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Understanding the Dynamics of Migrant Traders in Seasonal Micro Businesses in Maiduguri. A Pilot Study.

Understanding the Dynamics of Migrant Traders in Seasonal Micro Businesses in Maiduguri. A Pilot Study.

Joseph Philip Dibal, Yakura Ibrahim, Maryam Imam Ibrahim (PhD)

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Borno State University, Borno State, Nigeria


Received: 11 January 2024; Revised: 24 January 2024; Accepted: 29 January 2024; Published: 04 March 2024


This paper discusses reason, motivations and alternative measures for migrants seasonal micro businesses in Maiduguri, using quantitative approach. Three elements were identified and used as determining factors of the dynamics of migrant traders, these are; reasons why they venture into the seasonal trade, motivation for migrating to Maiduguri and the alternative measures of livelihood after every season as independent variables. The study used a survey method, thus the researcher randomly administered 50 questionnaires to seasonal traders in Maiduguri. According to Diamantopoulos, Sarstedt, Fuchs, Wilczynski and Kaiser’s (2012) recommendation, an acceptable number of questionnaire to be administered for a pilot test ranges between 30 to 100. Validity of the instruments were scrutinised by professionals in the field of management and their observations were used in modifying the items of the questionnaire. Similarly, to present the results of the pilot test, the data was analysed using SPSS v.20 and the findings confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire adapted for the study. The adapted questionnaire for this study has not suffer muti-collinearity and thus, shows the reliability of the study instrument, which addressed the each specific objectives. According with Hair, Hult, Ringle and Sarstedt (2014) and Sekaran and Bougie (2013), a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.60 is considered as an average reliability whereas 0.70 and above indicates a high reliability. The results shows the instruments of Reasons for Seasonal Trade has a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.631, having 6 instruments, Motivation for Seasonal Trade has a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.685 with 6 instruments, while Alternative Measure for Migrant Trade with the Cronbach’s alpha of 0.658, having 5 instruments. The study has practical implication for policy makers, regulators, micro business operators and other stakeholders. The study further adds to the frontier of knowledge on the importance of the dynamic nature of migrant traders in strengthening their operations.

Keywords: Migrants, Migration, Micro business, Traders, Seasonal businesses.


In recent times, to understand who a “Real migrant?” is has been prominently debated in hosting countries. Legally, people who leave their ancestral location because of the fear of persecution or have experienced war or violence are referred to as real migrants (UNHCR, 2019). This perspective was based on the idea which structured migratory movements in two clearly confined categories; those who had no other choice but to leave their country and hence, were forced to leave; and, those who voluntarily decided to move (de Haas, 2011). However, assuming that one category of people has all the freedom to decide to move while the other has no agency at all is highly problematic.

According to Adamu, (2008), migration is a common practice in Hausa land and date back to pre-colonial times, a substantial proportion of the rural population travel for seasonal trade during the dry season. Common patterns of seasonal migration has been built up decades and destinations and work vary by community. Some State has been an important centre for commerce, also serving as a trade route linking the Hausa land to the Maghreb (de Haas, 2011). Trade networks, cross border ethnic solidarity, colonial era industrial mining, harvest projects and the attraction of areas with greater work potential combined with communities of immigrants from the source ethnic group has been an inherited patterns from pre-colonial era (Labo, 2000). During the pre-colonial era, migrants from neighboring State have been assimilated in Maiduguri and their descendants today occupy parts of the inner city known as Maiduguri (Adamu, 2008).

