Analysis of HIV/AIDS Model with Nonlinear Incidence Function
- O. A. Odebiyi
- J. K. Oladejo
- A. A. Yahaya
- E.O Elijah
- 317-341
- May 18, 2024
- Mathematics
Analysis of HIV/AIDS Model with Nonlinear Incidence Function
O. A. Odebiyi1*, J. K. Oladejo2, A. A. Yahaya3 , and E.O Elijah4
1,2,3Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
PMB 4000, Ogbomoso, Oyo State
4Department of Mathematics, P.M.B. 65, Minna , Niger state.
PMB 4000, Ogbomoso, Oyo state
Received: 05 April 2024; Accepted: 17 April 2024; Published: 18 May 2024
Human Immunodeficiency Virus – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HIV/AIDS stands as one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease globally and is regarded as one of the deadliest epidemic in human history. This study presents a mathematical model for understanding the dynamics of HIV/AIDS transmission, incorporating a saturated incidence rate. The model employs a system of ordinary differential equations, comprising various group of individuals including susceptible
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Saturated Incidence, Screening, Treatment, Basic Reproduction Number, local Stability, global stability, Infective, Sensitivity Analysis.
HIV/AIDS is seen as a chronic disease nowadays, because HIV-positive people can live with infection for many years provided their immune systems are checked. It gradually destroys the immune system until it is unable to fight infections that would normally have been prevented. With deterioration of the immune system, the body develops opportunistic diseases that lead to AIDS [1]. As the immune system becomes compromised, the HIV opportunistic diseases such as meningitis, Cancers and Tuberculosis do easily attack the body [2].
In 2022, approximately 39million people died from AIDS worldwide, about 740 children became infected with HIV and approximately 274 children died from AIDS related causes every day [3]. More so, in the countries hardest hit, AIDS has sapped the population of young men and women who form the foundation of the labor force. Most die while in the peak of their reproductive years. Moreover, the epidemic has overwhelmed health care systems, increases the number of orphans, and caused life expectancy rates to plummet. It therefore constitutes a serious threat to future development in Africa.
At the end of 2022, Approximately 39.0 million (33.1million-45.7million) people were living with HIV globally. 1.3million [1million-1.7million] people became newly infected with HIV while 630000 [480000-880000] people died from AIDS-related illnesses. 1.5 million (1.2-2.1million) children were living with HIV (0-14 years old) [4]. More so, according to HIV/AIDS prevalence estimates between 2023-2024, African countries with HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rates among adults in various countries according to CIA world fact book are Eswatini with 28.30%, Lesotho 24.10%, Botswana 22.60% and Zimbabwe 22.10% and outside Africa, Bahamas has the highest prevalence rate [5].
Transmission of HIV/AIDS causing virus occurs most commonly through sexual intercourse. HIV can also be transmitted through transfusions of HIV-contaminated blood or by using a contaminated needle or syringe to inject drugs into the blood stream. Infection with HIV does not necessarily mean that a person has AIDS. Some people who have HIV infection may not develop any of the clinical illnesses that define the full-blown disease of AIDS for ten years or more. Physicians prefer to use the term AIDS for cases where a person has reached the final, life-threatening stage of HIV infection [6]. In a person infected with HIV, the virus steadily destroys CD4+T cells over a period of years, diminishing the cells protective ability and weakening the immune system. HIV infects some other cells and wrecks the largest part of the CD4+T cells and this causes the CD4+T cells destruction and decline, hence reducing the confrontation of the susceptible system [7], [8].
Screening is the process of performing the HIV-antibody test to all individuals within a defined population. Routine screening of unaware infective has now become an integral part of programs in low and middle income countries. People can get HIV tests done at a health clinic, at special HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) sites [9]. Antiretroviral medication has made it possible for many individuals who have been very sick with HIV/AIDS to become fully functioning again, with a low or even undetectable viral load. Without antiretroviral therapy, someone who has AIDS typically dies within a year [10]. Transmission of the disease and influence of the infection can be curbed by taking adequate treatment and administering suitable vaccine to infected class [11-14,27]. New drugs are available that can prolong the life span and improve the quality of life of infected people [12,22,37].
In the context of mathematical modeling of HIV/AIDS dynamics, Saturation incidence refers to a situation where the rate of rate of new infections reaches a plateau, indicating that the epidemic has stable and under control and therefore no longer growing exponentially. This simply means that the number of new infections is roughly balanced by the number of individuals recovering or dying from the infection.
