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A Review of ‘Doctor Maria Montessori’s Handbook’ By Dr. Maria Tecla Artemisia Montessori

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue I, January 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

A Review of ‘Doctor Maria Montessori’s Handbook’ By Dr. Maria Tecla Artemisia Montessori

Janet Surum1, Elvis Omondi Kauka2

IJRISS Call for paper

1Tutor of Educational Psychology, EAPM & PF Department, University of Kabianga, Kenya
2Lecturer of Philosophy of Education, Department of Educational Foundations, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya


Maria Tecla Artemesia Montessori was born of Alessandro Montessori and Renilde Stoppani in 1870 in the town of Chiaravalle, Italy. Both parents were well educated; Allesandro was an accountant while Renilde is described an avid reader. After her Secondary Education she was admitted to the medical school of the University of Rome in 1890, becoming the first woman to join a medical school in Italy. She qualified as a doctor in July 1896. Dr Montessori worked as a researcher at the psychiatric clinic of the University of Rome, as a volunteer in 1987, a stint that led her to develop a deep interest in the needs of children with learning disabilities. In 1901 Montessori developed her studies of educational philosophy and anthropology, and subsequently lectured and taught students at different levels and age. In 1902 she enrolled for the philosophy degree course at the University of Rome where she studied theoretical and moral philosophy, history of philosophy, and psychology, but did not graduate. She also pursued independent study in anthropology and educational philosophy, conducted observations and experimental research in elementary schools. Later on, she applied them to her Casa dei Bambini (The children’s house), a novelty learning centre she established for children in 1907. By 1909, Doctor Montessori gave her first training course in her new approach to around 100 students which was followed by massive Montessori movements in Europe, India, U.S.A and later on, all over the world.

She also trained, alongside his son Mario, the Indian populace on the Montessori method. In 1949 UNESCO awarded her the Nobel Peace Prize and three years on, in 1952, she passed on. As a doctor, an academic and a teacher, Montessori authored over 30 pamphlets, books and articles to communicate her ideas.

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