Comparison Theorems for Weak Topologies (1)
- Chika S. Moore.
- Alexander O. Ilo.
- Ifeanyi Omezi
- 665-672
- Sep 18, 2024
- Mathematics
Comparison Theorems for Weak Topologies (1)
1Chika S. Moore., 1Alexander O. Ilo., 2Ifeanyi Omezi
1Department of Mathematics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, P.M.B. 5025, Awka, Anambra State
2Department of Petroleum Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, P.M.B. 5025, Awka, Anambra State
Received: 10 July 2024; Revised: 25 July 2024; Accepted: 29 August 2024; Published: 18 September 2024
Weak topology on a nonempty set X is defined as the smallest or weakest topology on X with respect to which a given (fixed) family of functions on X is continuous.
Let τw be a weak topology generated on a nonempty set X by a family {fα,:α ∈ ∆} of functions, together with a corresponding family {(Xα, τα):α ∈ ∆} of topological spaces. If for some α0 ∈ ∆, τα0 on Xα0 is not the indiscrete topology and fα0 meets certain requirements, then there exists another topology τw1 on X such that τw1 is strictly weaker than τw and fα is τw1-continuous, for all α ∈ ∆. Here in Part 1 of our Comparison Theorems for Weak Topologies it is observed that: (a) the new topology τw1 on X deserves to be called a weak topology (with respect to the fixed family of functions) in its own right. Hence, we call τw1 a strictly weaker weak topology on X, than τw; (b) the usual weak, weak star, and product topologies have chains of pairwise strictly comparable (respectively) weak, weak star, and product topologies around them.
All the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of τw1 in relation to τw are established. Ample examples are given to illustrate (at appropriate places) the various issues discussed.
Key Words: Topology, Weak Topology, Weak Topological System, Strictly Weaker Weak Topologies, Pairwise Strictly Comparable Weak Topologies
Mathematics Subjects Classification (MSC) 2020: 54A05, 54A10
The word Topology in Mathematics is comparable to the meaning of the word Topography in either Geography or Geology. While topography means ‘the observable nature of a landscape’ in both geography and geology, topology means the nature of the mathematical landscape upon which mathematical activities and operations (such as analysis of functions) can be performed. For example, if the topography of a land area is good, we can consider building a residential house on that piece of land; but if the land piece is an area of active volcano or a waterlogged swampy place, no one may think of going there to build a house. In mathematics, the effectiveness or efficacy of a function that we may define on a set depends on the topology of both the domain set and the range set. One mathematical set can have several topologies (plural of topology). For instance, a three-element set has 29 topologies, a 4-element set has exactly 355 topologies, a 7-element set has 9,535,241 topologies, and so on. Then mathematically speaking, what is a topology? Our first definition answers this question.
The topography of a geographical space determines the socioeconomic activity that can be carried out on that space. Similarly, the topology of a mathematical space (a set) determines the kind of mathematical activity that can be carried out on the space. Turn the focus around and ask the question: Can the socioeconomic activity (or the mathematical activity) on a geographical area (resp. mathematical space) determine the topography (the topology) of the geographical area (of the mathematical set)? The answer is ‘Yes’. Our aim in this study is not only to use constructive approach and practical examples to show that several weak topologies can be determined by a fixed family of functions on their common domain, but also to show how these topologies compare with one another.
The title of this research paper is: Comparison Theorems for Weak Topologies (1). The bracketed (1) here means that this research culminates into more than one article and that this manuscript is the number 1 in the entire three-part series of research work.
Definition 1.1 Let X be a nonempty set, and let 𝜏 be a collection of subsets of X in such a way that𝜏 contains the empty set, the entire set X , the intersection of any finite number of sets in 𝜏 and contains the union of any number of sets in 𝜏. Then 𝜏 is called a topology on X.
Definition 1.2 If 𝜏1 and 𝜏2 are two topologies on X such that (say) every set in 𝜏1 is in 𝜏2 , then we say that the topology 𝜏1 is weaker than the topology 𝜏2. If 𝜏1 is weaker than 𝜏2 and there exists a set in 𝜏2 which is not in 𝜏1 we say that 𝜏1 is strictly weaker than 𝜏2.
