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Analysis of Risk Factors and Antibiotic Resistance of Pathogenic Escherichia Coli Strains Isolated from Livestock Layer Chicken in Binjai, Indonesia

  • Chairul Tamsil Silalahi
  • Ma’ruf Tafsin
  • Faisal
  • 99-109
  • Nov 6, 2024
  • Microbiology

Analysis of Risk Factors and Antibiotic Resistance of Pathogenic Escherichia Coli Strains Isolated from Livestock Layer Chicken in Binjai, Indonesia

Chairul Tamsil Silalahi1*, Ma’ruf Tafsin2, Faisal3

1Master Program of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural, University of North Sumatra, Jl Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Medan-Indonesia

2Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra, Jl Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Medan-Indonesia

3Balai Veteriner Medan, Jl. Gatot Subroto No.255-A, Lalang, Kec. Medan Sunggal, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara

*Corresponding Author


Received: 09 October 2024; Revised: 18 October 2024; Accepted: 22 October 2024; Published: 06 November 2024


Binjai is one of the cities in North Sumatra Province Indonesia, with the second largest layer chicken population in North Sumatra. Studies on the use of antibiotics in layer chicken farms in North Sumatra, especially in Binjai, are still relatively minimal, so studies are still needed to find out the picture of antibiotic use and levels of antibiotic resistance. The aim of this study was to determine the level of resistance of pathogenic E. coli bacterial strains to antibiotics in layers of chicken farms in the city of Binjai and to find out which pathogenic E. coli bacterial strains O157:H7 are resistant type of antibiotic Tetracycline and Penicillin. The data were analyzed using a multivariable logistic regression model (SPSS). The results of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) testing against 9 types of antibiotics showed that the antibiotic Amoxicillin has the highest level of resistance. Based on the results of the analysis of risk factors for the occurrence of pathogenic E. coli strains in 120 isolates, there were possible causes for the occurrence of pathogenic E. coli at the research location, basically poor cage cleanliness and the provision of antibiotics as a preventative, through drinking water, so that the dosage were unmeasured and usage patterns were inappropriately monitored.

Keywords: Antibiotics, Binjai, E. coli, layer chicken, antimicrobial resistance.


Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a complex problem that requires a multi-sectoral approach to control. For the livestock and animal health sectors, we must understand that AMR is a serious threat to the sustainability of food security, in addition to sustainable animal health development (Director General of PKH, 2019). The AMR occurs naturally and generally through genetic changes. The rapid development of microorganism resistance to antimicrobials that are not balanced by the discovery and development of new or alternative antimicrobial agents makes AMR a serious threat to global health (WHO, 2020).

Various types of diseases can attack chickens resulting in decreased production of egg and death. Farmers usually make various efforts to prevent and control diseases through biosecurity, vaccination and administration of antimicrobials (Murtini et al. 2006). Escherichia coli is a normal flora of the digestive tract that benefits the chiken host by producing vitamin K or preventing the growth of other bacteria, but there are also several pathogenic strains such as Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC). Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), Verotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC), Uropathonegic E. coli (UPEC) and Avian Pathogen E. coli (APEC) (Luhung et al. 2017). Colibasillosis cases often occur in laying hens and are generally treated with antibiotics.

Binjai is one of the cities in North Sumatra Province with the second largest layer chicken population in North Sumatra after Deli Serdang Regency. Based on the livestock population data recapitulation in August 2023, it shows that the layer chicken population wasis the largest population in Binjai (934,103 heads) with approximately 30 breeders spread across the districts of West Binjai (802,471 heads) with 22 breeders, North Binjai (89,281 heads) with 5 breeders, South Binjai (40,768 heads) with 2 breeders and East Binjai (1,583 heads) with 1 breeder (Binjai Agriculture and Livestock Service, 2023). Studies on the use of antibiotics in layer chicken farms in North Sumatra, especially in Binjai, are still relatively minimal. so that studies are still needed to determine the picture of antibiotic use and the levels of antibiotic resistance.