Various mathematical models were formulated for developing strategies to control the outbreak of disease and thereby making a trade-offs in choosing a best possible treatment for curbing and controlling the infection. Ross Ronald derived a threshold quantity called basic reproduction number. This helps the planners such as medical and health practitioners to determine and conclude when infection will fade out in a system. Incidence rate play a vital and significance role in discussing nature of a disease in epidemiology. In early, bilinear incidence rate in the form
In recent years, a number of authors have studied epidemiological models with non-linear rates. The most common non-linear incidence rates take the form
From an epidemiological standpoint, saturation incidence suggests that the epidemic has reached a steady state, with the disease prevalence remaining relatively constant over time. This could simply be due to various factors such as behavioral changes, implementation of prevention strategies, availability of treatment, or natural progression of the epidemic within a population. Understanding saturation incidence therefore helps public health officials and policy makers assess the effectiveness of interventions and plan future strategies for controlling the spread of the menace.
Therefore, in this work, our aim was to investigate the effects of screening and treatment on the transmission of HIV/AIDS epidemic model with saturated incidence function. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we formulate and explain the model and show the existence and uniqueness of the model. In section 3, we explore existence of disease free equilibrium point, the endemic equilibrium point and both local and global stabilities of their equilibria were analyzed and the computation of sensitivity analysis and its interpretations were done. Also, we identify the most sensitive parameter which have most effect on basic reproduction number. In section 4, the paper ends with some numerical simulations to support and compliment the theoretical finding.
In this research, the susceptible and infectious epidemic model (
Figure 1: Transmission diagram for susceptible, infected model with the saturation term to the susceptible
Following the transmission diagram, in Figure 1, which incorporates the saturation term to the susceptible, asymptomatic infective, symptomatic infective, treated infective and AIDS individual. The following assumptions are taken into consideration in formulating our proposed model: People are recruited into the Susceptible population by birth . All parameters are positive. Asymptomatic infective class (
Asymptomatic infective, Symptomatic infective, Treated class (T) will move to full blown AIDS at different rates
Considering all the above assumptions made, the following system of ordinary differential equation of the proposed model is therefore considered.:
As initial condition, we choose
The model parameters are defined as follows
2.1 Existence and uniqueness of solution
The model is analyzed by proving the existence and uniqueness of solution
Theorem 2.1: (Derrick and Grossman 1976)
Then equation (1) has a unique solution in
3.1 Disease free equilibrium point
This is the equilibrium point at which population remains in the absence of disease. In this case, no strain of the disease is present in the entire population.
At the equilibrium,
At disease free,
3.2 Endemic equilibrium point
The endemic equilibrium state is the state where the disease cannot be totally eradicated but remains in the population. For the endemic equilibrium,
Solving equations (4) simultaneously when
respectively, where,
3.3 Derivation of Basic Reproduction Number,
The computation of the basic reproduction number is essential. The basic reproduction number
- The number of ways that new infections can arise or be created;
- The number of ways that infections can be transferred between compartments. Thus, the
compartment of system (1).
Let G be the next generation matrix. It comprises of two parts
The basic reproduction number, which is the dominant eigenvalue of the product FV-1, is therefore obtained as:
3.4 Stability analysis of the Disease Free Equilibrium
3.4.1 Local Stability
Theorem 2:
Then the disease free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable.
The linearized Jacobian matrix at the disease free equilibrium
The characteristic equation is obtained as
then by Routh Hurwitz criteria, the remaining four eigenvalues are negative. Hence, the disease free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable.