The world’s migration rate is massive, with an estimated 266 million migrants, or 3.4% of the global population, contributing 9% to the global GDP (UNDESA, 2017). According to World Bank records, an estimated US$429 billion in remittances were sent home by migrants from developing countries in 2016. Officially recorded remittances to low and middle-income countries reached US$466 billion in 2017, an increase of 8.5% over US$429 billion in 2016 (World Bank, 2018). In 2018, it further rose to US$528 billion (an 11% increase), exceeding total foreign direct investment inflows from developed countries. In 2017, Nigeria was rated as a top remittance country in Africa with US$22 billion, followed by Egypt’s US$20 billion. In 2018, India and Nigeria became the world’s largest recipients of remittances, amassing US$80 billion and US$22 billion respectively (World Economic Forum, 2019). More than half of migrant populations do not move to developed countries but migrate within nearby (low and middle-income) countries (World Economic Forum, 2019). In 2017, 74% of international migrants were aged 20 to 64 years. Only 14% of all migrants were under the age of 20 (UNDESA, 2017).

Nigeria’s migrants community comprises over 1.235,000 people of which 45.1% are female (UNDESA, 2017). A two-thirds majority of Nigeria’s migrants population is drawn from its neigh bouring countries: ECOWAS Nationals (51.4%), other Africans (16%), and non-Africans (32.7%) (IOM, 2016). In 2014, Nigeria had 938 asylum-seekers drawn from Congo (49.9%), Mali (15.1%), CAR (9.5%) and Chad (8.8%), and hosted a total of 1,679 refugees with Congo (35.6%) and Cameroon (32.6%) as top refugee contributing countries to Nigeria (IOM, 2019). The migrant annual growth rate remains high and unstable and management challenges that continue to hamper and undercut the Nigerian migration system (Adegoroye, 2005). Maiduguri is part of Nigeria that shares border with three neighboring countries; Cameroon, Chad and Niger, and has an increasing number of settlers, especially of seasonal trade.

The rate at which migrants seasonally move is massive from year to year. All the evidence being that the tendency to migrate is uncertain both from other Countries or between States within the country (Adamu, 2008). Migration is caused by so many push and pull factors such as economic, social, political, cultural, health and education (Liman, 2016) but climate change and variability are also important trans-border factors in the migration equation because of their impact on the environment and on livelihoods. Both have significant impacts on the African continent especially as it greatly affects agricultural systems causing loss or decrease in crop yield and animal production which can be attributed to changes in climatic variables such as increasing temperatures and uncertainties in precipitation (Liman, 2016).

Conversely, there are numbers of study on seasonal migrant trade that investigated in different dimensions, (Fleury, 2016; Labo, 2000; Abuh, 2014 & Halliru, 2015). This paper is a contribution in understanding the dynamics of migrant traders in seasonal micro businesses as a literature, where it seeks to highlight the dynamic nature why migrants engage in the seasonal trade, the motivations behind the migration and alternative measures after every season for sustainability to the seasonal traders. The Labour Process Theory, Mixed Embeddedness Theory and Opportunity Based Theory, were used to study the dynamics of the seasonal micro businesses and migrant traders.

Validity and reliability were used in the assessment and evaluation of constructs because they were significant in identifying and quantifying bias and distortions. As a result, validating the survey instrument’s validity and reliability before using it in the study was critical to ensuring that the results were devoid of bias and distortion. According to Hair, Ringle and Sarstedt (2014) and Sekaran and Bougie (2013), validity refers to the effect of an instrument in measuring the construct that is designed to measure, while reliability is the level of internal consistency or stability of the measuring device over time. In other words, it is the consistency of an instrument to produce the same results each time it was used (Ibrahim, Keat, & Abdul-Rani, 2018).

The study conducted a pilot test to confirm the reliability and validity of the adapted scale of the measure as suggested by Chen, Liu, Sheu and Yang (2012) and Straub, Boudreau and Gefen (2004). This was carried out prior to the actual data collection of the study. The data for the pilot test was gathered from a small group of respondents comparable to the sample of the main study and they did not form part of the real respondents. The pilot test addressed two important issues. First, it is concerned with the validity and reliability of the items in the questionnaire and secondly, to give the researcher a glimpse of any potential problems and to take remedial actions before embarking on the actual data collection (Ashraf, Thongpapani, & Auh, 2014; Sekaren & Bougie, 2013; Zikmund, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2013).