Definition 1.3 If 𝜏w is the weak topology on X generated by the family {(Xα, τα)}α∈∆ of topological spaces, together with the family {fα}α∈∆ of functions, we shall call the triple [(X,𝜏w), {(Xα,τα)}α∈∆, {fα}α∈∆] a weak topological system.
Definition 1.4 A product topological system is a triple [(X, 𝜏p), {(Xα, τα)}, {pα}] α∈∆ of a topological product space (X, 𝜏p), a family of topological spaces {(Xα,τα)} which, together with the family {pα} of projection maps, induce the product topology 𝜏p on X¯.
We observe that every product topological system is a weak topological system but the converse is not true.
Definition 1.5 Let [(X, 𝜏w), {(Xα, τα)} α∈∆, {fα}α∈∆] be a weak topological system. The weak topology 𝜏w is called an indiscrete weak topology (or a minimal weak topology)[1] if the family of functions in this system cannot generate a strictly weaker weak topology than 𝜏w, on X.
Definition 1.6 Let [(X, 𝜏w), {(Xα, τα)} α∈∆, {fα}α∈∆] be a weak topological system. The weak topology 𝜏w is called a discrete weak topology (or a maximal weak topology)[2] if the family of functions in this system cannot generate a strictly stronger weak topology than 𝜏w, on X.
Lemma 2.1 Let Ψ and Φ be two nonempty subsets of the power set 2X of a nonempty set X such that (say) Ψ is a proper subfamily of Φ. If f is a 1-1 function mapping into all the elements of Φ, and there exists an element of the domain of f mapped into an element of Φ not in Ψ, then S1 = {f−1(G) : G ∈ Ψ} is a proper subfamily of S2 = {f−1(G) : G ∈ Φ}.
Ψ is a proper subfamily of Φ. So, there exists G0 ∈ Φ ∋ G0 ∉ Ψ, and G ∈ Φ∀G ∈ Ψ. Therefore, from this hypothesis S1 = {f−1(G) : G ∈ Ψ} is a subfamily of S2 = {f−1(G) : G ∈ Φ} and—since G0 ∉ Ψ and f is 1-1—in particular the set f−1(G0) ∉ S1 (for otherwise we will have a contradiction). This means that S1 is a proper subfamily of S2. ⊙
If f is not 1-1, S1 may equal S2 even though Ψ is a proper subfamily of Φ. See examples 1 and 2 below. And if f is 1-1 and there is no element of the domain of f mapped into an element of Φ not in Ψ, then again S1 may equal S2; this is illustrated in example 3.
Example 1:
Let X = {a, b, c}, Ψ = {∅, X, {a}} and Φ = {∅, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}}, and let E be any nonempty set with cardinality greater than 1. Let f: E → X be a map such that f(E) = {a}. Then S1 = {f−1(G): G ∈ Ψ} = {∅, E} and S2 = {f−1(G): G ∈ Φ} = {∅, E}. That is, S1 = S2.
Example 2:
Let E = {1,2,3.4,5,6}, X = {a, b, c, d} and Let g: E → X be a map such that g(1) = a = g(4); g(3) = b = g(5). Let Ψ = {∅, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}} and Φ = {∅, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}, {c}, {a, b, c}}. Then Ψ is a proper subfamily of Φ but S1 = {g−1(G): G ∈ Ψ} = {∅, {1,3,4,5}, {1,4}, {3,5}} and S2 = {g−1(G): G ∈ Φ} = {∅, {1,3,4,5}, {1,4}, {3,5}}. So S1 = S2. We see that g−1(X) = g−1({a, b}) = g−1({a, b, c}) = {1,3,4,5}.
