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Creativity and Innovation in Increasing Product Utility; Case Study of the Mas Puput Meatball Business in Makassar City

  • Putri Alfina Lestari
  • Muhammad Rakib
  • Muhammad Jufri
  • 106-121
  • Nov 22, 2023
  • Education

Creativity and Innovation in Increasing Product Utility; Case Study of the Mas Puput Meatball Business in Makassar City

Putri Alfina Lestari, Muhammad Rakib*, Muhammad Jufri

Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Received: 11 October 2023; Accepted: 20 October 2023; Published: 22 November 2023


This research aims to analyze the use of the SCAMPER method in increasing creativity and innovation as well as product utility in the Bakso Mas Puput business in Makassar City. The SCAMPER method is a research tool used to generate new ideas by making changes to existing products. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The research informants consisted of Bakso Mas Puput business owners and their loyal customers. The collected data was analyzed using qualitative analysis methods. The research results show that the application of the SCAMPER Method to Mas Puput’s Bakso Business has been successful in creating significant creativity and innovation as well as increasing the utility of their products. Each step of the SCAMPER Method, namely, Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to other use, Eliminate, and Rearrange, has provided positive contribution in achieving the desired results. Creativity and innovation in terms of variations in taste, attractive appearance, and unique experiences have provided increased product utility and customer satisfaction. In addition, the application of the SCAMPER Method also has an impact on menu updates, marketing strategy development, and expansion business

Keywords: Creativity, Innovation, Product Utility, SCAMPER Method


In the increasingly advanced era of globalization, competition in the business world is getting tighter. This requires business people to continue to innovate and create products that are better and more useful for consumers. One way to increase the utility of a product is by developing creativity and innovation in the production process. Meatballs are a very popular food in Indonesia and are widely sold in various places. However, competition in the meatball business is also getting tighter, so innovation is needed to improve the quality and attractiveness of the product (Nugraha, 2022). In entrepreneurship, business progress will depend on the creativity of an entrepreneur’s ideas. Creativity is the ability to generate an idea, while innovation itself is the ability to apply creativity to something that can be implemented and add value to dedicated resources. (Rusdianto et al., 2022). One business that continues to survive and develop along with the increasing public need for delicious food is meatballs. Many meatball fans, from lower to upper classes, consider meatballs to be a business that promises to generate profits and is not easy to decline because meatballs are not a seasonal business. Meatball entrepreneurs must have their own strategy in order to compete with other meatball traders. Competition in business is very high because there are already many meatballs in the Makassar City area and there is no possibility that there will be competition from meatball entrepreneurs and traveling meatball traders. (Aditi et al., 2022).

Creativity and innovation are important factors in business development, especially in increasing product utility and meeting customer needs. This research will examine the application of the SCAMPER method in the Bakso Mas Puput business in Makassar City to achieve this goal.

The challenge faced in developing creativity and innovation in the meatball business is the limited resources and capital owned by business actors. Apart from that, lack of knowledge and skills in developing new ideas is also an obstacle in the innovation process. (Putri & Ganindha, 2022). Creativity and innovation are very important roles in the business world, especially in developing products so they can compete in limited markets. One possible way to increase the value of this product is by using the SCAMPER Method. By applying the SCAMPER Method, meatball entrepreneurs can create creative and innovative new ideas to increase product utility and compete in an increasingly tight market. The use of the SCAMPER Method in the meatball business is that you can change the ingredients used, combine meatballs with other ingredients, produce a unique meatball recipe, change the size or shape of the meatballs, use meatballs as a base for other products, produce related ingredients or processes, and reverse the method of making meatballs. When measuring quality, factors derived from product quality are used, namely utility, taste and aroma. Overall, it can be concluded that the quality of the Bakso Mas Puput product is quite good. The cost of making meatball products is calculated from the raw material costs of Rp2.000.000,-. Meanwhile, for product price factors, derivative product price factors are used, namely low prices, competitive prices, matching quality and looking for product advantages. It can be said that this meatball product has not been given a customization rating to further improve the properties of the product by adjusting the taste, design and size according to consumer demand. (Wowor et al., 2020).

Therefore, meatball entrepreneurs must approach product development with a creative and innovative mindset in order to stand out from the crowd and meet consumer preferences and demands. In this situation, innovation and creativity can play an important role in increasing the utility of meatball products. By applying creativity and innovation in the meatball business, business actors can increase the competitiveness of their products and attract consumers’ interest in buying their products. This can have a positive impact on business growth and the resulting profits. (Wurlina et al., 2022). One example of a business in the food industry that has implemented creativity and innovation successfully is the meatball business. The meatball business has applied creativity and innovation to increase product utility, expand markets, and provide a better experience to consumers.