Cin Rani: The Concept of Seasonal Migration in Hausa land

Seasonal migration is a periodic movement of person(s) from one region or climatic zone to another in accordance with yearly cycle of weather and climate. These systems of migration are normally undertaken to improve the economic status of the household. In West Africa, seasonal migration is a rational response to uncertainty for many people (Rain, 2018). Okerue, (2018) characterised seasonal migration as short term repetitive or cyclical in nature and adjusted to the annual agricultural cycle. Some theories of migration state that people respond to various pull factors by migrating from their usual or permanent place of residence to another due to factors which include favorable climates, better food supply, freedom, profitable employment, availability of water for fishing or wetland for cultivation during dry season, while other factors such as unfavourable climates resulting to floods and droughts, poverty, lack of jobs in a particular season, that compel them to move out, “Push” factors (Priya and Daniel, 2003).

However, Jones, (2007) observes that social and cultural factors are satisfying to the seasonal traders. The concept of seasonal migration has been an integral part of the history of Hausa land. Locally called “Cin Rani” literally translated as “eating away the dry season”, it plays an important part of the economic and cultural life of the Hausa people. Their movements are partially determined by the climate and require a network of connections that spreads across space. It requires being quick and resourceful and also requires being a good navigator (Rain, 2018). The area of study contains three distinct ecological zones, defined by differences in the main growing season (May-October), rainfall. From South to the North (and from sub humid to arid), these are the Guinean, Sudanean and Sahelian zones. The area has a distinct rainy season that is limited to the migration of the equatorial trough which is the land segment of the inter-tropical convergence zone, towards the thermal equator. There is a pronounced uni-modal rainfall, maximum in August (Buba, 2014), with a seasonal length of 4-5 months duration.

The migrants are from different parts of the Republic mostly from rural areas. These migration patterns were as noted by that rural areas were the main sources of migrant traders and urban areas are the final destinations regardless of whether there are an international border between the points of departure and destination. The migrant’s destination seemed influenced by three factors. The first factor is the purpose of migration where this research found environmental, economic, health and educational purposes as main reasons for migration. Here economic and environmental migrants moved to towns in northern Nigeria such as Maiduguri in search of greener pastures majorly for business seasonal trade (Labo, 2000).

Reason for seasonal micro migrant traders.

Many migrants embark on a journey escaping dreadful socioeconomic conditions or natural disasters. Examining the reasons that drive people to migrate it is helpful to fully understand global migration. In the migration context, there are both “Push and Pull” factors, with push factors being reasons why people would want to leave their home country and pull factors being reasons why people would want to come to a new country. In migration, push and pull factors can be economic, environmental, social and or political (Duan, 2012).

Economic Factors: Economic migration, whether permanent or seasonal, is a commonly cited reason for migration. In general, it is believed that in economic migration people move from poorer developing areas into richer areas where wages are higher, and more jobs are available. It is also common for people from rural areas to move to more competitive urban areas in order to find more opportunities (Ratha, Mohapatra & Silwal, 2010). Mexican migration into the United States portrays the importance of both push and pull factors in economic migration. All through the 20th century, seasonal Mexican labourers have crossed the border in search of work in the American agricultural industry, as the economic state of Mexico did not match the level of economic prosperity found in America. In the 21st century however, Mexican migration has slowed down significantly, and after the American recession of 2009, economic migration from Mexico to the United States began to decline. Studies show that Mexican household economies have improved due to factors like increases in access to education. As Mexico’s financial state improved and the United States temporarily struggled, both push and pull factors eroded, causing the dwindling of migration (Duan, 2012).