Research Materials

The study was conducted using production layer chickens of at least 45 weeks of age that showed symptoms of illness such as lethargy, thinness, the presence of dried faeces that stuck to the feathers around the cloaca and experiencing clinical symptoms of Colibacillosis, as many as 2 chickens obtained from 20 layer chicken farms in Binjai. Samples of the liver, heart and respiratory tract of layer chickens were obtained by performing a necropsy at the Bacteriology Laboratory of PT Medion, Binjai Branch, while still implementing aseptic procedures. E. coli isolates were obtained from samples of liver, heart and respiratory tract of layer chickens whose identification was carried out at the Bacteriology Laboratory of PT. Medion Farma Jaya in Padalarang, West Bandung.

Research methods

The data collection of questionnaires of 20 layer chicken farmers in Binjai was conducted by direct interviews when sampling the liver, heart and respiratory tract of chickens. The methods that will be used in this study are field observation, direct interviews with layer chicken farmers in Binjai and AMR testing at the PT Medion Farma Jaya Bacteriology Laboratory in Padalarang, West Bandung using the cross-sectional study method and sampling techniques carried out on a budget purpose basis.

The target sample for this study was the isolation of E. coli. In principle, the design of this study will randomly select E. coli bacteria in the liver, heart and respiratory organs of layer chickens. So that the chances of each isolate are the same. The target sample has been determined as many as 120 E. coli isolate samples with a random sampling pattern in 20 (twenty) layer farms at the age of chickens over 45 weeks. These organ samples will be sent to the Bacteriology Laboratory of PT Medion Farma Jaya in Padalarang, West Bandung in a fresh frozen state.

Questionnaire used for know factors risk which affect the occurrence of E. coli resistance to antibiotics. Data collection The questionnaire was conducted randomly at layer chicken farms in Binjai on 20 target layer chicken farmers. the sample taken For testing AMR without looking at the minimum number of layer chicken population on the farm. Information farm which the data concerned were obtained when taking samples of the liver, heart and respiratory tract organs by means of direct interviews and filling out questionnaires by the farmers.

The dependent variable is something that depends on other factors, in this case the MIC value in the CLSI standard will determine whether the isolate is resistant (R), intermediate (I), and susceptible (S). Variables independent is variable factor risk Which in a way significant influence variable dependent. Variables independent on This research includes types of businesses, livestock systems, chicken populations, conditions cage, cage sanitation, age of farmer, education of farmer, length of farming, type feed, antibiotics water drink, support doctor animal, antibiotics feed, knowledge about AMR, program antibiotics, rotation antibiotics, failure antibiotics, objective antibiotics, combination antibiotics, And age use antibiotics.


Isolation And Identification Of Escherichia Coli (E. Coli)

E. coli isolates were tested from 20 layer chicken farms in Binjai and 107 isolates were positive for E. coli and 13 isolates were negative. The 107 isolates that were positive for E. coli consisted of 78 isolates from West Binjai, 17 isolates from North Binjai, and 12 isolates from South Binjai. In this study, a total of 120 isolates were tested, 107 isolates (89.1%) were positive for E. coli with data distribution in West Binjai 78 isolates (65%), North Binjai 17 isolates (14.1%), and South Binjai 12 isolates (10%). The 120 isolates tested consisted of 40 (33.33%) isolates from the respiratory tract positive for E. coli, 35 (29.16%) isolates from the liver positive for E. coli and 32 (26.66%) isolates from the heart positive for E. Coli.

Table 1: Results of Isolation and Identification of E. coli Isolates in layer Chicken Organs

Kind of Sample  Number of Sample (n=120)
Positive % Negative %
Respiratory Tract 40 33.33% 0 0%
Liver 35 29.16% 5 4.16%
Heart 32 26.66% 8 6.66%

Bacteria E. coli is bacteria general Which detected in channel digestion animal including poultry. Bacteria E. coli lots used for monitor AMR on material food origin animal (BPAH) including poultry. Some strains of E. coli originating from poultry are potential sources of the gene. AMR which can infectious to man (Nhung et et al., 2017). Bacteria E. coli own gene which functioning For maintain resistance from influence antibiotics derived from plasmids. E. coli was detected to have plasmids to become some drug resistance genes. Plasmids can carry resistance genes in bacteria which sensitive to antibiotics (Rahmahani et al., 2020).

