International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VI, June 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
A Perspective Essay on ‘Speculative Philosophy and Education’
Elvis Omondi Kauka
Department of Educational Foundations, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya
Abstract: One of the perennial questions in Philosophy is the question of methodology. The question seeks to provide a solution on how Philosophy is done or on how it should be done. While Philosophy does not have a watertight method as is the case with Science, Philosophy appeals to its diverse methods including but not limited to Analytic method, Phenomenological method, Descriptive method, Prescriptive method, Hermeneutics and the Speculative method. This essay explores the Speculative method and its relevance to Education.
Etymology: The term “speculation” comes from the Latin words Specere (to reflect) and Speculum (mirror). Speculum symbolizes the notions of reflection, reflective consciousness and reflectedness. It points to certain speculative philosophies, especially the German Idealism. Specere means to “look at”, “behold”, “observe”, “explore”, “investigate”, or “contemplate”. The original philosophical sources of speculation are found in classical Greek philosophy where concepts of idein, theoria and voein, are etymologically related to “seeing” and “vision”. They are evident in Socratic, Platonic and Aristotelian Philosophy.
Operational Definition: In a more profound sense, speculation refers to the systematic and comprehensive account of human existence and the universe that encompass both natural sciences as well as the human sciences. Further, it infers the philosophical approaches and traditions that appeal to metaphysics and systematic treatments of existence, consciousness and free will. In occidental Philosophies, the “speculative” is usually associated with metaphysics, first philosophy, theology, cosmology, absolute-theory, and in general with theoretical knowledge. It is also important to note that anti-metaphysics and empirical philosophies can thus be taken as forms of speculating the true nature of philosophy.