Environmental Factors: Migration caused by environmental factors is increasingly involuntary. Environmental factors cause displacement or the forced movement of people by social or environmental factors. Crop failure for example, often results in both food scarcity and a drop in agricultural jobs, prompting people to move to a place with better job opportunities and climate. Pollution of water, air and soil in both urban and rural settings can also create a serious health risk to locals, forcing them to look for a better alternative for themselves and their children. Devastating natural disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes are environmental factors that the news most often covered. In January 2010 for example, a deadly earthquake hit Haiti claiming the lives of over 90,000 people, and displacing over 1.5 million others (Duan, 2012). Despite humanitarian aid, many suffered from disease and a lack of proper shelter and basic supplies. Likewise, studies cite global warming as a cause for the increase in violent conflict around the world. The example of the Syrian drought from 2006 to 2011 was catastrophic, causing many families to lose their farms and move into big cities. The drought also increased food prices, facilitating poverty (Ratha, Mohapatra & Silwal, 2010). Although global warming did not create the conflict we are witnessing today, environmental factors are important in human migration.

So many factors could be responsible for migration as such, a single cause may not be pointed at. The environment, as explained by Jaeger (2009) can be an important push factor for migration and in some cases is the sole driving factor, often closely interwoven with other social, economic and political triggers for migration decisions. He further explained that other push factors include lack of infrastructure (social and educational services) and the withdrawal of the state from rural areas. Other significant pull factors refer, especially more promising economic opportunities and the supposed attractions of urban areas. Once migration has started, it reinforces further migration, by networks that facilitate migration and migration systems (de Haas, 2010).

Motivations for seasonal micro migrant traders.


The term bida in Hausa language means “in search of”. This is an economic migrant in search of sustenance or having a goal in mind that needs fulfillment hence his journey is goal oriented. One may spend as much time as he wants until his target is achieved. For some, it may be a blind outing where there are no set goals or location in mind while for others there may be a job/destination and/or a certain monetary objective to be achieved. One may however decide to remain at his destination when his business flourishes (Rain, 2018).

Cin rani

Dan Cin rani (a person practicing cin rani) is a seasonal and circular migrant. The migrants goes to any of the destinations yearly (seasonally). Also known as “Dan tabiradi” (Hausa: Nigerien dialect for Cin rani). This migrant is one who sets out “to eat away the dry season”. These are the practitioners of traditional dry-season circular movements, which is an economic activity where seasonal or sub seasonal movements occur across rainfall gradients serving as livelihood strategies to maximize investments of time and other resources (Rain, 2018). In the migrant’s opinion, it is better to while away the dry season in search of sustenance than idleness. Migrants hopes to spend a period of time normally from some weeks to several months (up to seven months) depending on the time and purpose of leaving home hence, movement of this group of migrants is deciduous. Another form of Cin rani is “Kadar raba” literally meaning “dusting off the dew”. This is undertaken between the times that the crops starts producing grains to the time the grains mature and are ready for harvest (Kuhnt, 2019).

Migrant business is a result of individual (personal), human capital, behavioural and cognitive, institutional, opportunity-related, economic, social, cultural, psychological, motivational (Push-Pull), family, and environmental factors. Individual factors are described by Irastorza and Peña (2014) as human capital endowments, psychological attributes, and perceptual variables such; as alertness to opportunities, fear of failure, and confidence about one’s own skills. Individual factors explain migrant’s business trends, trade experience, and business skills are also essential to business formation. Brush et al., (2006) explains that human capital is important for business success, especially if the business ownership comes from a different background than that of the host community and this may influence the success of the business. Jones (2007) found that there are two types of traders, based on their motivation: first, those pushed to start a business because of dissatisfaction with their current situation in the labour market in terms of unemployment or underemployment and second, those attracted by a new business idea to start entrepreneurial activity.

Alternative measures for seasonal micro migrant traders.