Meatballs made from chicken are a type of processed food that often appears in various places, because most people make meatballs from beef or fish. The high price of beef on the market makes beef meatball sellers prefer to run other businesses with less capital or costs. (Wulandari & Nuraini, 2020). Meatball entrepreneurs usually choose or replace the main raw material of beef with chicken. The taste of chicken meatballs is no less delicious than beef meatballs, the price of chicken meat is more affordable, making the meatball business run as desired. Apart from innovation in products, creativity can also be applied to the way products are presented and marketed. For example, by creating an attractive display of dishes or providing attractive promotions to attract consumer interest. By applying creativity and innovation in the meatball business, business actors can increase the competitiveness of their products and attract consumers’ interest in buying their products. This can have a positive impact on business growth and the resulting profits.

One way to increase product utility is by providing or serving different food menus by increasing production and production which is designed to create attractive products or have its own product. (Indrasari, 2019). Because according to one of the culinary entrepreneurs in Borong Village, the menu display is unique and has the ability to differentiate from other competitors so that the products displayed attract the attention of customers because they have their own characteristics that make the meatball menu their favorite. The appearance of the meatballs is very influential if the taste is delicious, but in terms of appearance it is not attractive to consumers, of course it will make them hesitate to taste it. If the appearance served is attractive, and the taste is not good, then customers will be reluctant to buy. Therefore, optimal creativity and innovation are needed to process meatballs into something attractive to look at and customers are addicted to buying so that it can have implications for business income or increase turnover. This meatball making industrial business is characterized by a simple food industry type of business. Meatballs are a type of food that is well known to the wider community and is a favorite food for everyone, from children to the elderly. The raw material for making meatballs is also a type of raw material that is easy to get in various places, such as chicken meat which is easy to get when running a business or venture. (Christian, 2020). When running a meatball business, it is best to produce it yourself, this will save costs or capital, apart from that, the quality of the taste of these meatballs can be adjusted to customer requests. Utility itself is the use value of the product. Meatballs made from chicken are a type of processed food that often appears in various places, because most people make meatballs from beef or fish. The high price of beef on the market makes beef meatball sellers prefer to run other businesses with less capital or costs. Meatball entrepreneurs usually choose or replace the main raw material of beef with chicken. The taste of chicken meatballs is no less delicious than beef meatballs, the price of chicken meat is more affordable, making the meatball business run as desired. Making chicken meatballs also requires several tools and materials to process meatballs, namely a large pan, basin, stove, gas cylinder and spoon. Making chicken meatballs does not only use chicken meat, but there are several other ingredients that need to be prepared to add flavor to the meatballs, and the meat used as the main raw material must use quality meat such as fresh and freshly cut chicken. To get quality and fresh meat, you have to look for a trustworthy meat supplier. When starting a business, the thing you must pay attention to is controlling production stock from selecting materials to marketing.

Entrepreneurs must know that meatballs only last one day if they are not put in the freezer, conversely, if the meatballs are put in the freezer they can last 1-3 months. So that customers don’t get bored with the same products, meatball entrepreneurs need to be creative and innovative in the products they want to market, their creativity is by making various variants and fillings for meatballs, while their innovation is by providing several additional spices which then customers just need to boil in water. This meatball business has proven to be successful for many people, starting from a small business, then developing into a large-scale meatball business so that they can develop a much larger meatball business. When running a meatball business, you definitely have to have quite a lot of capital, other costs include carts. In fact, whether those selling around or just selling at home generally need a cart as a place to place the products being marketed.

The key to success in starting a meatball business is to determine a strategic location, densely populated with people, such as selling in homes, markets, schools, campuses and offices which are always busy, that’s why any food business in schools, campuses or offices is always busy. many visitors. The market is also a very busy place, you can always find many food sellers in the market, a location like this is suitable as a place to sell meatballs or other types of food. There are several meatball sellers who sell their products by moving around using carts like street vendors. The locations that are always targeted are of course those that are densely populated, such as in villages or housing complexes. Based on the problems described above, the author submits a thesis with the title Creativity and Innovation in Increasing Product Utility Case Study of the Mas Puput Bakso Business in Makassar City.


