Activity Concentration Levels of Natural Radionuclides in the Sediment Samples from Rosterman Gold Mine, Lurambi Sub – County, Kakamega County, Kenya
- August 29, 2020
- Posted by: RSIS
- Categories: IJRIAS, Nuclear Science
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue IV, July 2020 | ISSN 2454-6194
Conrad Khisa Wanyama1, Fred Wekesa Masinde2, John Wanjala Makokha3
1Department of Science, Technology and Engineering, Kibabii University, P.O BOX 1699-50200 Bungoma, Kenya
2Department of Physical Sciences, University of Kabianga, P.O BOX 2030-20200 Kericho, Kenya
3Department of Science, Technology and Engineering, Kibabii University, P.O BOX 1699-50200 Bungoma, Kenya
Abstract: Rosterman, located in Lurambi sub – county, Kakamega County, Western Kenya consists of gold mining that is done locally (artisanal gold mining). The activity concentration of 238U, 232Th and 40K in sediment samples from the wastes of gold mining were determined by gamma ray spectrometry using NaI (Tl) detector and decomposition of measured gamma-spectra. As a measure of radiation hazard to the general population, gamma radiation dose rates were also evaluated. The average activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th and 40K were 85±2.24, 114±5.78and 260±12.18Bqkg-1, respectively. The mean absorbed dose rate in air was 52.5±4.2nGyh-1 while the annual average effective dose rate for indoor and outdoor were 0.4±0.02 and 0.3±0.01mSvy-1 respectively. The absorbed dose rate due to gamma radiation from naturally occurring radioactive materials was below the global average value of 60 nGyh-1. Hence, mining of gold at Rosterman has minimal hazardous health implication to the general public.
Key words: Activity concentration, Dose rate, Gamma ray spectrometry, Natural radionuclides, Radiological parameters
Subject area: Nuclear physics