Example 3:
Let X = {a, b, c}, Ψ = {∅, X, {a}} and Φ = {∅, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}}. Let f: E → X be a map such that f(E) = {a}, where E is a singleton. Then f is 1-1 but S1 = {f−1(G): G ∈ Ψ} = {∅, E} and S2 = {f−1(G): G ∈ Φ} = {∅, E}. That is, S1 = S2.
Example 4:
Let E, X, Ψ and Φ all be as defined in example 2 and let g: E → X be a map defined by g(1) = a, g(3) = b, g(4) = c, g(5) = d. We now have g−1(∅) = ∅, g−1(X) = {1,3,4,5}, g−1({a}) = {1}, g−1({b}) = {3} and g−1({a, b}) = {1,3}. Therefore, S1 = {g−1(G): G ∈ Ψ} = {∅, {1,3,4,5}, {1}, {3}, {1,3}}.
Now g−1({c}) = 4 and g−1({a, b, c}) = {1,3,4}. Hence S2 = {g−1(G): G ∈ Φ} = {∅, {1,3,4,5}, {1}, {3}, {1,3}, {4}, {1,3,4}}. We now see that S1 is a proper subfamily of S2.
Henceforth whenever we mention 1-1 function in a weak topological system we shall assume that it meets the conditions of lemma 2.1; except otherwise stated.
Proposition 2.1 Let [(X, 𝜏w), {(Xα, τα)}α∈∆, {fα}α∈∆] be a weak topological system. For some αo ∈ ∆, arbitrary but fixed, let 𝜏o be a topology on such that 𝜏o is strictly weaker than
. If (for this fixed αo ∈ ∆) fα0 is 1-1, then ∃τw1, a topology on X, such that (i) τw1 < 𝜏w and (ii) fα is continuous with respect to τw1, for all α ∈ ∆.
and let
Then by lemma 1, S1 is a proper subfamily of S2 since 𝜏o is strictly weaker than and
is 1-1. We know that S2 is a sub-base for 𝜏w; and similarly, since 𝜏o is a topology on
, S1 is a sub-base for another topology 𝜏w1 on X. As S1 is a proper subfamily of S2, there exists at least one set, say G, in S2 such that G ∉ S1. It follows those finite intersections of sets in S2 (that is, base for 𝜏w) contains at least one set G more than the finite intersections of the sets in S1 (which is a base for 𝜏w1). Hence the topology 𝜏w1 is weaker than 𝜏w by at least one set G. That is, 𝜏w1 is strictly weaker than 𝜏w. We also observe that fα is 𝜏w1 -continuous, for each α ∈ ∆.
1. The proposition above and the lemma 2.1 that facilitated its proof relied heavily on the existence of just one 1-1 function in a weak topological system, not on the existence of 𝜏o; since every non-indiscrete topology has a strictly weaker topology.
2. Two weak topologies almost always the only ones of interest (so-called the weak and the weak star topologies) to many authors are about linear maps on linear spaces. The questions now vis-a-vis the proposition 2.1 here are Is every linear map a 1-1 function? The answer is ’No’. Projection maps are linear but not 1-1.
Does there exist linear maps which are 1-1? Answer: ’Yes’. The identity maps are linear and 1-1.
Is every 1-1 map linear? Answer: ’No’. The function f(x) = x3 is 1-1 but not linear.
3. Since there exist linear maps which are 1-1 and since the usual weak and weak star topologies are general statements about linear maps, proposition 2.1 implies that these topologies have strictly weaker weak or weak star topologies.
4. Among the results represented by the exposition of this paper is the fact that the usual weak and weak star topologies, among others, have chains of pairwise strictly comparable weaker weak topologies.
Corollary 2.1 The usual weak and weak star topologies have chains of pairwise strictly comparable weaker weak or weak star topologies.
Since these topologies are weak topologies generated, on sets (linear spaces precisely), by all the linear maps on such sets, since some linear maps (namely, the identity maps) are 1-1 functions, Proposition 2.1 ensures this result.