Bacteria E. coli own gene default which can produce enzyme resistance antibiotics which encoded by gene resistance antibiotics And can transmitting resistance genes to other bacteria either through the same species or differ horizontally and vertically through self-division. Bacteria E. coli used as isolate in study This, Because bacteria This can be indicator bacteria to monitor trends in antibiotic resistance patterns. Bacteria E. coli is bacteria grams negative enteric commensal which general on poultry, so that can isolated and identified with easy in laboratory. E. coli bacteria are also considered as indicators good at use antibiotics on animal cattle (Besung et al., 2019).

E. coli bacteria commonly live in the intestines of animals such as birds. Physiologically, E. coli has the ability to survive in conditions environment which difficult. E. coli grow with Good in water bid, water sea, or in soil. On condition the E. coli exposed environment abiotic And biotic. Diseases caused by E. coli are caused by its ability to adapt And endure on environment which different. There is a number of type environmental conditions which is not beneficial for E. coli to be able to remain survive, for example, in an acidic environment (low pH) such as in the digestive tract man, change temperature, as well as pressure osmotic. Ability E. coli For survival during cooling and freezing has been shown to make E. coli is tolerant of dry conditions (Winiati, 2018).

Test Resistance E. coli Against 9 Types of Antibiotics

A total of 40 randomly selected isolates were tested for AMR in the laboratory. Bacteriology PT. Medion Farma Jaya Padalarang West Bandung. Based on results testing AMR, obtained results that isolate E. coli Which taken from farm targeted as much as 20 farm in Binjai all of them had 100% resistance (20) to certain antibiotics. Results testing AST show mark MIC so that obtained conclusion Resistant or Intermediate or Susceptible (Prone to). Results mark MIC to 40 isolate the shown by Appendix 2.

The results of testing AMR9 types of antibiotics showed that antibiotics Amoxicillin own level resistance which most tall that is by (87.5%) followed Ampicillin (80%), Oxytetracycline (75%), Trimethoprim (67.5%) with presentation resistance in on 65%, intermediate resistance to Spectinomycin (35%) and Fosfomycin (27.5%) while resistance most low is antibiotics Doxycicline (0%), E nrofloxacin (2.5%), and Gentamicin (7.5%). If we look at the class of antibiotics, then what happens AMR inside study This originate from three groups, namely: Penicillin (Amoxyciclin and Ampicilin), Tetracycline (Oxytetraciclin), and Sulfanomide ( Trimethropime).

Table 2. Incidence of E. coli resistance to antibiotics in 20 farms in Binjai

Antibiotic Resistant % Susceptible % Intermediate %
Amoxicillin 35 87,5 5 12,5 0 0
Ampicillin 32 80 6 15 2 5
Oxytetracyclin 30 75 10 25 0 0
Trimethoprim 27 67,5 12 30 1 2,5
Spectinomycin 14 35 26 65 0 0
Fosfomycin 11 27,5 22 55 7 17,5
Gentamicin 3 7,5 3 92,5 0 0
Enrofloxacin 1 2,5 38 95 1 2,5
Doxycycline 0 0 37 92,5 3 7,5

Bacteria E. coli which isolated from layer chicken farms in Binjai have antibiotic resistance to Amoxicillin (87.5%), Ampicillin (80%), Oxytetracycline (75%), Trimethoprim (67.5%), Spectinomycin (35%), Fosfomycin (27.5), Gentamicin (7.5%), Enrofloxacin (2.5%) and Doxycycline (0%). E. coli bacteria are still susceptible/sensitive to antibiotics Enrofloxacin (95%), Doxycicline (92.5), Gentamicin (92.5), Spectinomycin (65%), Fosfomycin (55%).

The occurrence of E. coli resistance to antibiotics in 20 farms in Binjai

Figure 1. The occurrence of E. coli resistance to antibiotics in 20 farms in Binjai .

