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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

A Study on Concrete Mix Design of Partial and Full Replacement of Copper Slag with Fine Aggregate

A.K.Karthikeyan1, N.Monickavarsa 2, M.Sandya 3

IJRISS Call for paper

1Assistant. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, ULTRA College OF Engineering and Technology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
2 & 3B.E Student, Department of Civil Engineering, ULTRA College OF Engineering and Technology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract: – Sand has by now become the most widely consumed natural resource on the planet after water and air. The annual world consumption of sand is estimated to be 40 billion tons, with a respective trade volume of 70 billion dollars. But nowhere is the struggle for sand more ferocious than in India, Hence an immediate replacement for River sand is necessitated, In this fast growing world where the industries are growing at faster rate especially metallic industries producing copper and iron where their slags are the major waste products having high strength. Many researchers have already found it possible to use Copper slag as a concrete aggregate, because copper slag has similar particle size characteristics likely to that of sand. Hence the study focuses on the various percentage replacement of Copper Slag with Fine aggregate varying from 38% to 52% at interval of 2%, since replacement of 40% to 50% shows strength improvement. Complete and no replacement i.e., 100% and 0% were also taken into account. Mix design for each % replacement is calculated and Cubes were casted for 28 days curing period. Finally the specimens were Compression tested and % replacement with maximum increase in strength is identified.

Key Words: Copper slag, Mix Design, Compression Tested.


River sand is being used as Fine aggregate in concrete for centuries. In some regions, river sand has been excessively exploited, which has endangered the stability of river banks and the safety of bridges, and creates environmental problems. On the other hand, river sand is expensive due to excessive cost of. Seeking for river sand alternatives has become urgent.
Copper slag is granular material with high specific gravity. The use of copper slag in cement and concrete provides potential environmental as well as economic benefits for all related industries, Heavy metals in copper slag samples was tested by National Council for Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi as per the method given in ASTM D-5233-1995d.

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