  • Entrepreneurship

The term entrepreneurship is someone who is able to see an opportunity and then creates an organization to take advantage of this opportunity by starting a new business or the ability of each person to seize a business opportunity and will take advantage of it by opening a business area. The definition of entrepreneurship itself is a person’s path of work that is carried out by making a profit and will allow for unlimited losses based on the scale of a person’s qualities, so that to take the step into entrepreneurship, a strong person is needed, a person who never gives up, is confident, and has the ability to read an opportunity. Entrepreneurship has a fairly broad meaning, because it is able to capture business opportunities which are then used as business opportunities to create business opportunities. After the business opportunity is created, an entrepreneur will maintain the business, develop the business and expand the business network in accordance with the main goal of doing entrepreneurship.(Alfianto, 2012). Thus, the meaning of entrepreneurship is that superior humans are able to live on their own strength. As research results  (Rakib, 2020) has proven that self-confidence will have a very significant influence on interest in entrepreneurship. MSMEs are business units that stand alone and are founded by individuals or business entities from all economic sectors. (Syam, 2023). Entrepreneurship is the behavior of entrepreneurs who manage their business, entrepreneurship refers to processes, practices and decision making that encourage input and has four aspects of entrepreneurship, namely Need for achievement (Desire to achieve success), Internal locus of control (Individual’s beliefs regarding influential events in his life which results in his behavior so that it can be controlled), Self-reliance (Independence), and Extroversion (Openness to the environment).

The term entrepreneurship is someone who is able to see an opportunity and then creates an organization to take advantage of this opportunity by starting a new business or the ability of each person to seize a business opportunity and will take advantage of it by opening a business area (Alfianto 2012). The following are Entrepreneurship indicators (Huda, 2020):

  • According to Mc Celland, the learning process is stable and where satisfaction will be obtained by striving and meeting the highest level that can be obtained and becoming an expert in that field.
  • Lau, said that self-control will be related to matters that can involve a behavioral problem for the individual concerned.
  • According to Masrun, an attitude can enable a person to act freely, do things for himself and his own needs without relying on help from others, think and act creatively, be full of initiative, be able to influence the environment, have self-confidence in obtaining satisfaction from his efforts.

An entrepreneur will always have and will continue to try to improve his abilities, in accordance with the opinion (Rakib, 2016) that an entrepreneur who wants to be successful in managing and improving the performance of his business must have more effective communication skills.

  • Creativity and Innovation Concept

Creativity is defined as the ability to generate new ideas, innovative solutions, and see opportunities in a problem or situation. Creativity is very important in business because it can help innovation, product improvement and competitive advantage. Creativity is an important ability in various fields such as art, technology, business, and others. In the business world, for example, creativity is needed to create new products or services that are innovative and attract customer interest. Creativity is an important source for creating competitiveness for all organizations that always care about Growth and Change. Entrepreneurial creativity will never develop if there is no accompanying knowledge. Because knowledge in entrepreneurship is the human ability to remember things, learn and apply information, then carry out entrepreneurial activities.(Fajar, 2020). Of course, everyone has the ability to be creative and innovative. However, each individual will grow and develop in different ways according to the opportunities to develop them. Analysis of creativity and innovation shows that high creativity can increase the utility and variety of new things, while creativity without new innovation will not bring much change. Innovation is the application of creativity to reality to make it useful and useful. To utilize one’s potential and the resources around them effectively, a person must be creative and innovative.(Fairusi, 2020).

The opinion is (Pearce & Robinson, 2013)that innovation is the first commercialization of an invention through the production and sale of a new product, service, or process. And the types of innovation consist of incremental innovation and breakthrough innovation. This type of breakthrough innovation is the same as radical innovation, only the terms are different. The main key to strengthening the survival of the MSME food industry in Makassar City is to create a new design platform through product innovation, which is a key strategy for increasing product utility and regenerating food businesses in Makassar City that have never become extinct over time. (Putera, 2021). Product innovation has a positive influence on competitive advantage; therefore meatball entrepreneurs are expected to be able to form new innovations in facing both competitors and customers in the market (Dalimunthe, 2017). The indicators of innovation are as follows (Carlina, 2022):

  • Invention is creating a product that has never been done before.
  • Development means developing existing products.
  • Duplication is by imitating the product. Duplication is carried out by adding creativity and improving new concepts to be able to compete.
  • Synthetic is a combination of existing concepts and factors and makes it into a new formulation. This process will take a number of ideas from products that have been created so that they can be applied in new ways.

Product innovation is something that is considered to work with product development that can place a product one step ahead of competitors’ products. Product innovation is important for sustainable business continuity, especially in small and medium-sized companies(Pattipeilohy, 2018).

  • Product Utility

Product utility refers to the utility or value received by consumers when using or consuming the product. Utility is a term that describes consumer satisfaction from consuming both services and goods. This product utility approach is used to show that the price and quality of the product demanded are well related. (Barakah, 2018).

Product utility consists of two words, namely, quality and product. Quality is the totality of goods, for example, the features and characteristics that satisfy consumer desires. According to Kotler, quality is any offering that can satisfy consumer desires. Product quality is the ability of an item to provide results that exceed what consumers want. The following are several indicators of product quality, namely:(Indrasari, 2019b)

  • Hygienic, has an influence on consumers purchasing meatballs because it is processed hygienically and the ingredients used, starting from raw materials such as chicken meat and spices, are used really carefully and the product is kept clean.
  • Taste, has a variety of flavors and will provide various flavors to suit consumer tastes when buying meatball products.
  • The texture of these meatballs has a special attraction for consumers because some consumers like the texture of meatballs which are chewy and still taste meaty when eaten.
  • Durability, does not use dangerous ingredients or spices so it can last up to 3 months if put in the freezer.