The results of this study are in line with the research of Agustin et al., (2022) which stated that E. coli bacteria are resistant to Penicillin antibiotics. Based on interviews, treatment using Penicillin antibiotics in layer chickens at the layer chicken farm in Sesaot village, West Lombok district was used only for routine treatment of digestive tract disorders so that there was resistance. Penicillin antibiotics are Beta-lactam antibiotics, it is known that gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli have betalactamase enzymes, namely enzymes that can inactivate betalactan antibiotics (Siswandoyo, 2008).

Figure 2. Percentage Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance Levels

According to Lopez-lozaroet et al., (2000) Penicillin is widely known and used in developing countries, therefore Penicillin is the most commonly used antibiotic to treat sick livestock or animals. The mechanism of resistance to the Penicillin group is due to: inactivation of antibiotics by beta-lactamase, modification of target PBPs, damage to drug penetration into target PBPs, and the presence of a beta-lactamase production outflow pump is the most common resistance mechanism (Katzung, 2018). Therefore, the use of Penicillin antibiotics is no longer effective in inhibiting the growth of E. coli.

A study also found residues of penicillin antibiotics. on one of the farms in Pidie Jaya Regency (Masrianto et al., 2019). This can be caused by giving antibiotics to chickens during maintenance period for the purpose of treating disease and cut before withdrawal time (time) stop drug) end so that antibiotics Still accumulates in chicken meat. Other causes that can cause test results positive is feed commercial Which given when time maintenance contains antibiotics, according to (Bahri et al., 2010) almost all feed factories add compound drug in the form of antibiotics as additive feed.

E. coli bacteria isolated from layer chicken farms in Binjai are 75% resistant to the antibiotic Oxytetracyclin. This is in line with the research of Agustin et al., (2022) which stated that the results of measuring the inhibition zone against the antibiotic Tetracyclin were resistant to E. coli bacteria from cloaca swabs of layer chickens. Based on the results of the interview, Tetracycline antibiotic treatment in layer chickens in Sesaot village, West Lombok is often used for the treatment or prevention of Colibacillosis, causing resistance to E. coli bacteria. Resistance to Tetracycline occurs due to changes in the permeability of the microbial cell envelope. In sensitive cells, the drug will be in the environment and will not leave the cell, while in resistant cells the drug cannot be actively transported into the cell or will disappear quickly so that the minimum inhibitory concentration cannot be maintained, the mechanism is controlled by plasmids (Meles et al., 2011).

According to Niasono et et al., (2019), Broilers in Subang Regency, West Java have antibiotic resistance to Tetracycline 97.3%, Sulfamethoxazole 87.8%, Trimethoprim 74.3%, And Ampicillin 68.9%. Results study Which other in Regency Blitar, incident antibiotic resistance to E. coli bacteria in broiler chickens shows percentage 88.75% (Ampicillin), 78.75% (Streptomycin), 76.87% (Erithromycin), 50.63% (Tetracyclin) and 75% (Sulphamethoxazole- Trimethoprim) (Wibisono et al., 2021), while other studies in the same district also found AMR incidence. E. coli isolates originating from cloacal swabs taken from chicken in farm poultry egg layer own percentage resistance antibiotics the high one to antibiotics Ampicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Tetracycline And Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole more than 50 percent (Witaningrum et al., 2020)

However, the Government through Law No. 18 of 2009 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal health begins to prohibit the use of antibiotics as feed additives as stated in Article 22 paragraph 4c (Masrianto et al., 2019). As many as 93.2% E. coli samples found MDR with the highest prevalence in all four types antibiotics, namely 40.5% for Subang Regency. The most common resistance observed was against Tetracycline 97.3%, Sulfamethoxazole 87.8%, Trimethoprim 74.3% (Niasono et al., 2019).

