Persuasive Communication Strategy to Introduce Emergency Shelter on Mount Rinjani
- Winda Septiana.
- Gloria Angelita
- 516-524
- Nov 22, 2024
- Education
Persuasive Communication Strategy to Introduce Emergency Shelter on Mount Rinjani
1Winda Septiana., 2Gloria Angelita
1Postgraduate University Sahid Jakarta
2Postdoctorate Sahid University Jakarta
Received: 20 October 2024; Accepted: 05 October 2024; Published: 22 November 2024
This study aims to determine and analyze how the communication process in introducing Emergency Shelter with communication strategies on Mount Rinjani. By involving informants from the Hexa Helix model such as from academics, business, government, community, mass media, and tourists.
In this study, to introduce Shelter Emergency using persuasive communication strategies and Albert Bandura’s social learning theory. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach, with the determination of informants using purposive techniques. While data collection is carried out using interview techniques, observation, documentation, and forum group discussions.
The results of this study indicate that there is an urgency for academics, businesses, governments, communities, mass media, and tourists who have never received an approach or training, especially emergency first aid, which is the reason for building the Emergency Shelter, while in the nature tourism activities of climbing Mount Rinjani, it is very active and there is a lot of interest from tourists. So that with this persuasive communication strategy, it can be expected to be a manifestation and a more serious effort in developing interest in nature tourism climbing Mount Rinjani.
Keywords: Albert Bandura, Hexa Helix, Persuasive Communication, Emergency Shelter
Indonesia is the country with the largest mountain population in the world, with more than 400 (four hundred) mountains, and 129 (one hundred and twenty-nine) of them are active volcanoes and 23 (twenty-three) large mountains. The climate and soil fertility then form tropical rainforests around the mountains and then form ecosystems with extraordinary biodiversity and form communities and cultures since centuries ago. These components form mountain and mountain areas that provide foreign exchange potential for the country, one of which is through tourism.
Viewed from the economic, social, and environmental aspects, the Mount Rinjani National Park (TNGR) area is the center of attention for mountain nature tourism. Mountain tourism is one of the tourism products in the mountain and mountainous areas. This tourism has developed very rapidly in the last decade because it is driven by the development of technology and facilities and infrastructure.
In improving the management of mountain climbing, the First Party Conformity Assessment scheme for Mountain Climbing Management Based on SNI 8748:2019 concerning Mountain Climbing Management and is carried out independently by the climbing route manager. It is important to know and learn Emergency First Aid (PPGD) when climbing, in 2022 an Emergency Shelter was built by Tyo Survival (influencer/outdoor activity activist) on Mount Rinjani and on several mountains in Indonesia with the support of Arei Outdoor Gear, which is an outdoor activity equipment shop, the National Park Office, and also FMI (Indonesian Mountaineering Federation).
Tourism development that involves business aspects, namely academic, business, government, community, mass media, and tourists, can carry out persuasive communication strategies. However, in this case there is no persuasive communication strategy which results in a gap, namely the absence of even socialization in introducing the purpose of building the Emergency Shelter on Mount Rinjani, so that in this communication process it occurs linearly. The function and use of the Emergency Shelter are not used in accordance with the original purpose of building the Emergency Shelter on Mount Rinjani.
Persuasive Communication Strategy
Joseph A. Ilardo (1981) defines strategy as “A strategy is a carefully chosen plan or series of maneuvers designed to achieve a specific goal”. Strategy is a carefully chosen plan or a series of maneuvers that have been designed for a specific purpose. Communication strategies, in addition to needing to formulate clear objectives, must also take into account the conditions and situations of the audience or persuader, persuader, message, and channels used. (Hendri, Ezi. 2019: 289)
Communication can be seen as referring to an action, by one or more people who send or receive a message that has been distorted by interference (noise), occurs in a certain context, so that it has a certain influence and there is an opportunity to do so. feedback.
Chart 2.4 Universals of human communication
Source: Devito, 2018
From the communication model, it can be seen in chart 2.4, that the role of the communicator and the communicant has changed roles. So it can be interpreted in the context of providing feedback, the communicant becomes the communicator, or vice versa, the communicator can become the communicant. According to Devito, the communication process is no longer linear, but continuous.