It may appear by now that it is only when a function f is 1-1 that S1 would be a proper subfamily of S2 given that Ψ is a proper subfamily of Φ. This is not so. In fact, f being 1-1 is only a sufficient condition for S1 to be a proper subfamily of S2 (given that Ψ is a proper subfamily of Φ) but it is not a necessary condition. The following example illustrates this.
Example 5:
Let E, X, Ψ and Φ all be as given in examples 2 and 4 above. Let h: E → X be a map defined by h(1) = a, h(2) = c, h(3) = b, h(4) = a and h(5) = b. Then we see that
S1 = {h−1(G): G ∈ Ψ} = {h−1(∅), h−1(X), h−1({a}), h−1({b}), h−1({a, b})} =
{∅, {1,2,3,4,5}, {1,4}, {3,5}, {1,3,4,5}}. And that
S2 = {h−1(G): G ∈ Φ}
= {h−1(∅), h−1(X), h−1({a}), h−1({b}), h−1({a, b}), h−1({c}), h−1({a, b, c})} = {∅, {1,2,3,4,5}, {1,4}, {3,5}, {1,3,4,5}, {2}}.
We observe that card(S1) = 5 and card(S2) = 6; that S1 ⊂ S2 and that S1 ≠ S2. A more general form of lemma 2.1 can therefore be stated as follows.
Lemma 2.2 Let Ψ and Φ be two nonempty subsets of the power set 2X of a nonempty set X such that Ψ is a proper subfamily of Φ. If f is a function mapping into each element of Φ, and there exists G0 ∈ Φ − Ψ such that f−1(G0) ≠ f−1(G), ∀G ∈ Ψ, then S1 = {f−1(G): G ∈ Ψ} is a proper subfamily of S2 = {f−1(G): G ∈ Φ}.
Since ∃G0 ∈ Φ, ∋ f−1(G0) ≠ f−1(G), ∀G ∈ Ψ and since Ψ ⊂ Φ it follows that the collection S1 = {f−1(G): G ∈ Ψ} is a proper subfamily of S2 = {f−1(G): G ∈ Φ}.
We can now also obtain a more general form of proposition 2.1.
Proposition 2.2 Let [(X, 𝜏w), {(Xα, τα)}α∈∆, {fα}α∈∆] be a weak topological system. For some α0 ∈ ∆, arbitrary but fixed, let τ0 be a topology on Xα0 such that τ0 is strictly weaker than τα0. If ∃G0 ∈ τα0 such that
then ∃τw1, a topology on X, such that (i) τw1 < 𝜏w and (ii)
fα is continuous with respect to τw1, for all α ∈ ∆.
Since ∃G0 ∈ τα0 such that , it follows that G0 ∈ τα0 − τ0 and (by lemma 2) in particular
is a proper subfamily of
Clearly elements of S2 are among the sub-basic sets of 𝜏w and, since τ0 is a topology, S1 is also a subset of a sub-base for another topology τw1 on X, strictly weaker than 𝜏w. Since [(X, τw1), {(Xα, τα)}α∈∆, {fα}α∈∆] is a weak topological system, fα is τw1-continuous, ∀α ∈ ∆.
Proposition 2.2 implies that even a product topology can have a strictly weaker product topology.
Let X1 = {a, b} = X2 be two sets and let = = {(a, a), (a, b), (b, a), (b, b)}.
Let the projection maps on be defined in the usual way
by pi{(x, y)} = x, if i = 1 and pi{(x, y)} = y, if i = 2. Let both factor spaces of
be endowed with the topology τ = {∅, {a}, {b}, {a, b}}. Then the product topology 𝜏p on
is 𝜏p = 2x, the power set of
; which is a family of 16 subsets of
If we now let a factor space of , say X1, be endowed with a topology τ0 strictly weaker than τ such that ∃G0 ∈ τ and such that we shall get a strictly weaker product topology , on
, than 𝜏p. To see this, let τ0 on X1 be τ0 = {∅, X1, {a}}. Then (with the topology of X2 still being τ) the product topology now on
would be
a family of only 9 subsets of
It can also be verified easily that both projection maps p1 and p2 are continuous with respect to if τ0 and τ are endowed on X1 and X2 respectively.