Trimethoprim is an antibiotic from the sulfonamide group which is usually combined with Sulfamethoxazole so that it has a wider spectrum of action wide covering bacteria grams positive And grams negative. Trimethoprim own mechanism work become inhibitor reversible from reductase dihydrofolate. Trimethoprim inhibits the conversion of dihydrofolic acid which is needed for synthesis sour nucleic And protein from bacteria. Properties antibiotics this is bacteriostatic (inhibits bacterial growth) and bactericidal (kills bacteria) which work on track metabolism which the same with group Sulfonamides. Trimethoprim is mostly used in livestock treatment. Chicken which due to by infection bacteria Escherichia coli. Trimethoprim usually combined with Sulfamethoxazole for more effective. Combined Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole are broad-spectrum antibiotics for chicken And poultry And usually used For treatment disease chicken Coryza (snot, runny nose, swollen face), Colibacillosis (difficulty breathing, liver and heart covered fibrin), CRD (snoring), Cholera (poop) green), And Pullorum (poop) lime). Drug This Work simultaneously oppose bacteria grams positive And grams negative.

Research from China shows that E. coli isolates have high levels of resistance antibiotics Which tall that is more from >80% for Ampicillin, A moxicillin, Tetracycline (Nhung et al., 2017). According to Handayani et al., (2020) E. coli isolates isolated from chicken cecum in the region Bali, Island Southeast West, And Island Southeast East also happen resistance against Ampicillin, Cephalothin and Gentamicin respectively, whereas to Chloramphenicol Still prone to however own trend For become resistant. A study from The Caviar 2021 find the occurrence resistance antibiotics on chain food chicken broiler to Escherichia bacteria coli. Sensitivity testing showed bacterial resistance to five types antibiotics, namely to Meropenem as much as 67%, Sulfamethoxazole 48%, Colistin 33%, Ciprofloxacin 24%, And Chloramphenicol 5%. Besides That isolate E. coli on sample carcass RPH-U Also resistant to Colistin 60%, Sulfamethoxazole 45%, Ciprofloxacin 20%, And chloramphenicol 10%. Antimicrobial events resistance (AMR) on farm, triggered between other by use antibiotics Which excessive in farm poultry. Because for decades we have been accustomed to the use of growth-stimulating antibiotics. growth antibiotic growth promoter (AGP).

Analysis Questionnaire In general Descriptive

In study This amount farm chicken layers Which analyzed is as many as 20 farms originating from Binjai. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the type of business farm chicken layers Which run 100% independently. The farm in this study has an open house system of 100%. Technically, open house cages are worse than closed cages. house. Pen layers system closed house is pen closed Which ensure security in a way biology (contact with organism other) with arrangement ventilation Which Good so that more A little stress Which happen on livestock. The aim is to provide air and climate that are conducive to livestock so as to minimize stress levels. Closed House cages have advantages of higher weight gain, lower mortality rate, and the FCR of the Closed House cage is better than the Open House cage (Susanti et al., 2016).

The chicken population in the breeders varies from 10,000 to 50.000, with details of 10.000 to 20.000 for 3 breeders (15%), 20.000 to 30.000 for 5 breeders (25%), 30.000 to 40.000 for 8 breeders (40%), 40.000 to 50.000 (20%), average population 34.150 and at least 15.000 until 50.000 tail most Lots. The condition of the cages is 60% dirty and 40% clean, with 100% of farmers carrying out cage sanitation.

Table 3. Descriptive analysis of livestock profiles (interviews)

Variable Sub-variable Result %
Type of Business Independent 20 100
Livestock System Open 20 100
Chicken Population 10000-20000 3 15
20000-30000 5 25
30000-40000 8 40
40000-50000 4 20
Cage Condition Clean 8 40
Dirty 12 60
Cage Sanitation Yes 20 100

The condition of the layer chicken coop is mostly (60%) visible dirty as seen from the smell, flies and rubbish even though some cages Already seen clean. Even though all pen do sanitation routine cage. Sanitation pen is one of business prevention to disease who attacked chicken, with method eliminate factors environment Which related in chain displacement disease the. Sanitation very important done because if sanitation problematic will impact on environment pen And animal Which There is in in pen. Pen which clean on maintanance chicken layers is one of effort for reach environment comfortable, air healthy, and minimal condition stress (Please, 2021). Poultry farmers who are less knowledgeable have poor cage hygiene. Worse because knowledge can greatly influence people’s behavior in the form of knowledge, attitudes and practices (Syafitri et al., 2021), including in health care for layer chickens and antibiotic use.

