International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
A Study of Different Oscillators: Electronically Tunable Sinusoidal Oscillator Circuit
Thrapthi Shetty
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, A.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kottara Chowki, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Abstract: A signal generating circuit is one of the most important building blocks in analog, digital and mixed-signal designs. Oscillators play a critical role in communication systems, providing periodic signals required for timing in digital circuits and frequency translation in radio frequency (RF) circuits. If the output signal varies sinusoidally ,the circuit is referred as sinusoidal oscillator.If the output varies quickly to one voltage level and later drops quickly to another voltage level,the circuit is referred to as square wave oscillator. The oscillator works on the principle of the oscillation and it is a mechanical or electronic device. The periodic variation between the two things is based on the changes in the energy. The oscillations are used in the watches, radios, metal detectors and in many other devices use the oscillators. oscillators are an important class of every electronic circuits and are used in almost every electronic systems.for example,oscillators are employed to produce sinusoidal signals that are used as carrier in radio and television broadcasts.oscillators are also used to produce the square wave used as clock in computers and other synchronous digital systems. This paper presents the design of Hartley and Colpitts oscillator. The Hartley oscillator is an electronic oscillator. The frequency of this oscillation is determined by the tuned circuit. The tuned circuit consists of the capacitor and inductor, hence it is an LC oscillator. The Colpitts Oscillator was by American engineering by Edwin H. Colpitts in the year of 1918. This oscillator is a combination of both inductors and capacitor.
Keywords: oscillator, Hartley, Colpitts, capacitor, inductor, feedback
An oscillator is an electronic circuit which uses positive feedback and generates the output which oscillates with constant frequency and amplitude. It converts DC power (from the supply) to a periodic signal. The oscillator converts the direct current from the power supply to an alternating current and they are used in many of the electronic devices. The signals used in the oscillators are a sine wave and the square wave.