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Evaluation of Arojinle Indigenous Facebook Documentary on Implication of Sexual Enhancement Drugs and Acceptance of Natural Remedy (Healthy Diet) in Nigeria

  • Sunday IDOWU
  • Waheed Bayonle BUSARI
  • 282-286
  • Feb 22, 2024
  • Health

Evaluation of Arojinle Indigenous Facebook Documentary on Implication of Sexual Enhancement Drugs and Acceptance of Natural Remedy (Healthy Diet) in Nigeria

Sunday IDOWU, Waheed Bayonle BUSARI

Department of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria


Received: 13 January 2024; Accepted: 24 January 2024; Published: 22 February 2024


Documentary is a communication tool employed to reveal unusual circumstances or discuss interesting issues through research about the subject matter. Arojinle is a Yoruba indigenous Facebook documentary that focuses on different themes to educate viewers. Sexual enhancement for marathon sex is one of the common campaigns on social media that has gained traction. This paper seeks to evaluate Arojinle indigenous Facebook documentary on implication of sexual enhancement and acceptance of natural remedy (healthy diet) in Nigeria. The paper is anchored on media effect theory of mass communication. The study adopted content analysis while coding sheet namedimplication of sexual enhancement” was employed for data collection. 641 comments made on the posted video within one month were reviewed and analysed in percentage table and essay form. Data gathered revealed that the video has high frequency of 2101 views, 641coments, 421 likes and 215 shares, all in one month. The study found that Arojinle Indigenous Facebook Documentary on implication of sexual enhancement had high viewers’ frequency. The study also revealed that the use of sexual enhancement drugs without doctors’ prescription could lead to long-term health implication such as stroke, cardiac arrest or death. The study concluded that the video had more positive comments which were of high educational value. The study recommends that the media should produce more educative documentaries on implication of sexual enhancement, while those who suffer from erectile dysfunction should consult professionals for effective medical assistance. The study also recommends the need for public educational enlightenment to address the problem under study.

Keywords: Documentary, Facebook, Indigenous, Natural Remedy, Sexual Enhancement


Documentary is a communication tool employed to reveal unusual circumstances or discuss historical or other interesting issues after profound research about the subject matter Ezra Winton (2020). Documentary is a term derived from the Latin word, docere, which can also be referred to as teach, and later documentum, otherwise known as lesson or proof in the 21st century, this made documentary a nonfiction filmmaking and photography ever before the advent of digital platforms Pamela Wilson (2015). With this submission, documentary is produced for various experiences on different media and screens, the act is an encompassing term referred to as documentary media using audiovisual, sound, and image materials to educate viewers. A related study explains the definition of the term documentary can be cave in various, contextual, scholarly, textual, and conceptual dimensions (Winton, 2020). Indigenous filmmakers around the world are continuously venturing in the act of documentary production as it is a traditional culture-based due to its forms and themes, and as well as using new media technologies to reflect upon the multicultural subjectivities of globalized indignity. Pamela (Wilson, 2015).

Sexuality is one of the practises that people place high premium recently and due to this, people who are not able to perform their sexual roles satisfactorily tend to rely on sexual enhancement products for better activeness by using various sexual enhancing drugs to boost the perceived desires and expectations in the act, the desire for using sex-enhancing drugs is to be able to satisfy their partner. To this end, men settles for sex-enhancing drugs, making them rational consumers of aphrodisiacs without been mindful of the implications Yiana, et al. (2018). Sexual enhancers can be referred to Substances that increases sexual potency, sexual pleasure, or libido. The drugs can alter the concentrations of specific neurotransmitters or sex hormones in the central nervous system; this could cause certain health disorders and adverse reactions associated with the use of aphrodisiacs (Brunetti, 2020).

Sexual health can be referred to as state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being that are related to sexuality, this is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences when nature requires Kudesia (2021). Drug abuse and imitating has become a global problem that has made Sexual enhancement products place consumers in danger, it is important for legitimate pharmaceuticals to standardise and monitor the use of various Sensual enhance products (Chiang et al., 2016).

As sexual enhancement for marathon sex is one of the common campaigns on social media that is gaining traction, Arojinle is a Yoruba indigenous Facebook documentary that focuses on different themes to educate viewers, to these end this study seeks to evaluate Arojinle indigenous Facebook documentary on implication of sexual enhancement and acceptance of natural remedy (healthy diet) in Nigeria.


  1. examine the frequency of Arojinle Indigenous Facebook Documentary video on implication of sexual enhancement drugs and acceptance of natural remedy (healthy diet) in Nigeria
  2. find out the common implication of sexual enhancement drugs
  3. determine the level of acceptance of natural remedy (healthy diets) for sexual enhancement.

