RSIS International

Adaptive Communication between Dumb and Blind People

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Adaptive Communication between Dumb and Blind People

   Pooja Jogi1, Nidhi Shah2, Kinjal Shah3

IJRISS Call for paper

1,2Student, 3Assistant Professor,
Vadodara Institute of Engineering, Kotambi, Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Abstract—Generally dumb people use sign language for communication but they find difficulty in communicating with others who do not understand sign language. Mute people can use the gloves to perform hand gesture and it will be converted into braille lipi so that blind people can understand their expression. Using this project, dumb people can directly communicate with blind and normal people without hesitation. In transmission side, flex sensors are mounted on gloves, so signal is transmitted through RF ZigBee which is received by another circuit which will display code on LCD and design braille lipi using vibration motors. So that adaptive communication among blind, dumb and normal people can be done.

Keywords— Flex sensor, Vibration motor, RF ZigBee, Gesture, Braille lipi


Aim of this project is to make communication easier for physically challenged people like dumb, blind and normal people.

In this gesture movement is converted into braille lipi for blind people and message will be displayed on LCD for normal people.

After analysing various aspects of different technologies and devices which are used for communication this idea is chosen due to its advantages like less power consumption, less losses, high efficiency, low noise, reliability, compactness, economical etc.

1. Conceptual definition of the system

At transmitter side ATmega328 microcontroller is used and at receiver side AT89C52 microcontroller is used. According to gesture movement of dumb people signal will be generated at transmitter side with the help of flex sensor. This signal will be converted from analog to digital by using Atmega328. This digital input signal from transmitter side will be transmitted to receiver side via RF ZigBee. Two RF ZigBee modules are used. One at transmitter side and another at receiver side. At receiver side signal will be received and will be transferred to AT89C52 microcontroller. According to it braille lipi will be generated using vibration motors and also message will be displayed on LCD for normal people.