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A Study on Interface Design Categories of Permanent Exhibition at Selected Museums in Malaysia

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

A Study on Interface Design Categories of Permanent Exhibition at Selected Museums in Malaysia

Norfadilah Kamaruddin
Creative Visual Exchange Group (CREaTE), Faculty of Art & Design, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract— At a museum, the exhibition works can be demonstrated as a medium of presentation with an element of interface design for the collections and research works, In this sense, the interface design between the visitor and the museum collections was called as an exhibition where museum exhibition must communicate to the visitors deep to their mind and feeling. Within this understanding, there are 3 categories of interface design for museum exhibition namely Standard, Virtual and Augmented. In the case of it, this paper presenting the outcomes of practical analysis on the interface design performance of permanent exhibition at the selected museum in Malaysia. The analysis is based on specific interface design elements used toward an exhibition presentation.This review will helping the team of museum exhbitions in preparing en effective appearance of future exhbibition.

Keywords— interface design, museum exhibition, design process


With the rapid development of science and technology nowadays, a new media technology is widely used in various industries and it also promotes the exhibition of museum across world including in Malaysia into a new stage. Therefore, the main museum roles is to exhibiting the real collections and transmit it with the help of words description, pictures and collections to communicate with people.Thus, a few existing museum display and exhibition is exhibited in traditional sense.
Museum exhibitions moreover have it own protection and education missions and they are mostly is a permanent exhibition.Philosophically, museums have a dual role. From the perspective traditional, museum needs to be functional as a social learning centre. It is including an activity such as collecting, researching, translating, documenting, preserving, and exhibiting. Nevertheless, as technology rapidly changing, the role of the museum has changed considerably in this modern era.Therefore, study on the application of new media technology in the museum exhibition is greatly importance as the static method in traditional concept cannot catch up with the new era nowadays. Moreover, a study on the influence of new media technology in museum exhibition is also a great importance in promoting the development of museum career and visitors satisfaction.

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