The three main tools for persuasion are reasoning and evidence, motivational appeals, and credibility appeals. And as an introduction to the nature of attitudes that tend to behave in a certain way, beliefs that have a sense of certainty about the existence of something or the truth of something, and behaviors here refer to clear and observable actions. (DeVito, 2018)
Changing an attitude or belief can be done by inviting the listener to do something which will depend on the use of 4 (four) main principles:
- The principle of selective exposure has important implications for persuasive speech and if we want to convince an audience that holds a different attitude from the attitude we want, then this selective exposure will occur and take place inductively. This is because there are listeners actively seeking information and there are listeners actively avoiding information.
- The principle of audience participation, has simpler implications, is done by repeating or summarizing what is conveyed. The process here involves both the speaker and the listener participating actively and transactionally.
- The principle of inoculation, namely speaking in front of an audience that already knows the speaker’s position and has prepared weapons in the form of arguments that oppose the speaker, so be prepared to move forward little by little, do not completely overturn the trust or belief of the inoculated audience.
- The principle of the magnitude of change, here is usually guided by a large number of reasons and evidence before making important decisions, or vice versa will be more easily convinced and do not demand much argument in things that are not so important. Humans change gradually and are most effective when directed to make small changes and are done for a long enough period of time.
Strategies in strengthening or changing an attitude and belief can be considered with the following principles: carefully estimate the current level of the listener’s attitude or belief; strive for change little by little; and provide convincing reasons to make the audience believe what you want them to believe (DeVito, 2018).
Strategies to stimulate listeners to act, when designing a talk to invite listeners to do something, then the principles can be remembered: be realistic about what you want the audience to do; show your own willingness to do the same; and emphasize the specific benefits of this behavior for your audience (Devito, 2018).
Hexa Helix Model
Each element in the hexa helix is related to each other in the development of the tourism sector. First, academic. The academic element is related to the government element. Studies conducted by the academic world are useful for analyzing policies that have been made by the government, so that they can become a cooperation program (collaboration) between the government and universities. Academics can also collaborate with the community which can be routine and intensive, because universities have routine programs such as field work practices (PKL) and real work lectures (KKN). Academics can also be related to the business world, one of which is with an internship program that can be bound in a cooperation agreement between universities and the business world.
Second, business. The business world in the development of the tourism sector is related to the government, namely when opening a business, it requires permission from the government, follows rules or regulations, pays taxes and levies, and other obligations that apply in each region. The business world is also related to the community, one of which is environmental permits. The business world also has a social responsibility (CSR) towards the community environment where the business is run. With academic elements both with universities and other institutions related to the needs of the workforce and human resources (HR).
Third, community. Tourism sector activities that are run independently and self-managed by the community can be the object of study and research conducted by universities, the results of which can be used as material for the development or evaluation of the implementation of tourism business activities carried out by the community. Likewise, the government can use the results of the research as a reference for carrying out appropriate programs for business actors in the tourism sector that have so far been made independently by the community, both those related to the infrastructure and facilities needed or the like.
Fourth, government. In the development of the tourism sector, the government has many connections with various parties, with academic elements in the form of research or community service. The government also has connections with educational institutions to provide direction regarding the curriculum in institutions that are in accordance with the needs of the business world, and has the responsibility to disburse budgets to educational institutions, in various forms of programs and activities that are in accordance with the needs of the tourism sector. The government also has connections with the business world in providing business permits and is responsible for controlling activities carried out by the business world so that no violations are committed. The government in carrying out its role needs to be carried out intensively, in the form of a persuasive approach and coaching to a business. Meanwhile, with the community, the government also has connections in efforts to raise awareness of the community to be friendly to the tourism sector, and has a shared responsibility in empowering the local community so that they can utilize the potential that exists with business or industrial activities in the tourism sector. In relation to the health element, the government has the responsibility to ensure that all parties involved in tourism sector activities are guaranteed their health, be it tourism actors, visitors, and others. Facilities related to health insurance are provided by the government so that if there is a health problem, first aid can be given.