3.4.2 Stability of the Endemic equilibrium
Theorem 3
Then the endemic equilibrium point
Equations (1) can be expressed in matrix form as the Jacobian matrix of the equation (1), at endemic equilibrium point
Therefore the characteristics equation
Evaluating for
Using Descartes rule of sign change, there is no sign change in the roots of the equation (14)
If the following assumptions holds, i.e
Then the endemic equilibrium point
3.4.3 Global stability for disease free equilibrium
Theorem 3: The disease free equilibrium of system (4) is globally asymptomatically stable
Using Comparison theorem as implemented in [35-36] that the rate of change of the infected compartment of system (1) can be written as
then all eigenvalues of (F-V) are all negative i.e,
Simplifies to give
Then, equation (17) will have no positive root if
Theorem 4: If
Proof: To establish the global stability of the endemic equilibrium
We obtain the result by rearranging and simplifying (18)
3.5 Computing numerical sensitivity
Using [25], approach the normalized forward sensitivity index of a variable “P†that depends differentiable on a parameter “q†is defined as
As we have an explicit formula for
Table 3.1: Numerical values of sensitivity indices of
Parameter |
Sensitivity indices |
Values |
Source |
0.86 |
+ 0.847905341 |
[19] |
0.1 |
+ 0.0102753420 |
[23] |
0.02 |
– 0.4949636613 |
Assumed Value |
0.01 |
+0.0768207413 |
[23] |
0.1 |
– 0.4949636613 |
Assumed value |
0.2 |
-0.7712241608 |
[19] |
0.001 |
-0.0037923097 |
[19] |
1.0 |
-0.0893691487 |
[39] |
0.15 |
+0.049296821 |
[19] |
0.10 |
+0.0884620457 |
[19] |
+ 0.08 |
+ 0.0143357909 |
Assumed value |
0.2 |
+0.2857142856 |
Assumed value |
0.01 |
-0.2692217346 |
[19] |
Figure 2: Graphical Representation of the Sensitivity indices of
3.5.1 Interpretation of Sensitivity Indices
The Table 3.1 represents the sensitivity index for the base line parameter values and it shows that when the parameters
More so, when the parameters
This section presents the numerical simulation results for the HIV/AIDS model.
The parameters in the model (1) shown in table 4.1 were obtained from literatures published by different researchers and referenced accordingly.
Table 4.1: parameters, values and source used in the model
Parameter |
Value |
Source |
1.0 |
[39] |
0.01 |
[23] |
0.02 |
Assumed |
0.1 |
[23] |
0.2 |
Assumed |
0.1 |
Assumed |
0.2 |
[19] |
0.01 |
[19] |
0.001 |
[19] |
0.86 |
[19] |
0.15 |
[19] |
0.10 |
[19] |
0.08 |
Assumed |
4.1 Numerical Simulation
Simulation of the model was performed for better understanding of dynamical spread of transmission of HIV/AIDS infection using Maple 18 software.
The result of the model equations are presented below in form of graphs and are discussed in the figure below to illustrate the changes in the compartments. The screening rate, treatment rate and the saturation terms were checked in order to observe their impact on the numerical spread of the disease using a set of reasonable parameters.
Figure 1(a) depicts the effect of screening rates
As the asymptomatic HIV infective population become aware of their infection, there is a decrease in the population of asymptomatic infective population which ultimately bring about an increase in the population of symptomatic infective population as seen in Figure 1(b). It was observed here that there is an increase in the population of symptomatic infective as the screening rate increases. This is simply due to the population of asymptomatic infective that migrated to the symptomatic infective compartment as a result of awareness gotten.
Figure 2(a) depicts the graph of Treated infective population
Figure (3a) depicts the graph of Aids population A(t) against time (t) for different values of saturation term
This shows that as the saturation term
Figure (4a) depicts the graph of Susceptible population S(t) against time (t) for different rates of
This graph of (4a) shows that as the screening rate increases, the susceptible population increases also. When susceptible population go for screening, they become more careful and aware of their health status. This is why the susceptible population increases because they refuse to interact with other effective as seen in Figure (4a). The susceptible population must therefore take to and adhere with all precautionary measures to prevent the contact while also in Figure (4b), the susceptible population decreases as the contact rate
In this paper, we formulated and presented a mathematical model for HIV/AIDS transmission, which incorporated saturated incidence term. It was shown that the system of equation represents a useful mathematical model of a physical system by carrying out a classical qualitative proof of the positivity of solution of the governing system of model equations. More so, the existence of both the disease-free and endemic equilibria were established and analyzed for stability, and it was shown that both equilibria was locally asymptotically stable. This implies that whenever the said conditions are satisfied, the HIV/AIDS infection can be controlled. The result of the sensitivity analysis showed the transmission rates for susceptible individuals with asymptomatic infective
However, screening and treatment of the infective have a significant effect in reducing the transmission of the disease. Susceptible population also reduce when infective carelessly interact with other infective and also susceptible population increase as saturation increase due to the precautionary measures taken. Susceptible population should therefore follow preventive procedures and healthy regulations about the AIDS disease.
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