business in Rhee Village has equal strengths and opportunities​ compared to weaknesses and threats. An aggressive strategy (SO) can be applied in favorable conditions. The strategy uses internal strength and leverages opportunities and existing external​ funds to obtain profit for the development business.

Based on the results of the SWOT matrix analysis of the Corn Agroindustry Business in Rhee Village, Rhee District, Sumbawa Regency, several alternative strategies were obtained, namely: (1) S-O Strategy (Strengths – Opportunities): With the method utilizing​ interest public for maintain and develop business corn, develop place business so that own Power pull more for consumers, and with strategic location and lots of businessperson corn so that can develop become agrotourism. (2) ST Strategy (Strengths – Threats)​: Develop a product by creating innovative new products and installing a protector in the form of a net to avoid pest monkeys. (3) WO (Weaknesses – Opportunities): strategy using ​ new and increasing technology​ innovation products to increase mark add, borrow capital from institutions, and for development, place effort and choose material standard quality corn. (4) WT (Weaknesses – Threats): The strategy is to make farmer producers of corn quality goods partners and provide innovation in existing products​.

   Table 14 Matrix Results SWOT Analysis of Boiled Corn and Grilled Corn in Rhee Village in 2024

1.     Sweet corn taste and soft texture

2.     Abundant corn production

3.     Famous for its corn culinary tourism

4.     A comfortable place to stop over

1. The size of the corn cobs varies

2. Lack of product innovation

3. Production using simple technology

4. Capital limitations

1.   The product is widely known

2.   There is government support

3.   Becoming a center for corn souvenirs

4.   Strategic location

1.    Utilizing community interest to maintain and develop corn businesses (S3, S4, O1, O3)

2.    Developing business premises so that they have more appeal to consumers (S4, O4)

3.    With a strategic location and many corn entrepreneurs, it can be developed into agrotourism (S3, O2, O4)

1.   Using new technology and adding product innovation to increase added value (W2, W3, O2)

2.   Borrowing capital from institutions for business development (W4, O4)

3.   Selecting higher quality corn raw materials (W1)

1.   Many competitors of similar products

2.   Increase in production material prices

3.   Changes in consumer tastes

4.   Wild animal disturbance

1.     Conducting product development by creating innovations (S2, T1)

2.     Installing a protective net to prevent monkey pests (T4)

1.   Making good quality corn farmers partners (W1, T2)

2.   Providing innovation to existing products (W2, T1, T3)

Source: Primary Data processed in 2024


We can draw the following conclusions based on the study results: (1) Added value in processing boiled corn IDR 1.049/cob material standard with ratio mark plus by 52.45%. Meanwhile, the mark is added to the processing corn burn IDR 849/cob material standard with a ratio mark plus by 42.45%. So, the agroindustry corn in Rhee Village​ gives a mark of zero (NT > 0) and is feasible for development. (2) Average business profit of boiled corn for one production process that amounts to IDR 45.615 obtained from difference reception amounting to IDR 107.789 with cost production amounting to IDR 62.174. Then, for average profit, boiled corn per day amounts to IDR 228.080. Corn fuel is obtained in one production process​for an average profit of IDR 5.464 obtained from the difference reception of IDR 20.000 with cost production IDR 14.536. Then, for the average profit, corn burn per day amounts to IDR 10.928. So, the advantage of businesspeople agroindustry corn in Rhee Village daily amounts to IDR 239.008. This value is obtained from the profit of boiled corn daily, amounting to IDR 228.008, plus the amount of profit corn burned daily, amounting to IDR 10.928. (3)The development strategy that can be used for the corn agroindustry business in Rhee Village, Rhee District, Sumbawa Regency is an aggressive strategy (SO) by using internal strengths and utilizing existing external opportunities to gain profits in business development by utilizing interest public for maintain and develop business corn, develop place business so that own Power pull more for consumers, and with strategic location and lots of businessperson corn so that can develop become agrotourism.

Suggestions for study Are as follows: (1) It is expected that businessman agroindustry corn in Rhee Village do an assessment (grading) of products sold; for example, sell corn with bigger sizes​ at different prices​ with corn that is larger and smaller, do innovation in the form of packaging product for made into as souvenirs, and additions flavor variations in corn grilled, spicy and so on, as well use more tools​ practical for combustion in products corn burn to make it more efficient time. (2) The boiled and grilled corn business has excellent development potential due to the added value and profits generated. The government should pay attention by facilitating facilities and infrastructure such as providing rest areas, providing business stalls, and involving entrepreneurs in every activity of existing events.


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