Many migrant traders are certain of the climate changes which brings about to and income changes on the long-term (Ghebru et al., 2018). The migrant traders embraces a variety of livelihood strategies to guarantee some measures of livelihood activities to meet and, if possible, enhance their livelihood outcomes (Choithani, 2018). A livelihood is not just a means of survival but also the resources people need to enhance and improve their well-being (Kuhnt, 2019). Most of the migrants traders lacks livelihood assets in order to substitute their income generation. Livelihood assets are the resources which is draw on to carry out livelihood strategies (Rain, 2018). At all levels, available assets constitute a stock of capital (human, social, financial, physical, and natural) that can be stored, accumulated, exchanged, or depleted and put to use to generate a flow of income or other benefits (to reduce shocks and stresses) (Ghebru et al., 2018).

In Nigeria, migrants traders diversify their resources to overcome seasonal changes. However, the specific strategy depends on the assets the migrant trader is endowed with (for instance, migrant traders with access to land will divert some of their labour into other income-generating activities during the rainy season) (Liman, 2016; Adamu, 2008). This offers the potential for more urban livelihood opportunities.

Scholars emphasis on the related need to promote economic and social sustainability. Some argue that development contributes to social and economic benefits because it has a direct impact on creating jobs in the construction sector and related industries and on the prospect of growth in the local population, which in turn boosts local demand for goods and services (Kuhnt, 2019; Ghebru et al., 2018; Rain, 2018).

Several empirical studies have reported on the changing aspects of livelihood strategies in relation to capital assets in different rural contexts (Ratha, Mohapatra & Silwal, 2010). Through conceptual debates, these studies have shown how the assets of the poor mediate the way households pursue their livelihood strategies (Choithani, 2018; Ghebru et al., 2018). However, in Maiduguri, to the best knowledge of the researchers, their is little or no empirical work available on migrant trader’s alternative measures for livelihood during seasonal changes.


Figure 1: Conceptual Model (Seasonal Micro Businesses and Migrant Traders).

Independent Variables                                  Dependent Variable

Source: Author’s Research Model (2024)

The figure above presents the conceptual model based upon the review of literature and it showed the dynamics relationship between Seasonal Micro Businesses and Migrant Traders in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.


This study was a pilot study to determine the validity and reliability of the instruments that would be utilized in the final study. A survey method of data collection was used to assess the opinions of seasonal traders about their various businesses. According to Diamantopoulos, Sarstedt, Fuchs, Wilczynski, and Kaiser’s (2012) recommendation, an acceptable number of questionnaires to administer for a pilot test ranges between 30 and 100; thus, the researcher randomly distributed 50 questionnaires to seasonal traders in Maiduguri, Nigeria, who are the study’s target respondents. All 50 questionnaires, representing 100%, were returned and analyzed for this purpose. The questionnaire was administered with the assistance of ten field assistants, which resulted in a high response rate.

A 7 point Likert scale was employed in this pilot study. A scale of 5 to 7 points has been shown to be accurate and reliable than lower or higher scales, as well as scales without a middle point (Sauro, 2010). Prior to the main analysis of the data, the researcher started by coding and entering the data into SPSS Package v.20 Windows and also determined the Cronbach’s Alpha and the Convergent Equation Modeling using micro-soft excel to calculate the Average Variable Expected (AVE) and the Composite Reliability (CR). The constructs used in this study were adapted from prior researches and previously tested for reliability. Some of the questions used were slightly modified to make them more relevant to the purpose of this study. Table 1 presents the summary of the measurement used for this study.

Table 1. Measurement of Variables in Summary (Questionnaire) RST= Reasons for seasonal trade, MST= Motivation for seasonal trade, and AMT= Alternative measures for seasonal trade.

Part Section Variables Sources Total
1. IV RST Kamta et al. (2020) 6
2. IV MST Michael, Deshpande & Ziervogel (2019) 6
3. DV AMT Nyantakyi-Frimpong and Kerr (2017) 5
  Total     17


RST= Reasons for seasonal trade, MST= Motivation for seasonal trade, and AMT= Alternative measures for seasonal trade.

