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Development of a Competency-Based Sustainable Business Mentoring Model for Small Businesses

  • Putri
  • Muhammad Rakib
  • Nur Halim
  • 266-278
  • Oct 3, 2024
  • Management

 Development of a Competency-Based Sustainable Business Mentoring Model for Small Businesses

Putri, Muhammad Rakib*, Nur Halim

Department of Business and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Received: 11 September 2024; Accepted: 18 September 2024; Published: 04 October 2024



This research was conducted with the aim of developing a sustainable business mentoring model, in order to improve competence in the Balla Ga, de Artomoro97 Business. The type of research is development research which is usually called research and development (R&D ) which is used to produce a new product or develop an old product, using the 4D development procedure, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. Data collection activities are carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used by the researcher are data reduction techniques, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Based on results development carried out use method 4D development, The research conducted resulted in a form of sustainable business assistance through the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) which includes four stages, namely, initial needs analysis, preparing a mentoring plan, implementation and monitoring, as well as evaluation and improvement. Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) carried out is make form evaluation GMP aspects with condition evident in the efforts of Balla, then do evaluation and improvement with make document Standard Operating Procedure​ Procedure e (SOP) For cleanliness and also make a checklist form daily that can made into guidelines for Balla Ga’de in the production process.

KEYWORDS: Development of mentoring models, Improvement competence, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)


At the beginning In 2020, the Covid-19 outbreak hit globally, including in Indonesia, has cause sentiment negative to sector business, especially MSMEs. Impact bad for pandemic This slow down growth of MSMEs, where activity business that requires room exhibition or promotion become hampered Because implementation Restrictions Social Large-Scale Social Restrictions which aims to speed up prevention and control the increasing spread of Covid-19 widespread in Indonesia (Wilfarda et al., 2021). Micro-enterprises are very important for the economic development of a country, especially in the long term. In this case, micro, small, and medium enterprises or MSMEs are very important for the general public in meeting their daily needs. MSMEs can also help reduce inequality by providing opportunities to people who may be less and may not have the same advantages (Azizah et al., 2023).

In 2024, the Jeneponto Regency Cooperatives and MSMEs Service recorded around 41,068 MSMEs actors spread throughout the Jeneponto Regency. The majority of MSMEs actors are engaged in the food sector because it has great potential to continue to grow. One of the most important factors in determining the human body’s need for energy is food. The impact of food on human health is quite significant. In the current era of globalization, human needs for food will increase greatly, as can be seen from the increasing number of food products that are available to meet human needs (Pristyanto et al., 2022). Food safety is a mandatory thing that must be applied when starting a business in the food sector. There are many standards and regulations that can be used as references, one of which is the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices. Good Manufacturing Practices or commonly abbreviated as GMP is a basic guideline used to ensure that food is produced and processed with consistent quality, is safe and in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. Skills improvement for MSMEs is urgently needed. Currently, MSMEs are forced to improvise with the situation and are required to be more creative and innovative (Rakib, Syam, et al., 2020).

Balla Ga’de Artomoro97 is one of the MSMEs in Jeneponto Regency engaged in the food sector. This business is located in Manjang Loe Village, Lecematan Tamalatea, Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi. Currently, Balla Ga’de has produced around 8 products which are divided into 2 types, namely snacks and ready-to-drink drinks. The types of snack products are, Mini Pastel, Breadfruit Chips, Banana Chips with various flavors and for the drink product, ready-to-drink Ginger Milk. The business has been running for around 4 years and has received a lot of assistance from the Jeneponto Regency Cooperatives and MSMEs Service. The assistance that has been obtained previously needs to be evaluated. This evaluation aims to identify the impact and benefits of the assistance. Sustainability of assistance is an important element that is often overlooked after initial assistance is provided to MSMEs. In this case, Balla Ga’de’s business, even though it has received initial assistance, the need for ongoing assistance is still very important. Research is needed to identify areas that still require further assistance after the initial intervention, and to evaluate the effectiveness and long-term benefits of the assistance provided. In addition, research is needed to design a sustainable assistance strategy that is appropriate to the needs of the business.

Based on the background that has been described, the formulation of the problem in this study is how to improve competence in the Balla Ga’de Artomoro97 business through sustainable business assistance. The study was conducted with the aim of improving competence in the Balla Ga’de Artomoro97 business through sustainable business assistance.


A. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship has been around for a long time and is one of the oldest professions and activities in human history. Entrepreneurship is expected to be able to drive progress and prosperity for the global community, while also contributing to the development of science, especially in the fields of entrepreneurship and management (Mintardjo et al., 2020). In general, entrepreneurship is an attitude of someone who dares to take decisions and risks to run a business in order to achieve profit. Entrepreneurship can also be interpreted as an attitude, soul and ability to create something new and has a selling value and is useful for oneself and others. According to Hamdani (2017) said that entrepreneurship means looking for good opportunities and using what they have to develop their business and generate profit. Based on several opinions that have been explained, it can be concluded that entrepreneurship is an attitude, soul, and creativity of someone who dares to take risks and take advantage of opportunities by creating new products that are valuable and useful for themselves and others (Akbar et al., 2024).

B. Business Mentoring Model

The term mentoring is also commonly referred to as mentorship. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary the word mentor means a guide or caregiver . The mentoring process has role important in support improvement performance human beings. Mentoring can ensure expected results and the continuity of the mentoring process are important For apply practice best in technology performance human at the stage evaluation needs, planning, design, implementation and evaluation (Anwar et al., 2018). Mentoring is an activity that can be carried out in the form of coaching, training, direction in a group. The existence of MSMEs cannot be separated from the role of MSMEs which is regulated by the Regulation of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Number: 02/Per/ M.KUKM/1/2016 concerning MSME Mentoring, also the issuance of the Regulation of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Number: 24/Kep/M.KUKM/VIII/2016 concerning the Competency Standards Committee for Cooperatives and MSMEs (Radyanto & Prihastono, 2020). Business Mentoring, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is a strategic process designed to assist business actors in overcoming the various challenges they face and increasing business capacity and performance. Mentoring includes a series of activities ranging from identifying needs to reporting the results of mentoring.

C. Improving MSME Competence

Competence is formed from a learning process or experience (Martini, 2018). The learning process provides basic knowledge and skills, while field experience allows individuals to apply and hone these abilities in real situations. Thus, both complement each other and contribute to the development of deeper and more effective competencies. Competence also plays an important role in the development of MSMEs (Helmita & Naim, 2023). High competence is greatly influenced by the capabilities of existing human resources. Determining the quality or skills of human resources (HR) is the key to the success of an organization or company (Adhari Nugraha et al., 2022). Therefore, the HR competencies needed must be qualified. High quality HR can be the main differentiator between successful and less successful corporate organizations. So it is important for companies to ensure that the competencies possessed by their HR are in accordance with the demands and needs of today’s industry (Rakib, Azis, et al., 2020). This includes various aspects, from technical skills to interpersonal skills. In addition, continuous HR development also needs to be considered, so that employees can adapt to faster changes in the work environment. Thus, investment in HR competencies is not only a necessity, but also a long-term strategy that will provide competitive advantages for the company.

D. Sustainable Business

Sustainable business is an English term consisting of two words, namely, sustainable which means “sustainable” and “business”. So in terms of language, sustainable business is a sustainable business. Sustainability in business become Topic greatest concern, no​ only from aspect environment but also from perspective economic and social (Lestari et al., 2024;  Harto et al., 2023). Sustainable business is a business that is not only about making a profit, but also thinking about the future, not damaging the environment or humans, so that future generations can get what they need. There are three important aspects that need to be focused on, namely the environment, social and economic (Rahmadania, 2023). In the concept of sustainable business, there is a term Triple Bottom Line or abbreviated as TPL which is a sustainability framework that focuses on 3Ps, namely Profit, People, and Planet. The planet /environment is the main element that must be considered by the company. The planet element of the Triple Bottom Line is reflect form attention company to nature and environment surrounding area (Putra & Larasdiputra, 2020). The community or people, the surrounding community must also have a bond with the company. There must be reciprocity between the company and the community, the community supports the continuity of the business and the company helps meet the needs of the community. Profit, prosperity has an impact on the business economy, profit or prosperity reflects the economic benefits received by the community from the company’s business strategy, such as responsible tax payments, and job creation (Putra & Larasdiputra, 2020).

E. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Sustainable Development Goals or commonly abbreviated as SDGs is a global development agenda that contains 17 goals and is divided into 160 targets with a timeframe to achieve until 2030. Through the commitment of  no one left behind is the core of the SDGs mission, focusing on accelerating the progress of marginalized community groups (Karangnom et al., 2023). SDGs is a long-term global program to increase the resources and potential of each country (Tasia, 2023). Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in this effort and are motivated to contribute to achieving the SDGs targets. MSMEs can take concrete actions for their development in supporting the achievement of SDGs, such as saving electricity, using renewable electricity, and utilizing technology in both production and promotional activities. Thus, MSMEs not only contribute to economic growth, but also play a crucial role in supporting environmental and social sustainability, which is the core of the SDGs. Support for MSMEs in adopting sustainable practices will greatly determine the success of achieving the SDGs targets, while also encouraging innovation and broader welfare in society (Yojana et al., 2023).


The type of research is development research commonly called research and development (R&D ) which is used to produce a new product or develop an old product, using the 4D development procedure, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The research carried out resulted in a form of sustainable business assistance through the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) which includes six stages, namely, initial needs analysis, preparing a mentoring plan, implementation and monitoring, and evaluation and improvement (Maydiantoro, 2020).The details of the stages of the 4D development model are as follows:

Stages of Development Procedure

Figure 1: Stages of Development Procedure



1. Define

Balla G a’de Artomoro97 business is A business culinary that focuses on production food light, like Chocolate Banana Chips, Green Banana Chips, and Chips Breadfruit with various flavor variants. In addition, they also produce drink ready-to -drink Ginger Milk serving. In an effort for identify the problems faced by these MSMEs, are carried out observation field pre-research in a way directly on-site business. Based on observation the beginning of what was done with give questionnaire to owner business for get information about the problems faced by the Balla Ga’de business were found that the mentoring program model from the Cooperatives and UMKM Service of the Regency Jeneponto Not yet succeed fulfil all need the effort. The mentoring program model obtained only limited to mentoring legality like making of Business License Number (NLN), Household Industry Food Permit Certificate, Halal Certificate and making of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), no monitoring and evaluation process is carried out from results assistance that has been given. It can be concluded that problem main issues faced by the small business, namely need mentoring sustainable, which is necessary for increase competence and capacity of Balla Ga’de Business so that its products can compete. With Thus, the development of a more comprehensive mentoring program model effective and sustainable is very important for growth and success business in the future front.

2. Design

A mentoring model designed to then be developed and produce results. a mentoring model business based on competence by implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). The mentoring model that has been designed includes 4 stages, namely analysis needs, compiling plan mentoring, implementation and monitoring, as well as evaluation and improvement. The following is a picture of the initial design of the mentoring model.

Initial Design of Mentoring Model

Figure 2: Initial Design of Mentoring Model

Then results design then a validity test is carried out by an expert for know what is the mentoring model that has been designed relevant for help increase competency in the Balla Ga’de Artomoro97 Business. Validation test done through Mr. Valentino one of the lecturer Major Business and Entrepreneurship, Universitas Negeri Makassar. Based on results validation expert, known that the business model is designed Enough relevant for increase competence Balla Ga’de Artomoro97’s Business efforts.

3. Develop

Sourced from mentoring model design sustainable which has designed or designed, then stages furthermore do development. Development done use find a mentoring model sustainable based on relevant competencies​ for applied to the Balla Ga’de Artomoro97 Business. Stages development done with make plan implementation based on initial model design for implementation Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) which includes 4 stages namely, analysis need beginning, composing plan mentoring, implementation and monitoring, as well as evaluation and improvement. The following is a competency-based model.

Competency-Based Mentoring Model

Figure 3: Competency-Based Mentoring Model

a. Initial Needs Analysis. Analysis need is step crucial in the process of assisting MSMEs through implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for determine which areas are needed improvement and development. In terms of this, the need identified Balla Ga’de Business​ as following

  1. Need will be understanding about​​ principle Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
  2. Need repair facility related hygiene and sanitation
  3. Need GMP guidelines for get help from institution government

b. Developing a Mentoring Plan. Plan Balla Ga’de Business Assistance for the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is designed in a way comprehensive based on results analysis need beginning. As for the plan assistance provided​ is with make sheet evaluation implementation of GMP in the business based on Regulation of the Minister of Industry which consists of nine aspects, namely location, building, facilities sanitation, machinery/equipment, materials, supervision product, product end, employees and maintenance and sanitation programs.

c. Implementation Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Monitoring. Implementation and monitoring process in mentoring business by implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is carried out with method see condition real environment production the business, monitoring the production process making banana chips, as well as do filling form GMP inspection. Here are results knowledge​​ condition real environment production Balla Ga’de ‘s Business.