  • Types of research

This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research informants consisted of the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business and their loyal customers. Data was collected through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The research was carried out in a structured manner with guided questions that had been prepared previously. The collected data was analyzed using qualitative analysis methods, including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.

  • Data Type

The data required includes primary data and secondary data. The primary data that will be obtained by the author is taken through direct observation, discussions, and interviews with the owner of the Mas Puput Bakso Business and members who are active in it. Secondary data will be obtained by the author through literature or library studies that can support this research. This data can be sourced from internal report data from the Bakso Mas Puput Business, books, scientific journals, internet sites, and data from several other related agencies.

  • Data Collection Techniques

From this data collection technique, there is a main step that can be taken in this research, because the main step of this research is related to SCAMPER to increase product utility, so that the flow of SCAMPER theory and practice can be easily understood by readers. This research uses several types of methods, including the following:

  1. Observation is a technique that can be used to produce data through systematic observation and recording of the phenomenon to be investigated. The data that will be obtained from this observation is that the two Bakso Mas Puput from the production process of this business still use traditional methods, meaning the traditional method is using hands to make meatballs, Mas Puput only makes meatballs because only he understands the making and size of meatballs. the.
  2. Interviews are a technique for collecting data if researchers want to know more deeply and the number of responses is slightly large. The data that will be obtained from the results of the interview itself is that they do not know how to use social media to market their production so that it can be better known to the outside community. Mas Puput’s meatball business is capable of producing meatball dough from 10-40 kg and is only assisted by his own family, with the meatball making process being carried out from 10.30-17.00.
  3. Documentation is looking for data about something and variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, and so on. Another aim of this research is to use a documentation method which will obtain data and information at the research location through written documents and sources related to the research focus, such as data on daily sales of meatballs, production costs.
  • Data analysis technique

The data analysis techniques used in this qualitative research include interview transcripts, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation and triangulation. From the results of data analysis, conclusions can then be drawn. The following are several data analysis techniques used by researchers, namely:

  • Data Reduction: Reducing data means summarizing, selecting the main things, focusing on the important things , looking for themes and patterns and discarding what is not needed.
  • Triangulation, triangulation is a technique for checking the validity of data that uses something else to compare interview results with the research object. Triangulation can also be done using different techniques such as interviews, observations, and documents. Triangulation is used to check the correctness of data and is carried out to enrich the data
  • Drawing Conclusions: Conclusions in qualitative research are expected to be able to find new findings that have not previously existed. It can be in the form of a description or picture of an object that was previously still dim or dark so that after research it becomes clear, it can be in the form of a causal or interactive relationship, hypothesis or theory.


  • Research result

The following are the results of interviews conducted by researchers with the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business using the SCAMPER method:

  1. Substitute

Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers with business owners, replacing product components must consider quality, taste, texture and functionality so that replacing these components does not damage the taste or texture of the meatballs which have become attached to the hearts of customers or consumers.

The following are the results of interviews conducted by researchers with business owners regarding replacing product components and identifying the ingredients used in the production process of Bakso Mas Puput. How do you approach replacing product components in a business? How can this impact increase product utility? Explanation from Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“In replacing product components in cooking, the approach I take is to consider the quality, taste, texture and functionality of the ingredients that will be used as replacements. First of all, we need to understand the characteristics of the material we want to replace and look for a replacement material that has similar properties. For example, in meatballs, chicken meat is usually the main component. If we want to replace chicken with beef for some reason, it is necessary to choose the appropriate cut of beef to produce a texture similar to chicken.”

Based on the results of the interviews conducted, Mr. Warsono also said that there would be a positive impact if the replacement of existing product components was carried out because it would create production efficiency. However, in this case we must not forget the taste that is inherent in the Bakso Mas Puput business. This was conveyed by Mr. Warsono in the interview session conducted.

In the context of Bakso Mas Puput, can you provide a concrete example of how replacing a particular ingredient has resulted in positive changes in the product and customer response? Explanation by Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“The positive impact of changing product components is that it allows for variation in the menu and provides options for customers with special preferences or needs. This can also help in managing raw material costs and can increase production efficiency.”

Based on information obtained from Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, he said that there will be different responses given by customers from Bakso Mas Puput regarding the replacement of one component of the food so in this case there must be a comprehensive understanding regarding replacement. of this component.