Digital Media and Indigenous Visual Documentary

Diversity of mode Documentary production, circulation and exhibition has made the contents widely spread through digital media technologies such as social media platforms and other micro blogging site Pamela Wilson 2015. Documentary has played important role in mass media and the society through various visual content proving several facts that were shown and posted on the screen, the act has made documentary a public relations tool, an educational vehicle, a form of entertainment, a propaganda platform for governments and businesses, and as an audiovisual catalogue for social and ecological justice issues (Ezra Winton, 2020).

Irrespective of the approach and style of a documentary presentation, the content is meant to teach about and provide scope and solution of a particular knowledge, study revealed that documentary is an innovation of new modes for nonfiction storytelling, exposition, advocacy, and analysis, from podcasts to audio-picture slide shows to reality television to interactive applications such as virtual reality and augmented Pamela Wilson 2015. Indigenous media production have made Documentary film and video the heart of viewers due to added traditional and cultural themes that involved adequate historical themes by media technologist, this have made Indigenous peoples see documentary as self-representation of reality on film Pamela Wilson 2015.

Implication of Sexual Enhancement Drugs                                                                             

Studies have shown that the desire for sex-enhancing drugs is based on engaging in random sex and ability to satisfy several partners made many people got addicted to sex-enhancing drugs, making them rational consumers of the aphrodisiacs and decision to continue using them without considering the implications. Yiana et al (2018). Consuming sex-enhancing drugs is regarded as illicit and the users placed themselves at an unnecessary health risk such as heart attack and death. As many like to bypass the legitimate healthcare system due to either embarrassment from partners and inferiority complex (Chiang et al., 2016).

Sex-enhancing drugs performs increasing potency, it causes effectiveness of erection in males, sexual pleasure, or libido which can be related to improving sexual desire. Potency-enhancing substances typically induce hypotension and potentially lead to harmful cardiovascular effects, the substance causes tumescence and lubrication of the genital mucosa, therefore increasing the sensation to engage in higher illicit sexual behaviours Brunetti (2020). A related study opined that, use of sex enhancing drugs leads to the creation of imagery in the imperfect attempt to communicate and preserve the experience, while many of the users cannot keep to recommended rules and regulations regarding minimal usage of the substance. The study further explained that, most of any sex-enhancing drug consumption is made due to ignorance of knowledge and inexperience Yiana, et al (2018).

Healthy and satisfying sexual experience is an important factor of overall well-being among human, this is associated with increased life satisfaction, higher perceived, objective health status, and even increased longevity Kudesia (2021). Usage of Sex-enhancing drugs without doctors’ prescription may result to long-term health implication on the users. Men who sufferers from erectile dysfunction needs to consult professionals for effective medical assistance and there is need for public educational enlightenment through government and advocacy groups to address the problems of ignorance and stigmatization associated with erectile dysfunction and use of sexual enhancing drugs (Yiana, et al, 2018).

Use of Natural Remedy (Healthy Diet)

Use of natural remedy and healthy diets continues to expand rapidly across world and many people show positive interest in the recommendations for health life. The unsatisfied sexual desire has been a subject that has aroused increasing public interest Bhagavathula (2016). However, sexual enhancers of plant origin have gained popularity over recent years, as natural substances are often regarded as a safer alternative to modern medications and are easily acquired at different locations (Brunetti, 2020).

Healthy diet is an important culture that can modify factors affecting sexual related problems. It is advisable that anyone experiencing low mood and sexual dysfunction should increase the relative consumption of whole foods and plants (Kudesia, 2021). A related study opined that certain foods may enhance sexual experience in various ways Including stamina, libido, and circulation, among others, healthy diets is the best ways to improve sexual act as Scientists have linked a variety of foods with better sex. Consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plenty of fiber, healthful oils, such as olive oil and sunflower oil, seafood, nuts, and legumes are of great benefits to everyone (Dresden, 2020). Scholars have also recommended dietary changes which may increase testosterone levels, change of lifestyle and medical treatments such as regularly exercise, resistance training, getting enough sleep, reducing stress and testosterone therapy can be effective to restore sexuality disorder (Dresden, 2020).


Media Effect Theory

The theory focuses on how media propaganda and persuasion influence the decisions and actions and society as a whole. The media effect refers to how particular information, contents and news story that the media transmitted has effectively change the people actions in any way (Jason, 2022). The theory is assumed related to this finding as we can see through the reviews and response of the respondent, who made comments to make a decision on using healthy diets instead of sexual enhancement drugs.