Table 1: Comparison between real conditions and the Regulation of the Minister of Industry

GMP aspects Indicators Real Condition Assessment (Suitable /Not Appropriate)
Location ·                     Factories/production sites should be far away from polluted environments. ·                     The location or production site is in a safe location free from pollution and also free from the risk of flooding In accordance
·                     Factory/production site clean from garbage ·                     The production environment is located far from landfills or garbage dumps. In accordance
·                     Production area free from pest nests ·                     The production environment is close to the plantation but there are no bushes In accordance
·                     The factory/production site is carried out in a closed room. ·                     The production environment is in a closed room In accordance
Building ·                     The floor of the construction room must be waterproof, smooth, non-slippery and easy to clean. ·                     The floor of the room is still made of earth, no ceramic tiles yet It is not in accordance with
·                     The walls of the production room are not made of toxic or hazardous materials. The walls of the production room are at least 2 meters high. ·                     The walls of the production room are deliberately made high. In accordance
·                     The roof must be made of materials that are durable, water resistant and not easily damaged. The ceiling must not have holes to prevent animals or insects from entering. ·                     The roof is safe, strong and sturdy but there is a possibility that mice or insects can enter. In accordance
Facilities and Sanitation ·                     Have employee sanitation or hygiene facilities to maintain and ensure employee cleanliness. ·                     There is a sink for washing hands. In accordance
·                     Has facilities for washing hands, changing rooms and work shoe facilities. ·                     Soap and hand sanitizer are available. In accordance
Machinery and Equipment ·                     The surface of the tool that comes into direct contact with processed food materials; must be smooth, have no holes or gaps, not peel, not easily absorb water and also not rusty. ·                     Food container surface is safe In accordance
·                     The product must not be contaminated by microorganisms, metal substances released by machinery and equipment, lubricating oils, fuels and other hazardous substances. ·                     There is no rust or peeling on the spinner machine, and there is no use of oil or lubricating oil. In accordance
Material ·                     The materials used must be in the form of a basic formula that determines the type and condition of the material. ·                     Raw materials are not made in a formula and no quality is stated In accordance
·                     The materials used are not rusty, damaged or contain hazardous materials. ·                     The raw materials used, such as bananas, breadfruit and ginger, are always fresh and none are damaged. In accordance
·                     The materials used do not harm health and do not violate established standards. ·                     No added preservatives In accordance
Process Monitoring ·                     The type and quantity of raw materials used are processed accurately, considering what needs to be done during the production process, the quantity of products obtained for regular production, etc. ·                     Producing banana chips already has clear measurements, and employees also know the measurements and stages during the production process. In accordance
·                     The production process must ensure that the raw materials are of high quality or as is, the production process must be carefully considered. ·                     The production process is well monitored, so that no other hazardous materials enter the product. In accordance
·                     Raw materials must be kept away from food storage and labeling areas. ·                     Raw materials are placed in the cooking area In accordance
·                     The production process is well monitored, so that no other hazardous materials enter the product. ·                     The production process is well monitored, so that no other hazardous materials enter the product. It is not in accordance with
Final Product ·                     The final product produced meets the standards set by experts in their field. ·                     The product already has a halal certificate from the Health Department so it is guaranteed safe to market. In accordance
·                     Final products that have met standards but are not yet permanent, can be evaluated independently by a company that has integrity. Balla Ga’de already has its own conditions for withdrawing its products if they are not sold within 3 months. If there are chips that are overcooked or burnt, they are immediately thrown away. In accordance
The quality and safety of the final product must be checked before distribution. If there is dirt that can be seen directly, clean it immediately. In accordance
Employee Employees should have clear competencies and responsibilities when implementing food safety programs related to processed products. Employees do not implement food safety properly. It is not in accordance with