How is the process of identifying alternative materials carried out in an effort to increase creativity in processing products? Mr. Warsono’s explanation as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput Uang business explained that:

“A concrete example of Bakso Mas Puput could be replacing some of the chicken meat with beef in a meatball recipe. This replacement can produce a product with a milder taste but still delicious. Customer response may vary; some customers like new variations, while others prefer classic flavors. It is important to collect customer feedback regularly to understand how these changes are being received. The process of identifying alternative ingredients in processing products requires an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the ingredients and their interactions with other ingredients in the recipe. This involves experimenting with various ingredients to find the most suitable combination. To increase creativity, we can involve the kitchen team to participate in ideation sessions, new experiments and sensory assessments”.

  1. Combine

Based on the results of the interview conducted with Mr. Warsono, he said that the combination of chicken and beef would create a new flavor variant for the Bakso Mas Puput business. This will also create choices for consumers who like to consume foods with low fat and high fat because chicken meat has a low-fat content.

How do you think about combining chicken-based products with the existing menu at Bakso Mas Puput? What benefits can such a combination bring? And can you tell us about Bakso Mas Puput’s experience in combining chicken meat with other products? What are the results and what is customer response? Explanation by Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“Combining chicken-based products with the existing menu at Bakso Mas Puput can open up new opportunities in variations in taste and texture. This combination can expand the reach of customers looking for low-fat options or meat alternatives. Another benefit is increased menu diversification, which can increase a restaurant’s appeal and give customers more reasons to return. Bakso Mas Puput’s experience in combining chicken meat with other products could lead to the development of the “Spiced Chicken Meatballs” menu which combines chicken meat with special spices. The results could be very encouraging for customers who are looking for meat alternatives and love the distinctive flavor of spices.”

  1. Adapt

Based on the results of interviews conducted with consumers from Bakso Mas Puput, Bakso Mas Puput has adapted well to suit consumer needs and preferences. The following are the results of an interview conducted with one of the consumers of Bakso Puput:

How to adopt a proactive approach in adapting to changing consumer preferences and needs? Explanation from Mr. Warsono as a customer of Bakso Mas Puput who explained that:

“Bakso Mas Puput has adopted a proactive approach in adapting to changing consumer preferences and needs. They regularly conduct surveys and interviews with consumers to gain direct insight into what their customers want. The results of these interviews are used to update their menu and services regularly. Bakso Mas Puput has made some significant changes to their menu and service. They introduced new variations on meatball types, including vegetarian meatballs and meatballs with international flavors. In addition, they have tailored sauce choices and additions based on regional preferences, accommodating varying tastes.”

Regarding product planning and innovation, based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers with product design experts in the interview session, collaboration between the chef and owner of Bakso Mas Puput will be able to create a product innovation which will have a positive impact on consumer satisfaction. Therefore, in product innovation, Bakso Mas Puput must emphasize the texture, appearance of the company, and economic feasibility, where in this case the product example given is Bakso Taco.

What is the product design process at Bakso Mas Puput and what factors are considered? Mr Warsono’s explanation. as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business who explained that:

“The product design process at Bakso Mas Puput involves collaboration between experienced chefs, research and development teams, as well as feedback from consumers. The stages start from identifying market trends and consumer preferences, experimenting with new recipes, internal trials, and finally implementing new products into the menu. The main factors considered include taste, texture, visual appearance, availability of raw materials, and economic feasibility. Apart from that, sustainability and health aspects are also a concern, with the exploration of alternative materials that are more environmentally friendly. The innovative product that stands out is “Bakso Fusion” – a unique combination of meatballs with flavors from international cuisine. An example is the “Meatball Taco” which combines the taste of meatballs with elements of Mexican food. “This product not only provides a new taste experience for consumers but also creates a new attraction that differentiates Bakso Mas Puput from its competitors.”

Apart from that, based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers with one of the consumers of Bakso Mas Puput who said that Bakso Mas Puput always involves the role of consumers in every innovation carried out. Where consumers can use social media to provide suggestions to Bakso Mas Puput regarding product innovations that they should carry out.

How does Bakso Mas Puput collect information about consumer desires and preferences? Explanation by Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“Bakso Mas Puput collects information about consumer desires and preferences through various methods. Apart from interviews and surveys, they are also active in interacting with consumers through social media and online ordering platforms, where consumer feedback and reviews are analyzed regularly. Based on direct input from consumers, Bakso Mas Puput has added a choice of meatballs with a stronger spicy taste. This may not have been achieved without consumer input expressing interest in bolder flavor variations. Bakso Mas Puput successfully manages the balance between meeting existing consumer expectations and creating something new and exciting while sticking to their brand’s core values. They wisely choose innovative products that are complementary to their existing menu, thereby not neglecting their loyal customers while also attracting new customers.”