Fifth, media. The media is related to the government in carrying out its control function over the government, so that what is the government’s responsibility in the tourism sector needs to be supervised by the media. Likewise, the business world needs to be controlled by the media if there is a violation of existing regulations or policies, it needs to be reported by the media. Both the government and the business world are expected to obey the existing rules and regulations. On the other hand, the media can be a partner of the government and the business world in promoting various tourism potentials that are being developed by the government and the business world. The media can also play an important role in disseminating the results of research conducted by universities, so that they can be known and accessed by the general public.
Sixth, tourists. Tourists in this case are positioned as guests, who have a buyer relationship with business, have a government relationship (local government policy) here is the Mount Rinjani National Park Office and the community, the Indonesian Mountaineering Federation. Tourists here can provide positive suggestions to related parties to improve the quality of emergency shelters on Mount Rinjani. It can also be with the concept of cognitive dissonance by Leon Festinger (1957), namely as psychological tension in communication occurs when someone has conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or values. Where a state of discomfort is created which from a mental perspective encourages someone to reduce dissonance by changing their beliefs, attitudes, or behavior.
Chart 2.3 Elements of tourism sector development
Source: Hendriyana, 2019
Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
Social learning theory, before being developed by Albert Bandura, was first proposed by Neal Miller and John Dollard in 1941. About 20 years later Albert Bandura and other experts developed this theory into a very valuable theory for understanding the effects of mass media. In his view, behavior is understood as the result of learning that occurs through the process of observation, where there is mediation between stimulus and response.
Learning through observation consists of several stages, namely detecting new behavior, receiving information about the behavior, and imitating the behavior by the observer. Through the Bobo doll experiment initiated by Albert Bandura, it is known that children learn and imitate behavior observed through others. He identified three basic models of learning through observation, namely:
- Direct modeling is when an individual demonstrates the desired behavior directly. This model can be a real-life example of someone performing the behavior.
- The verbal instruction model involves providing a verbal description of a behavior. This method involves verbal explanations or instructions on how a behavior should be performed.
- The symbolic model involves the use of real or fictional characters presented in mass media such as books, films, television, or online media.
Social learning theory presents a comprehensive model of learning experiences, based on behavioral learning theory and cognitive learning theory. Albert Bandura explains that there are several general principles, namely:
- Learning is a cognitive process that occurs within a social context. This process can be realized through observation of behavior and the consequences of that behavior.
- Learning involves activities such as observation, extracting information from observations, and making decisions about behavioral displays. Therefore, learning can occur without any direct change in behavior.
- The role of reinforcement or affirmation in learning is significant, but this reinforcement is not exclusively responsible for the entire learning process.
- Students are not just passive recipients of information. Cognition, environment, and behavior influence each other in the learning process.
Figure 2.2 Social Learning Theory
Bandura identified four stages in the mediation or modeling process: attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. The learning process begins with direct or indirect observation of actions or thought patterns. After the event is observed, the stages of the learning process are applied.
At the Attention stage, focus on observing the model. Awareness of the subject matter and reinforcement can improve learning outcomes. Factors such as observer characteristics, needs, emotional mood, values, and past experiences influence what the observer notices. The characteristics of the behavior or event being observed also play an important role, including relevance, affective valence, novelty, and functional value.
The Retention stage emphasizes the observer’s ability to remember observed behavior. As with the previous stage, characteristics of the observer and characteristics of the observed behavior or event influence recall, with cognitive processes described as visual and verbal images.
Reproduction, the third stage, emphasizes the observer’s ability to replicate the observed behavior. The observer must be able to reproduce the behavior, and the inability to replicate can be a challenge for the observer.
The final stage, Motivation, involves the observer’s decision to perform the learned behavior. This decision is influenced by the observer’s motivation, expectations, anticipated consequences, and internal standards.
Emergency Shelter on Mount Rinjani
Emergency Shelter is built for all climbers who experience special treatment such as minor injuries, hypothermia, asthma, etc. Inside it, a fire extinguisher has been provided in case of a small fire around the Emergency Shelter location. The construction of this facility aims to overcome accidents on the mountain and hopes that tourists or climbers will show their support by maintaining the Emergency Shelter.