The study adopted content analysis while coding sheet namedimplication of sexual enhancement” was employed for data collection. 641 comments made on the posted video within one month were reviewed and analysed in percentage table and essay form. Data gathered revealed that, the video has frequency of 2101 views, 641coments, 421 likes, 215 shares and 101 symbol expressions in one month.


Data for this study were based on frequency and prevalent viewer’s remarks in the comment section of the Arojinle indigenous Facebook documentary on implication of sexual enhancement drugs and acceptance of natural remedy (Healthy Diet) in Nigeria

Analysis of Data

Data gathered on for this study were based on viewer’s, remarks in the comment section of Arojinle Indigenous Facebook Documentary on Implication of Sexual Enhancement drugs and Acceptance of Natural Remedy (Healthy Diet) in Nigeria with frequency of 2101 views, 641comments, 421 likes,  215 shares and 101 symbol expressions in one month

What is the frequency of the video on Arojinle indigenous Facebook documentary on implication of sexual enhancement drugs and acceptance of natural remedy (healthy diet) in Nigeria?

Viewers Expression using symbols in the study

Symbol Expression  No of Respondents  Percentage
Positive 70 69.3
Negative 31 30.7
Total 101 1

What is the implication of sexual enhancement drugs?

Based on the review of the video content and other scholars on implication of sexual enhancement, studies revealed that the act can lead to high risk of health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, stroke, high blood pressure and emotional disorder.

What is the Level of acceptance of natural remedy (healthy diets) for sexual enhancement?

Level of acceptance (healthy diets) Respondents Percentage
Agreed 561  87.5%
Disagreed  80 12.50%
Total 641 100%

Source: Field Study, 2023

Data gotten revealed that 561(47.6%) of the respondents accepted the use of natural remedy (healthy diets) to enhancement their sexual life while 80(12.5%) did not accept the use of natural remedy (healthy diets) to improve sexuality.

Discussion of Findings

Data gathered on for this study were based on viewer’s, remarks in the comment section of Arojinle Indigenous Facebook Documentary on Implication of Sexual Enhancement drugs and Acceptance of Natural Remedy (Healthy Diet) in Nigeria with frequency of 2101 views, 641comments, 421 likes,  215 shares and 101 symbol expressions in one month. The study revealed that, 70(69.3%) of the respondents replied with positive Symbol Expression, the study shows that many respondents gave positive Expression on the video. Based on the review of the video content and other scholars on implication of sexual enhancement, studies revealed that the act can lead to high risk of health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, stroke, high blood pressure and emotional disorder. The study also revealed that 561(47.6%) of the respondents accepted the use of natural remedy (healthy diets) to enhancement their sexual life.


The study concluded that, the video has more positive comments and of high educational value. The study also revealed that the use of sexual enhancement drugs without doctors’ prescription could lead to long-term health implication such as stroke, cardiac arrest or death.


The study recommends that the media should produce more educative documentaries on implication of sexual enhancement, also those who sufferers from erectile dysfunction should consult professionals for effective medical assistance and there is need for public educational enlightenment to address the problems. Everyone needs to practice healthy diets such as eating fruit and cereal. Equally, engaging in different types of exercise are needed to reduce sexual disorder.


  1. Bhagavathula A. S, Elnour, A.A. & Shehab, A. (2016). Pharmaco vigilance on Sexual Enhancing Herbal Supplements. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal (2016) 24, 115–118
  2. Winton, E. (2020.) Documentary Media, The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society DOI: 499-504
  3. Chiang J, Yafi F.A, Dorsey P.J. & Hellstrom W.J. (2016). The Dangers of Sexual Enhancement Supplements and Counterfeit Drugs to “Treat” Erectile Dysfunction. Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Feb; 6(1):12-19. doi: 10.21037/tau.2016.10.04. PMID: 28217446; PMCID: PMC5313300.
  4. Brunetti P, Faro A.F, Tini A, Busardò FP, Carlier J. (2020). Pharmacology of Herbal Sexual Enhancers: A Review of Psychiatric and Neurological Adverse Effects. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2020 Oct 14; 13(10):309. doi: 10.3390/ph13100309. PMID: 33066617; PMCID: PMC7602496.
  5. Kudesia R, Alexander M, Gulati M, Kennard, A & Tollefson M. (2021). Dietary Approaches to Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health. Am J Lifestyle Med. 8; 15(4):414-424. doi: 10.1177/15598276211007113. PMID: 34366740; PMCID: PMC8299929.
  6. Dresden, D., (2020). Foods to eat for better sex. Article of medical news today
  7. GORDON, J. (2022). What is media effect theory? The Business Professor.
  8. Iskil, M. (2022). Use of Sexual Enhancements and Implication Arojinle Facebook Documentary.

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