Table 4. Descriptive analysis of livestock breeder profiles (interviews)

Variabel Sub-variabel Result %
Farmer Age ≤30 years 2 10
31-40 years 6 30
41-50 years 3 15
>50 years 9 45
Farmer Education D3/S1 (college) 20 100
Length of Farmer >5 years 20 100

The average farm owner profile has an age of 47 years with age most young 29 year until 65 year most old, with education high school level (40%), and education studying (S1 And D3) as big as 60%. For experience operate the total livestock farming is over 5 years, which is 100% with an average of as big as 22 year with most low 10 years and more long 38 years old. Profile management farm chicken layers specifically use antibiotics is factors Which relate with use antibiotics in livestock such as antibiotic use programs, rotation programs antibiotics, the purpose of using antibiotics to the support and role of veterinarians in farm chicken layers the. Study this show that farm which targeted most of the use type feed concoction (50%), manufactured feed (40%) and both (10%). Matter, it is possible that farmers prefer compound feed because of the cheaper price and the guarantee of better quality raw materials and the ease of mixing antibiotics into the feed.

Table 5. Descriptive analysis of livestock management profile (interview)

Variable Sub-variable Result %
Type of feed Factory 8 40
Mixture 10 50
Both 2 10
Drinking water antibiotics Yes 19 95
No 1 5
Veterinary support Yes 20 100
Feed antibiotics Yes 20 100
AMR tofu Yes 7 35
No 13 65
Antibiotic program Yes 20 100
Antibiotic rotation Yes 20 100
Antibiotic failure Yes 20 100
Antibiotic purpose Treatment 1 5
Both 19 95
Antibiotic combination Yes 20 100
Antibiotic age End >21 months 20 100
Deworming Yes 20 100
Drinking water pipe cleaning Yes 20 100
Drinking water cleaning period 1 time/month 18 90
2 times/month 2 10
Drinking water source PDAM 20 100
Drinking place type Talang Air 12 60
Nipple Drinker 2 10
Both 6 30
Drinking water treatment Yes 16 80
No 4 20
Drinking water treatment type Chlorine 15 75
Both 1 5
None 4 20
Feces disposal Yes 20 100
Feces disposal period 3 times 20 100

The role of veterinarians in monitoring livestock health on farms chicken layer is already 100 % from TS and Marketing of animal drugs, but its role is only to appeal and recommend to farmers. Farmers often violate and tend not to care about the rules of dosage and application of administration, such as excessive doses and application of medication through feed. S should role doctor animal in in farm very influential to treatment and health chicken especially in use antibiotics. Besides that in Indonesia still found purchase antibiotics without recipe with knowledge which not enough about use antibiotics are the underlying cause of inappropriate antibiotic use in animal husbandry (Niasono et al., 2019).

According to the research results, it shows that most (65%) do not know about AMR, only 35% know about AMR and the purpose of giving antibiotics is also 95% for prevention and treatment, and a combination of antibiotics of more than 2 preparations is mixed into chicken feed. According to the research results, antibiotic preparations are used for prevention And treatment disease chicken between other originate from group Penicillin, Quinolones, Macrolides, Tetracyclines, Phosphonic Acids, Lincosamides, Aminoglycosides, and Polypeptides. Prevention is usually carried out during the transitional season and rain so that feared will influence health chicken. Preparation Amoxicillin and Tetracycline are antibiotics that are often used in layer chicken farms in Binjai . All the farms that sampled using a Penicillin antibiotic preparation such as Amoxicillin 19 (95%) and Ampicillin 19 (95%) and group Tetracycline like Oxytetracycline 14 (70%) and Sulfanamides 10 (50%). The amount farm Which Still use antibiotics group penicillin because of breeder Still stated that the antibiotic had no side effects and was inexpensive. low (Memish et al., 2004). Antibiotics that are often used in poultry farming in Thailand between other Amoxicillin, colistin, doxycycline, oxytetracycline (Wongsuvan et et al., 2018). Besides that a number of country in American also use type antibiotics like tetracycline and tylosin on poultry farming (Mehdi et al, 2018).