For the construction of the first Emergency Shelter on an Indonesian mountain is on Mount Prau with the construction of the Al-Hadi Mushola which can be used by all climbers in September 2020. The location of the Emergency Shelter is quite strategic, making it easy for tourists to find out and reach when they need help. Until 2024, Arei itself has built Emergency Shelters on Mount Prau via Patak Banteng, Mount Rinjani precisely in Plawangan Sembalun and Lake Segara Anakan via Senaru, Mount Tambora via Piong, Mount Gede Pangrango in the Suryakencana square, Mount Ciremai at Post 5 via Apui, Mount Sumbing via Garung, Mount Sindoro via Kledung.
Owner of Arei Outdoor Gear, Mr. Billy Andrias Budijanto said in IDN Times Jabar, that some of the mountains in Indonesia are still in active and dangerous conditions. For that Arei is actively involved, especially to help climbers from unwanted risks. In addition, Arei does not only want to be known as a local manufacturer of mountain climbing equipment. But wants to contribute to the nation through its existence, especially in building many Emergency Shelters on various mountains in the country.
Mount Rinjani is one of the mountains that has its own charm, has a natural beauty that is different from other mountains, many natural attractions that can be visited near Mount Rinjani. This makes the purpose of building an Emergency Shelter that can be used as an emergency place for climbers who need first aid, minimize climbers experiencing Hypothermia, make a Ranger resting place and monitor climbers, facilitate initial handling of forest fires in the Pelawangan Sembalun area.
Inside the Emergency Shelter, there are emergency first aid facilities, including: a heater to help climbers suffering from hypothermia, a PPGD or first aid kit complete with medicines, an oxygen tank and complete equipment, a 6kg fire extinguisher or extinguisher to prevent forest fires directly from the peak, an emergency stretcher, and CCTV to monitor conditions in the surrounding area.
According to Sugiyono (2013:2) research method is a tool to solve research problems through data obtained from certain sources so that the data can be used to solve researcher problems. From several definitions above, the conclusion that can be drawn is that the research method is a way of working used as a design for writing scientific papers that can solve problems in research.
In conducting this research, the author uses post-positivism by using triangulation, forum group discussion, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Where the persuasive communication strategy is used to introduce the Emergency Shelter on Mount Rinjani which has been associated by Tyo Survival with Arei Outdoor Gear aims to increase the number of visits to nature tourism climbing Mount Rinjani.
Emergency Shelter located on Mount Rinjani is in the Mount Rinjani National Park area and has now been fully granted to the Mount Rinjani National Park Office in West Nusa Tenggara. This will be part of the decision-making and formulation of communication strategies so that the Emergency Shelter becomes one of the facilities that supports and increases the number of tourists.
Table 4.2 Principles of Persuasive Communication in Hexa Helix
Source: Researcher Data, 2024
The principles of persuasive communication can be used by persuaders as a basis for changing attitudes, beliefs and inviting persuasion targets to do something. Strategies to strengthen or change attitudes and beliefs can be considered with the principles: carefully estimate the current level of attitudes or beliefs of the listener; try to change little by little; and provide convincing reasons to make the audience believe what you want them to believe (Devito, 2018).
Initiators, Brand Arei Outdoor Gear, Mount Rinjani National Park, Academics, and the Indonesian Mountaineering Federation are in the principle of the magnitude of the change that is getting bigger and the more important a change is from the construction of the Emergency Shelter in accordance with SNI 8748: 2019 concerning the management of mountain climbing routes, then as a persuader the greater the challenges and tasks to achieve the goals of persuasion. The bigger the desired change, the more time is needed for the change. Thus, persuasion is directed to make small changes or done little by little first and is needed for a fairly long period.
Evaluation materials obtained both direct responses and through social media become the basis for making changes to be better in terms of regulation. So that the stimulus obtained can be able to change the structure of the Emergency Shelter to be better for the future.
Geopark as Non-Government is in the principle of inoculation which has arguments to oppose the existence of Emergency Shelter, in this case not rejecting Emergency Shelter but the inappropriateness of the function of Emergency Shelter. After 2 years of the Emergency Shelter building standing, it has not given a significant effect, although its existence does not damage the conservation zone. This is felt to only benefit a few parties and become a promotional event by including a logo in front of Emergency Shelter, ignoring the maintenance that should be carried out continuously.
