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A Correlational Study on Nomophobia and Physical Health of Panaboans across Age Groups

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

A Correlational Study on Nomophobia and Physical Health of Panaboans across Age Groups

Marven Paray1, Dominic Tanquiamco2, Stephen Kim Kenneth Espinosa3, Jevannel Borlio4, Mark Van Buladaco5
1,2,3Student, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, Davao del Norte State College, Philippines
4Instructor, Institute of Education, Davao del Norte State College, Philippines
5Instructor, Institute of Information Technology, Davao del Norte State College, Philippines

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract- Nomophobia is a growing fear of this modern generation. Technologies such as a mobile phone are most frequently used in this modern era through its advantages but there are also disadvantages. This paper examines the relationship between nomophobia and the physical health of Panaboans across age groups. For this purpose, the sample was drawn from the citizen of Panabo City, which is currently online on social media using a convenient sampling method. The sample comprised of one hundred twenty (N=120), i.e., sixty-three males and fifty-seven females from the age range of 8-25, 26-40, 41-55, and 56-74. The questionnaire was administered to them after procuring informed consent.
The techniques of Pearson r Correlation, Independent T-test, and ANOVA were employed to analyze data. The tool used to calculate the data was SPSS. The results explained that the relationship between nomophobia and physical health status has a negative correlation with an R-value = -0.005. Therefore, the physical health status of Panaboans mainly has minimal evidence of health-related issues about the cause of nomophobia. This research study influences researchers to furthermore investigate its assumptions of nomophobia.

Keywords: Correlational Research, Nomophobia, Physical health, Panabo City


A. Background of the Study

Society today depends on technology people often use technology as a way of life and living. Still, in different stories, individuals, such as teenagers, adults, and children today, currently have their own handheld devices, which is more common because of mobile phone devices.
Mobile-phone devices can cause anxiety in specific individuals. Some of them were anxious about losing their mobile phone or even when it suddenly damaged, ran out of battery, lost network coverage, and also the anxiety on how to communicate with their friends and family. To prove these facts, A Indian study says that this effect can cause nomophobia. It is a term describing “a growing fear in today’s world” individuals such as teenagers, adults, and children can have this kind of phobia. No-mobile phone devices or nomophobia can affect their mental, psychological, and physical health[1].

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