Validity Test

Sample of the questionnaire was distributed to experts in the field of management, specifically academicians and the major wholesalers of seasonal trade, to make useful comments and inputs on the suitability of the items adapted to measure the constructs. The experts consulted comprises of two senior lecturers in the Borno State University, two Professors and one senior lecture in University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. Additionally, the questionnaires were given to some major fruits and vegetable wholesalers in Maiduguri, Nigeria for their comments and inputs in respect of the questions. Based on their observation, the present study modified the adapted measure by removing all irrelevant items and added relevant items in order to really capture the context of as suggested by Cook and Campbell (1979). By adding the relevant items and measures in the Nigerian context, which is culturally different from the setting in which these measure was originally developed, hence will make potential respondents to understand the questions and provide answer accurately.

Reliability Test

As presented in table 2, the results of the reliability test show that all the measures of the study are reliable as the values range from 0.63 to 0.68. According to Hair, Hult, Ringle and Sarstedt (2014) and Sekaran and Bougie (2013), a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.60 is considered as an average reliability whereas 0.70 and above indicates a high reliability. Hence, all the constructs in this study are reliable, thus, there is no need to remove any item.

Table 2. Reliability Test (n=17).

Constructs Cronbach’s Alpha No. of Items
RST 0.631 6
MST 0.685 6
AMT 0.658 5

(Source: Survey data, 2024).

Furthermore, SPSS v.20 was used to calculate the convergent validity and discriminant validity for the pilot test. Convergent validity is described as the extent to which items accurately represent the intended latent construct and truly correlate with other measures of the same latent construct (Hair et al., 2014). This was evaluated by examining the Average Variance Expected (AVE) of each latent construct. To achieve adequate convergent validity, the AVE of each latent should be 0.50 and above as suggested by (Hair et al., 2014). As presented in Table 3 below all the AVE of the respective constructs is higher than 0.50, it indicates adequate convergent validity, except one construct (MST) having 0.49 hence, it indicates near adequate convergent validity.

Table 3. Pilot Test: Reliability and convergent Validity (n=17).

Constructs AVE Composite Reliability Cronbach’s Alpha
RST 0.581 2.276 0.631
MST 0.490 2.861 0.685
AMT 0.550 2.720 0.658

(Source: Survey data, 2024).

The discriminant validity revealed the extent to which a certain latent construct differs from other latent constructs. The correlations among the latent constructs were compared with the square root of the average variance expected (AVE) for each constructs. Table 3 indicates that the square root of the AVE were all greater than the correlations among latent constructs, this suggests an adequate discriminant validity (Voorhees, Brady, Calantone, & Ramirez, 2015).

Table 4. Pilot Test: Discriminant Validity (n=17)

Constructs RST MST AMT
RST 0.762
MST 0.581 0.70
AMT 0.513 0.490 0.741


As earlier stated, the purpose of this study is to assess the content validity of the adapted measurement items in preparation for the main research. Among the main concerns of the pilot study is the validity and reliability of the instruments. The results of the pilot test indicate that the composite reliability for all the constructs are higher than the threshold of 0.60. As presented in Table 3, the results of the reliability test show that all the measure of the study are reliable as the Cronbach’s alpha value range from 0.63 to 0.68. According to Hair et al. (2014) and Sekeran and Bougie (2013), a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.60 is considered as having an average reliability whereas 0.70 and above indicates a high reliability. Similarly, results of the convergent validity suggest a value greater than 0.50 threshold value for all the constructs as shown in Table 3. Accordingly, Table 4 presents the square roots for the respective AVEs which suggest a value greater than the correlation of any other constructs, signifying that the latent constructs of the study have adequate discriminant validity. This confirmed that the constructs of the study are different from each other and none is extremely correlated with another. Therefore, it is concluded that all the constructs in this study are reliable and there is no issue for removal of any items in the questionnaire.


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