  1. Modified

Regarding product modifications, based on the results of interviews conducted with the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, information was obtained from the product design that product modifications must be carried out by conducting an analysis first according to consumer preferences and needs. Therefore, in this case Bakso Mas Puput must consider the experiences that consumers have regarding the appearance of the product if Bakso Mas Puput wants to make modifications to its product. The following are the results of interviews conducted by researchers with the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business.

How can product size in meatball food design influence consumer experience? Explanation by Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“Product size in meatball food design has an important role in the consumer experience. The right size can influence consumers’ perceived value of the product. Larger sizes can give consumers a feeling of fullness and more value, while smaller sizes can give the impression of light food or are suitable for snacking. For example, by presenting various sizes of meatballs, consumers have choices according to their eating intentions and preferences. In the case of Bakso Mas Puput, modifying product size can be a strategy to increase consumer appeal and satisfaction. The introduction of meatballs in different sizes can attract more customers who want a variety of portions and prices. Using packaging that suits the size of the product will also help create a good impression while considering consumer comfort. The design of product size modifications must consider the overall consumer experience. Aspects such as appearance, comfort when eating, and adequate portions need to be considered. The packaging design must also suit the size of the product and be easy to use. Alignment between product size, packaging and taste of meatballs is a key factor that can positively influence consumer experience.”

Regarding product appearance, the design expert in the interview session said that the product appearance must be made as attractive as possible so that it can provide added value to the meatball products being sold. However, in this case the appearance of the product packaging must also consider the quality of the meatballs sold by Bakso Mas Puput so that it does not only emphasize the appearance aspect but also the quality aspect in the form of taste. The following are the results of interviews conducted by researchers with business owners.

Product packaging plays an important role in creating added value and brand recognition. Attractive and unique packaging designs can attract consumers’ attention on store shelves. Packaging also functions as a container that protects the product and provides important information to consumers about the product, nutrition, and how to serve it.

How can product packaging modifications increase competitiveness and attractiveness in a competitive market in the context of Bakso Mas Puput? Explanation by Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“In the context of Bakso Mas Puput, modifying product packaging can be a way to increase competitiveness and attractiveness in a competitive market. Packaging design that reflects the brand value and uniqueness of the meatball product can help the product stand out among competitors. Using packaging that is environmentally friendly or has a reusable storage feature can also be an added value. In designing packaging for food products such as meatballs, attractive aesthetic elements must be combined with comfort and functionality. Clear information about the product, appetizing images, and the use of colors that match the brand are important factors. Safety, ease of opening and closing, and the ability to maintain product freshness must also be considered.”

Apart from that, regarding product texture, Mr. Warsono also said that product texture will create an immersive experience for consumers. However, its implementation requires several challenges related to trials that must be carried out to determine consumer responses to the texture of the Bakso Mas Puput product.

How can texture influence the sensory experience when consuming food and how can modifying a product’s texture influence consumers’ perceptions of the overall taste and quality of the product in the context of Bakso Mas Puput? Explanation by Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“Texture plays an important role in creating a sensory experience when consuming food. The right texture can increase consumer satisfaction through the sensation of biting, soft or crunchy food, and the combination of taste. Modifying a product’s texture can influence consumers’ perceptions of the taste and overall quality of the product. In the case of Bakso Mas Puput, the modification of the texture of the meatball product can be linked to the development of taste and consumer satisfaction. For example, a crispier texture on the outer layer of meatballs can provide a new dimension in every bite, while the soft texture on the inside still maintains the softness of the traditional taste of meatballs. The challenge in creating product textures according to consumer preferences involves intensive experimentation and testing. Each texture variation must take into account raw materials, cooking methods, and processing techniques. A successful texture design will differentiate Bakso Mas Puput from competitors, creating unique product characteristics.”

  1. Put Another to Use

Regarding innovation and additions to product variations that will be carried out by Bakso Mas Puput, Mr. Warsono in an interview session conducted with researchers said that the addition of variations and innovations carried out by Bakso Mas Puput in their products will be able to create added value for consumers so that this will affect the taste of Bakso Mas Puput in the eyes of consumers. The following are the results of interviews conducted by researchers with product design experts.

How can multifunctional use of products provide added value to consumers in the context of Bakso Mas Puput and how can packaging design attract consumers? Explanation by Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“Using multifunctional products can provide added value to consumers by providing more benefits in one product. For example, meatball products can be formulated with additional ingredients that increase nutritional value or provide serving variations. Bakso Mas Puput can develop innovation by combining multifunctional concepts, such as providing ready-to-eat meatballs that can be processed into different dishes. Developing alternative recipes or creative guidance for consumers to use meatballs in home cooking could be an additional attraction. To encourage creativity and innovation, Bakso Mas Puput can hold idea search programs or competitions for customers, inviting them to participate in designing new product variants. Involving consumers in the innovation process can provide valuable insights and generate ideas that are centered on consumer needs and desires.”