Employees must be healthy, free from wounds or skin diseases. Only healthy people are allowed to enter In accordance
Employees are required to wear personal protective equipment such as gloves, hats, and shoes suitable for the production environment. Employees did not wear any PPE or personal protective equipment at all. It is not in accordance with
Before carrying out the production process, employees must wash their hands and employees must not eat, drink, smoke, spit or do other activities that can contaminate the product. Employees always wash their hands before working, and no other activities are carried out while working. In accordance
Maintenance and Sanitation Program Machines or production equipment that come into direct contact with raw materials and products must be cleaned and sanitized regularly. The knife, pan and chip slicer are cleaned under running water. In accordance
Machines or production equipment that do not come into direct contact with materials and products must always be clean. Knives, pans and chip slicers are placed in a safe place after cleaning. In accordance
Production machines or equipment must be cleaned regularly Knives, pans and chip slicers are cleaned after each use. In accordance
The means of transport or the means of moving goods must be in a clean condition and must not damage the goods being moved or transported. The production process does not use transportation equipment because it is not produced in very large quantities. In accordance

d. Evaluation and Improvement. Evaluation in implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is carried out use see which aspects are necessary​ done repairs, as for things to do in evaluation and improvement that is analysing results inspection GMP aspects, calculating evaluation GMP compliance, creating SOPs and making check mark daily. Here is calculation table​ intermediate assessment results GMP compliance with Balla Ga’de conditions.

1) GMP Conformity Assessment

The assessment between the suitability of the GMP guidelines with real conditions is seen in Table 2 which explains that small businesses prove that they have implemented GMP guidelines by 86% and the rest that have not been implemented by 14%. The aspects that have not been met are buildings, process supervision, and employees. The building at the Balla Ga’de business has not met the GMP guidelines because there are not enough funds to make building repairs. Process supervision is less implemented because of the lack of supervision of employee cleanliness, this is because attributes in the form of work clothes are not provided, employees are less facilitated such as personal protective equipment, in addition employees also do not implement food safety.

Table 2: Assessment GMP Compliance

No. Aspect Evaluation According to the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number: 75/M-IND/PER/7/2010 Amount Provision


Amount Percentage
It is not in accordance with In accordance It is not in accordance with In accordance
1 Location 4 4 0% 100%
2 Building 3 1 2 33% 67%
3 Facility Sanitation 2 2 0% 100%
4 Machinery and Equipment 2 2 0% 100%
5 Material 3 3 0% 100%
6 Process Monitoring 4 1 3 25% 75%
7 Final Product 3 3 0% 100%
8 Employee 4 2 2 50% 50%
9 Maintenance and Sanitation Program 4 4 0% 100%
Total Deviation 29 4 25 14% 86%

2) Creating Standard Operating Procedures​ Procedure (SOP) about Cleanliness

The creation of SOPs is to provide guidelines for Balla Ga,de regarding hygiene measures so that they can be implemented so that they can be used as guidelines for its workers.

Table 3: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) challenge Cleanliness

Part: Production
Title : Regulations for the production of chips
Process: Hygiene measures during production
steps :
1.                  Preparing cooking equipment

2.                  Clean all cooking utensils using dishwashing soap

3.                  Prepare apron, mask, cap and gloves

4.                  Using an apron, mask, cap and gloves when starting the production process

5.                  clean the cooking utensils again and put them away

6.                  throw away used masks, caps and gloves in the trash


3) Daily Checklist Creation

Balla Ga,de business does not have a daily Checklist Form so there is no clear reference for each production process. Therefore, the proposal to create a daily checklist form can be a solution to improve the quality of the products made and can also be a permanent guideline.

Table 4 . Balla Ga’de Daily Checklist Form

No. Inspection Procedure​​ Condition Information
Good Not good
1 Cleanliness of production equipment (no dust, no dirt left over from previous production) Before Process
2 Condition of raw materials (not damaged or expired, no physical dirt) Before Process
3 Employee hygiene Before Process
4 Employee safety Before Process
5  Complete cooking attribute clothing equipment Before Process
Notes Signature​​ Audience:

4. Disseminate

Disseminate is stage distribution results from development that has been conducted by researchers. Dissemination about results development of mentoring model business based on competence through implementation Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is carried out by researchers with method show results study to owner of the Balla Ga’de Artemoro97 Business, so that he can consider results development carried out researcher For Then applied to the efforts of Balla Ga’de Artomoro97 Business in frame increase competence.


Study This adopt 4D model development, where researcher modify that is with only do study until research (development) stage this in line with research entitled​ Media Development Lift The Flap Book for Increase Ability Draft Addition 1-5 in Early Childhood (Zummiasa, Armia et al., 2023).

