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A Survey on Secure Access in Online Transaction with Multi Party Face Identification

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

A Survey on Secure Access in Online Transaction with Multi Party Face Identification

V. Jeeva1, Dr. R. Ravi2

IJRISS Call for paper

1M.E., Student, 2Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract:-Internet banking services must be more responsive towards security for clients. Now a day in this network world, the way for cybercrime becomes so easier for hacking purpose. For this reason, network security has become one of the biggest challenges in today’s IT department’s security. Internet banking transaction should be layered protection against security threats; the providers should give security considerations as part of their service offerings. And by hearing a lot about hackers and crackers ways to steal any logical password or pincode number character, crimes of ID cards or credit cards fraud or security breaches. In existing framework, Identification can be equated to a username and is used to authorize access to a system. As usernames can be lost or stolen, it is necessary to validate that the intended user is really the person he or she claims to be – the authentication process. Authentication based on biometric and identification systems are the new solutions to address the issues of security and privacy. The Face Recognition is the study of physical or behavioral characteristics of human bio structure used for the identification of person. These physical characteristics of a person include the various features like fingerprints, face, hand geometry, voice, and iris biometric device. So implement real time authentication system using face biometrics for authorized the person for online banking system. The general objective of our project is to develop fully functional face recognition, verification system provide and understand the key aspects of these major technologies, namely those relating to the technological, application entity domain, social environmental system and performance aspects. And also provide multiparty access system to allow the multiple persons to access the same accounts by providing access privileges to original account holders. Experimental results show that the proposed system provide high level security in online transaction system than the existing traditional cryptography approach.

Keywords: ATM, Security, Face recognition, verification, Fraud, PIN, KNN Classification