Table 6. Details of Antibiotic Use in Farms (interview) Analytical Analysis of Questionnaires

AB Group AB Type Livestock %
Penisilin Amoxicilin 19 95
Ampicillin 19 95
Quinolon Enrofloxacin 4 20
Makrolida Eritromicin 16 80
Tetrasiklin Doxycycline 6 30
Oxytetracyclin 14 70
CTC 6 30
Lincosamide Lincospectin 1 5
Aminoglikosida Streptomicin 2 10
Neomicin 10 50
Polipeptida Colistin 4 20
Diaminopirimidin Trimethoprim 2 10

Collection data complement in the form of data breeder, management farm, And observation field around farm done moment sampling through interviews and filling out questionnaires by farmers. The data were then analyzed using logistic regression analysis using SPSS. Univariable analysis identified one variable Which potential related with incident AMR E. coli that is factor knowledge of antibiotic resistance in layer chicken farming.

Level knowledge breeder about AMR possibility only is definition about AMR. Knowledge breeder about problem failure of antibiotic treatment and its impact on health chickens and the humans who consume them is very important in use antibiotics the rational one And appropriate (Walyani et et al., 2019). On the other hand, a lack of awareness can create uncertainty and evaluation bad at Usage process antibiotics (Antao) et al., 2018). If the bivariate results produce a Pvalue <0.25, then the variable immediately enters the multivariate stage. Analysis of risk factors for the occurrence of E. coli in layer chicken farms obtained that the factors of cage conditions, drinking water antibiotics and antibiotic purposes have a pvalue of less than 0.25. Thus, these factors will proceed to the multivariate test stage.

Multivariate Analysis

Multivariate analysis is conducted with the aim of obtaining the best model in determining determinants (determining factors). The multivariate analysis used is multiple logistic regression test. If the test results show that there are variables that have a pvalue (sig) > 005, then these variables must be removed from the modeling. Variables that are removed from the modeling are carried out in stages according to the highest variable probability value. After being removed, a logistic regression test is carried out again until there are no variables that have a pvalue (sig) > 0.05.

Table 7. Multiple Logistic Regression Test Results

Variable Description Sig. OR CI (95%)
Lower Upper
X2 Cage Condition 0,003 0,096 0,02 0,457

If we look at the Confident Interval (95% CI) value of 0.02-0.457, it means that we are 95% confident that the influence of variable X4 on the occurrence of E. coli is 0.02-0.457 times. Based on the results of the analysis of risk factors for the occurrence of E. coli in 120 isolates in layer chicken farms in Binjai, there is a possibility that the cause of the occurrence the incidence of AMR is poor cage hygiene (0.002) and the administration of antibiotics as prevention Which applied in drinking water so that the dosage and use are not measured and the dosage is not right (0.288), as well as the use of antibiotics for prevention and treatment which is inappropriate and excessive in feed due to the lack of support from the role of veterinarian for health monitoring chickens in the chicken farm layers. Besides That knowledge breeder which has not been understand incident AMR for example knowledge breeder about AMR And the danger for health animal and humans.



The results of the AMR test on 9 types of antibiotics showed that antibiotics Amoxicillin own level resistance Which most tall that is by (87.5%) followed Ampicillin (80%), Oxytetracycline (75%), Trimethoprim (67.5%) with presentation resistance in on 65%, intermediate resistance to Spectinomycin (35%) and Fosfomycin (27.5%) while resistance most low is antibiotics Doxycicline (0%), Enrofloxacin (2.5%), and Gentamicin (7.5%). Based on the results of the analysis of risk factors for the occurrence of E. coli in 120 isolates, there is a possibility that the cause of the occurrence The incidence of E. coli at the research location was poor cage hygiene (0.002) and the administration of antibiotics as prevention Which applied in drinking water so that the dose and usage become unmeasured and the dose is not correct (0.288)


In connection with incident resistance Which tall to antibiotics Amoxicillin, Ampicillin and Oxytetracycline in Layer Chicken Farms in Binjai are recommended for use this antibiotic stopped and rolled with other antibiotics, such as Doxycycline, Enrofloxacin, and Gentamicin.


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