At the stage Define, based on analysis that has been conducted by researchers, found problem main that is small need mentoring sustainable that can increase competence in business said. The increase competence can done with various way , one of them that is implementation Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) where study This in line with research entitled​ Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in Fried Onion (Agustin, 2020), and research entitled Strengthening Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) at CV Pawon Mother Through Activity Training Until Evaluation in the Matching Fund Program (Pristyanto et al., 2022), and research entitled​ Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Assistance for SME Crackers Ummy Nissa’s Kemplang, Tataan Building-Regency Offerings (Yuliana et al., 2022) Where competence can improved with method production quality, nutritious, safe food​ consumed and free from dangerous contamination.​

Design Stage produce a mentoring model business based on competence through implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). The mentoring model that has been designed includes 4 stages, namely analysis needs, compiling plan mentoring , implementation and monitoring, as well as evaluation and improvements that can be made seen in Figure 2. Then results design tested valid it as by expert For know what is the mentoring model that has been designed relevant For help increase competence in the Balla Ga’de Artomoro97 business. Validity test it as conducted through Mr. Valentino one of the lecturer Major Business and Entrepreneurship, Makassar State University. Based on results validation expert, known that the business model is designed Enough relevant For increase competence Balla Ga’de Artomoro97’s efforts.

Develop Stage or development done based on a mentoring model effort that have been designed and tested valid it as. Stages development done with make plan implementation based on initial model design for the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) where includes 4 stages namely, analysis need beginning, composing plan mentoring, implementation and monitoring, as well as evaluation and improvement.

Analysis need early in mentoring implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) that is need will understanding about implementation GMP principles, requirements repair facility related hygiene and sanitation as well as need guidelines will GMP guidelines for get help from institution government.

Making a plan mentoring done with make sheet survey about GMP principles based on Regulation of the Minister of Industry No. 75/PER /7/2010 which covers 9 aspects that is aspect location, aspect building, aspect facility sanitation, aspects machinery/ equipment, aspects materials, aspects supervision product, aspect product end, aspect employees, as well as aspect maintenance and sanitation programs. Implementation nine aspect the in line with research entitled​ Control Food Quality with Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the Production Process Betawi Dodol (Fitriana et al., 2020).

The implementation and monitoring process is carried out with fill in form inspection between GMP compliance according to Regulation of the Minister of Industry with condition real in business they can see in Table 1, see condition real environment Balla Ga’de production and monitoring the production process making banana chips.

Evaluation and improvement done after do filler​ GMP form, evaluation done with make table results calculation evaluation GMP compliance can see in Table 2. Based on results assessment, found that Balla Ga’de has apply principles of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) with percentage as much as 86%, while deviation or things that have not been done applied get percentage as much as 14%. As for the aspects that have not been fully in accordance with The GMP principle is aspect building, aspect process monitoring, as well as aspect employees. Therefore, that need Create SOP and checklist form daily as solutions and fixes from aspect process and aspect monitoring employees can be seen in Figure 4 and Figure 5.

Disseminate Stage, results from development that has been conducted by researchers. Dissemination about results development of mentoring model business based on competence through the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) was carried out by researchers with method show results study to Balla Ga’de Artemoro97 Business owner, so that he can consider results development carried out researcher for then applied to the efforts of Balla Ga’de Artomoro97 Business in frame increase competence. Research results this written in form work scientific in the form of thesis and journal Then will be published online. So that results pinning This can made into material reference If There is other parties who wish to do development of mentoring model business or other researchers who want to do study more carry on related development of mentoring model business.


In compiling work scientific this , writer do research entitled​ Development of a Sustainable Business Mentoring Model for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Based on Competence in the Balla Ga’de Artomoro97 Business. Mentoring Model developed business​ through implementation Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in business those small ones. The increase competence in business the little one can done through mentoring business sustainable with implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

  1. Make form evaluation GMP principles with 9 aspects that is aspect location, aspect building, aspect facility sanitation, aspects machinery/equipment, aspects materials, aspects supervision product, aspect product end, aspect employees, as well as aspect maintenance and sanitation programs.
  2. Make Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) documents and checklists detailed and clear diary​​ related production process on Balla Ga’de Artomoro97’s Business efforts.


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