Tracking Organizer, Porter, Guide, and the Nature Lovers Community are in the principle of audience participation, which is the target of persuasion. This persuasive communication activity will be more effective if the audience participates in a communication process. Transactional persuasion, where the speaker and listener are involved. A persuasion process is said to be successful if the audience actively participates in it.
NTB Tourism Office, SAR Mataram, Journalists, and Tourists are in the principle of selective exposure, actively seeking information that supports opinions, values, decisions, behaviors, and motivations. And actively avoiding information that conflicts with their opinions, values, decisions, behaviors and motivations.
The role of the communicator and the communicant changes roles. So it can be interpreted in the context of providing feedback, the communicant becomes the communicator, or vice versa. According to Devito, the communication process is no longer linear, but continuous. This has not been applied optimally in the construction of Emergency Shelters.
So that noise occurs, in this case there is no even socialization as previously explained. Persuasive communication strategies to stimulate listeners to act, when designing a conversation to invite listeners to do something, then the principles can be remembered: be realistic about what you want the audience to do; show your own willingness to do the same; and emphasize the specific benefits of this behavior for your audience (Devito, 2018).
So it is very necessary to have Socialization that can be done with the Social Learning Theory approach (Albert Bandura), social learning theory explains a comprehensive model of learning experiences, based on behavioral learning theory and cognitive learning theory. Albert Bandura explained that there are several general principles, namely: Learning is a cognitive process that occurs within the framework of a social context. This process can be realized through observation of behavior and the consequences of that behavior. Learning includes activities such as observation, extracting information from observations, and making decisions about behavioral displays. Therefore, learning can occur without any direct changes in behavior. The role of reinforcement or affirmation in learning is significant, but this reinforcement is not exclusively responsible for the entire learning process. Students are not only passive recipients of information. Cognition, environment, and behavior influence each other in the learning process.
According to Albert Bandura (in Ahmad, 2012) from most of the human behavior that is studied observationally by seeing how someone behaves, a new concept will emerge that can be believed to be the right way to act, regardless of the media. Bandura identified four stages in the mediation or modeling process: attention, retention, reproduction and motivation. The learning process begins with direct or indirect observation of actions or thought patterns. After the event is observed, the stages of the learning process are applied.
If the socialization of the introduction of the Emergency Shelter function is realized, then trekking organizers, guides, porters, communities, and tourists will get information related to the Emergency Shelter on Mount Rinjani regarding emergency first aid measures (attention). Socialization is not only carried out once, an agenda can be made every three months, six months, or per year, and even an emergency first aid training can be held (reminder). After paying attention to the function of the Emergency Shelter and having understood the results of the emergency aid training, the behavior of the communicant will be more focused (reproduction), until the communicant understands the function of the Emergency Shelter and at the stage of becoming motivated to be aware of emergency first aid, can apply and spread the benefits of the Emergency Shelter function (motivation).
If the socialization of Emergency Shelter is carried out on target, such as the introduction of Emergency Shelter to emergency first aid training, either directly or indirectly or using social media. Carrying out a social education approach when the level of awareness and knowledge is low will be more effective, making an emphasis on the communicant so that they are able to re-apply what has been informed by the communicator.
The lack of good socialization regarding the construction of the Mount Rinjani Emergency Shelter has caused various problems such as one-way communication, economic burden for volunteers, and ineffective utilization of the Emergency Shelter. The communication gap resulted in volunteers resigning due to broken promises, and mismanagement of resources. The original purpose of the shelter to help sick climbers has been neglected, with healthy climbers occupying the Emergency Shelter for non-emergency purposes. Efforts to improve the situation include the involvement of various stakeholders in strategic communication to improve the functionality of the Emergency Shelter and its benefits for tourists. Therefore, a persuasive communication strategy is needed and active participation from all parties is very important in overcoming challenges and ensuring that the Emergency Shelter functions effectively as it should. It is important to prioritize continuous evaluation and regulatory improvements to optimize the use of emergency shelters in the future which can use Albert Bandura’s social learning theory approach.
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