  1. Eliminate

Regarding the cost efficiency carried out by Bakso Mas Puput which reduces several elements such as preservatives, Mr. Warsono said in the interview session that reducing the number of elements such as costs for preserving apart from cost efficiency will also have a significant impact on the health of consumers so this will have positive influence on the image of Bakso Mas Puput in the eyes of consumers. The following are the results of interviews conducted by researchers with the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business.

How do you approach simplifying products in the context of a culinary business? How can this increase the product’s utility and appeal? Explanation from Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“Simplifying products can be done by reducing the number of ingredients or steps in the recipe. This can increase production efficiency and reduce costs. In cooking, simplifying should not come at the expense of quality and taste. For example, if there are a lot of additional ingredients in a meatball recipe, we can try reducing some of the ingredients without sacrificing the distinctive taste. In the context of Bakso Mas Puput, perhaps they have removed some ingredients that are less common or difficult to obtain without reducing the taste. An example could be meatballs without the use of additional preservatives which generates a positive response from customers who prefer natural and fresh food.”

However, regarding the addition of new elements to Bakso Mas Puput, the Culinary Teacher said that these additions can be made as long as they do not dominate the taste of the main product which has given a good impression to consumers.

Can you share some insight into the process of creating a product innovation plan? How do you ensure that the planning is targeted and sustainable? Explanation by Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“Adding new product elements requires a deep understanding of the compatibility of flavors, textures and presentation with existing menu items. A challenge that may arise is ensuring that the new element does not dominate the taste of the main product. The solution is to conduct a small trial first and ask for feedback from various groups.”

  1. Reverse

Apart from that, Mr. Warsno also conveyed regarding the rearrangement of products from Bakso Mas Puput where Mr. Warsono in the interview session said that it was important to pay attention to the taste and identity of Bakso Mas Puput before rearranging related products from Bakso Mas Puput.

In rearranging product elements, how do you ensure that these changes do not disrupt the taste or brand identity of Bakso Mas Puput? Explanation by Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“When rearranging product elements, it is important to understand the essence of the taste and identity of the Bakso Mas Puput brand. This can be done by retaining key ingredients and flavor elements that identify the brand. If changes need to be made, make sure they are in line with the flavors customers are familiar with. The process of creating a product innovation plan involves identifying short and long-term goals, market research, taste experiments, and cost-benefit analysis. Planning must be directed at presenting new variations that are still consistent with the brand identity. This plan must be ongoing by monitoring customer response and making adjustments if necessary”

Apart from that, Mr. Warsono also said in his interview session that resetting the product requires a short-term trial so that it can be used as evaluation material for Bakso Mas Puput in reorganizing its product with the aim of maintaining consumer satisfaction.

How are execution steps implemented to implement changes in the product? How do you ensure quality is maintained throughout this process? Explanation by Mr. Warsono as the owner of the Bakso Mas Puput business, who explained that:

“The execution steps for implementing a product change involve testing it on a small scale first before implementing it widely. Strict supervision of all production stages is required to ensure quality is maintained. When it comes to adopting new elements, staff training and good communication are essential.”


The discussion regarding the application of the SCAMPER model to Creativity and Innovation in Increasing the Utility of Mas Puput Bakso Products can be described as follows:

  1. Substitute

Replacing product components is one of the innovation strategies that can be carried out by Bakso Mas Puput. In this case, the approach used is to consider the quality, taste, texture and functionality of substitute ingredients. This is important so that changes do not damage the taste and quality that has become the hallmark of Bakso Mas Puput. For example, replacing some of the beef with chicken can create a variety of flavors.

However, it is important to understand consumers’ varying responses to these changes. In this process, the kitchen team can participate in ideation sessions, new experiments and sensory assessments.(Andarini, 2020).

  1. Combine (Combine)

Combining various ingredients in Bakso Puput products can create variations in taste and texture (Aulia, 2021). The combination of beef and chicken, for example, provides an option for consumers who want a low-fat option or meat alternative. This process can expand the reach of customers looking for variety in the menu. The development of the “Spice Chicken Meatballs” menu which combines chicken meat with special spices can create a new attraction for customers.

