International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
A literature review of adult lifelong learning in Bangladesh for the medium of knowledge of society
Md Mirajur Rhaman Shaoan1, Yuke Shen 2, Kamrul islam 3
1,2 Faculty of Education, Southwest University Chongqing, China
3Md Entrepreneurship Education Wenzhou University, China
Abstract: This study sought to investigate the historical background taking place the buildup concept of lifelong learning in Bangladesh and the learning society. It makes the knowledge center medium a possible institutional standard for the implementation of adult lifelong learning in Bangladesh. Implications of the knowledge center as a standard for lifelong learning in Bangladesh are explain by means of the container of representation on similarities as well as comparison with China. Eventually, lifelong knowledge education from the current study of the Asia-Pacific region are reviewed with regard to the advancement of strategic objectives aim to deliver adult and lifelong learning in Bangladesh point of view through and across the medium knowledge of society.
Keywords: Society, Education, Lifelong learning, Tanning, Education for All (EFA), Bangladesh, China
‘Lifelong education’ and ‘learning society’ are key aspects of the 1972 report of the Faure Commission. The former was seen as a central element of education reform, the latter as a tactic to include society as a whole as a member and an actor in education (Faure et al., 1972). As explained in the Faure paper, ‘If learning requires all of one’s life, both in terms of commitment and diversity, and all of society, including its social and economic capital as well as its learning materials, then we must go much further than the required redesign of ‘educational processes’ before we hit the stage of learning society’ (Faure et al., 1972). In the 1970s, at the time of the Faure Commission report, the three-fold typology of schooling – traditional, non-formal and informal – gathered momentum. Acknowledging that ‘educational knowledge is essentially a continuous process, extending from early childhood to adulthood and eventually involving a wide range of methods and sources,’ Coombs and Ahmed distinguished between the three forms of e-learning. They concluded that ‘now it is necessary to see the various educational institutions as potential components of a coherent and flexible overall learning system that must be increasingly strengthened, diversified and more significantly related to the needs and processes of national development.’ They underscored the emerging consensus that nations should strive to create ‘lifelong learning in Bangladesh initiatives,’ offering a continuum of learning experiences for all people during their lives (Coombs and Ahmed, 1974, 9).