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A Survey on Sentiment Analysis for Product Recommendation System using Hybrid Learning Algorithm

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

A Survey on Sentiment Analysis for Product Recommendation System using Hybrid Learning Algorithm

S. Dorthy Infanta1, P.Chellammal2

IJRISS Call for paper

M.E. Student1, Assistant Professor2,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract: – Large amount of information are available on websites. Information extraction takes place in huge volumes. When queries are submitted to search engines they are generally in natural languages and contains just one or two related words. Because of this Search engines are unable to recognize natural language and thus it becomes very difficult to extract the proper information from website for the user’s interest. Recommended techniques are designed in such a way that they support various types of data sources. These data sources are in the form of DVD, books, and electronics. The algorithms are based on item to item base cross-modal hyper graph.These are applied to find the similarities between item and users respectively. One of the algorithms called Slope one algorithm is used to find out the rating of un-rated items. In this survey paper the hybridization of Algorithms will leads to efficient results.

Keywords:-Web mining, Recommendation system, cross-modal hyper graph


Web mining is technique which extracts interesting pattern from the web which is interesting. By this Web mining is divided into three types, they are, content mining, structure mining and usage mining. Content mining is a process of extracting the text which is mainly focuses on unstructured data. Web structure mining will extracts data from hyperlinks; which they just extracts the summary of the web pages. Web usage mining will extracts the data from log files in the pattern form. But data available on web is large in size and extracting the interested information from such a data is very difficult task, in addition to that such data are in heterogeneous form and processing this type of data will be more time consumption. For this there is need of recommended techniques which solves all these compatibility problems.