Example 6 actually represents a general phenomenon in product topological systems; namely that if [(X, 𝜏p), {(Xα,τα)}, {pα}]α∈∆ is a product topological system, and there exists ∈ ∆ such that has a strictly weaker topology , on then there exists a strictly weaker product topology τp1 than 𝜏p on X¯ with respect to which all the projection maps are continuous. We shall give a formal proof of this later, but for now, let’s have another lemma.
Lemma 2.3 Let pα: → Xα be a projection map of a Cartesian product set onto a factor space. If xα1 and xα2 are two different elements of Xα, then
) ≠
Since projection maps count coordinates and return them to respective (or corresponding) factor spaces, we have
As tuples (or vectors) are equal if and only if their corresponding components are equal, and since xα1 ≠ xα2, we must have ; that is,
) and
) have no element in common. As both
) and
) are nonempty, it follows that
) ≠
Corollary 2.2 Let be a projection mapping. If A and B are two nonempty subsets of Xα such that (say) A is a proper subset of B, then
; that is,
is a proper subset of
Since A ⊂ B and A ≠ B, ∃b0 ∈ B ∋ b0 A. This implies that b0 ≠ a, ∀a ∈ A. This implies (by lemma 2.3) that , ∀a ∈ A. This implies that
But , because A ⊂ B. And we also know that
as b0 ∈ B. Hence
is a proper subset of
Corollary 2.3 Let be a projection mapping and let Ψ and Φ be two nonempty subsets of the power set of
Xα. If Ψ is a proper subfamily of Φ, then
is a proper subfamily of
Clearly is a subfamily of
, from hypothesis. We only show that S1 ≠ S2. Let G0 ∈ Φ − Ψ. Since each set is the union of its own elements, we have
This implies that . This implies that
and since
, it follows that S1 ≠ S2. That is, S1 is a proper subfamily of S2.
Proposition 2.3 Let [(X, 𝜏p), {(Xα, τα)}, {pα}]α∈∆ be a product topological system. If (for some α0 ∈ ∆) τα0 has a strictly weaker topology τ0, on Xα0, then the product topology 𝜏p on X¯ has a strictly weaker product topology, .
From hypothesis is a proper subfamily of
. By corollary 2.3,
is a proper subfamily of
. Since
is a topology on
, it follows that
is part of a sub-base for a product topology
(with the topologies of the other factor spaces unchanged). Since S2 is part of a sub-base for 𝜏p and since S1 is a proper subfamily of S2,
is strictly weaker than 𝜏p.
- It is now clearer that the condition of 1-1-ness in proposition 2.1 is only a sufficient, but not necessary, requirement for a strictly weaker weak topology to be obtained, given that the topology of a range space has a strictly weaker topology.
- The reasoning in propositions 2.1 and 2.2 implies that if τ1 is strictly weaker than τ0, τ2 strictly weaker than τ1, and so on, then there exist correspondingly weak topologies τw2, τw3, etc., on X, such that 𝜏w > τw1 > τw2 > τw3 > ··.
- If we have a weak topological system [(X, 𝜏w), {(Xα, τα)}α∈∆, {fα}α∈∆], one question is whether we can always find another topology τw1 on X such that 𝜏w > τw1 and such that each function in the family is continuous? That is, does τw1 always exist for every weak topology 𝜏w? Another question (if it be found that τw1 does not exist for all weak topologies 𝜏w) is whether we can characterize such weak topologies 𝜏w for which we can find such τw1. And yet another question is: What (if any) topological property can 𝜏w transmit to, or induce on τw1? This last question can be seen as property inheritance question—and it is as important here as it is in human society. These questions and more are what we shall be looking at in the next section.
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[1] As we shall see later, an indiscrete weak topology on X may not equal what may, now, be called the ordinary indiscrete topology {X, ∅} of X.
[2] As we shall see later, a discrete weak topology on X may be strictly weaker than what may be called the ordinary discrete topology {X, 2X} of X.