  1. Adapt (Adaptation)

Adapting Bakso Mas Puput products to consumer preferences and needs is an important step in innovation. Through surveys and interactions with consumers, Bakso Mas Puput can identify market trends and respond to changes in consumer preferences. The introduction of new variations on types of meatballs, such as vegetarian meatballs or meatballs with international flavors, is a concrete example of product adaptation. Additionally, customizing sauce and add-on choices based on regional preferences can also increase consumer satisfaction.(Barakah, 2018)

  1. Modify (Modification)

Modifications to the Bakso Mas Puput product can be made in several aspects, such as product size, packaging appearance and texture. Modification of product sizes can provide choices according to consumer eating intentions and preferences. Packaging designs that reflect brand values and product uniqueness can help the product stand out among competitors. Modifying a product’s texture, such as providing a crunchy outer layer and a soft inside, can enhance the dimensions of the consumer experience.(Deni, 2022)

  1. Put Another to Use (Use it in Another Way)

Multifunctional use of products can provide added value for consumers. Bakso Mas Puput can develop innovation by providing creative guidance to consumers for using meatballs in home cooking or serving meatballs in a variety of dishes. Involving consumers in the innovation process can provide valuable insights and generate ideas that center on consumer needs and desires (Huda, 2020).

  1. Eliminate (Delete)

Strategies to reduce product elements, such as reducing preservatives, can increase production efficiency and reduce costs. However, it is important to ensure that these reductions do not compromise the quality and taste of the product. Bakso Mas Puput can also eliminate ingredients that are less common or difficult to obtain to produce a fresher and more natural product.(Deni, 2022)

  1. Reverse (Reverse)

Rearranging product elements must take into account the essence of taste and brand identity of Bakso Mas Puput. This can be done by retaining key ingredients and flavor elements that identify the brand. This reconfiguration must be in line with the flavors customers are familiar with. Small-scale testing is important to ensure that these changes do not compromise product quality and customer response (Musabir, 2022).

  • Product Trial

Development of alternative recipes or creative guidance for customers to use meatballs in home cooking. This can increase the utility of meatball products and provide attractive serving variations for customers. Texture modification in meatball products through intensive experimentation and testing. Each texture variation must take into account raw materials, cooking methods, and processing techniques. A successful texture design will differentiate Bakso Mas Puput from competitors, creating unique product characteristics.

Development of ready-to-eat meatball products that can be processed into different dishes. This can provide added value for customers by providing more benefits in one product. Hold an idea search program or competition for customers, inviting them to participate in designing new product variants. Involving customers in the innovation process can provide valuable insights and generate ideas that are centered on customer needs and desires.

Use product packaging that reflects the value of a brand and the uniqueness of meatball products. An attractive and functional packaging design will attract customers and increase the perceived utility of meatball products.

By conducting product trials based on creativity and innovation, Bakso Mas Puput can increase the utility of meatball products and provide added value for customers. This can increase competitiveness and attractiveness in an increasingly competitive market.

In the evaluation stage, products are developed based on suggestions and customer input provided during the development stage. The next step was to conduct a product trial involving 30 respondents from culinary teachers and Bakso Mas Puput customers. The trial was carried out to determine the response to the product being developed, from product response questionnaire data obtained from the Bakso Mas Puput product trial.

This trial is expected to produce information regarding consumer acceptance of new flavor variants, the effectiveness of measures to improve hygiene and product quality, as well as useful input for further development. This trial is also expected to produce insight into consumer preferences for new packaging as well as the effectiveness of the marketing strategies implemented. These results will help in further development and improvement of products and marketing strategies.

Innovation trials to produce these types of meatballs are expected to produce data that can provide an insight into the effectiveness of innovation in making new types of meatballs. Sensory test results will provide insight into customer preferences for taste, texture, aroma and appearance of new types of meatballs. Feedback and suggestions from customers also help in further development for product improvement.

It has a good level of chewiness and is liked by customers and can help in developing recipes and production processes that produce meatball products with the desired texture.


  • Conclusion

Based on research regarding the application of the SCAMPER model to Creativity and Innovation in Increasing the Utility of Bakso Puput Products, it was found that this innovation strategy provides various ways to enrich consumer experience and expand the market. Substitution of ingredients by considering quality and consumer response is able to create variations in taste without sacrificing the characteristics of Bakso Mas Puput. The combination of various ingredients allows the creation of new flavors and textures, while adaptation to consumer trends and preferences ensures the product’s continued appeal. Modifying product aspects, such as size and appearance, can provide choices that suit needs, while multifunctional use inspires consumer creativity.

The strategy of removing non-essential elements increases efficiency without compromising quality, while reorganizing maintains brand identity while providing a new twist. Thus, the use of the SCAMPER model provides comprehensive guidance for Bakso Mas Puput in planning innovation that focuses on increasing product utility and customer satisfaction.

  • Suggestion

Suggestions for Future Researchers More In-depth Study of Consumer Responses: Future researchers can conduct further research to understand more deeply how consumers respond to new variations in taste, texture, size, and appearance of products. This can help in identifying more specific preferences and tailoring innovations according to consumer expectations.

Suggestions for Bakso Mas Puput: Continue to Maintain Characteristics, Interaction with Customers, Utilization of Technology, Employee Training, Quality Supervision


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