An Analysis of School Administrative Support: Inclusive Education Implementation in Public Primary Schools, Nandi County Kenya

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VI, June 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

An Analysis of School Administrative Support: Inclusive Education Implementation in Public Primary Schools, Nandi County Kenya

Sally Chumo1, Dr. Alice Limo2

IJRISS Call for paper

1PhD-Candidate, School of Education, University of Eldoret, P.O Box 2500, Eldoret, Kenya
2School of Education, University of Eldoret, P.O Box 2500, Eldoret, Kenya

Abstract: – The purpose of the study was to analysis school administrative support in school improvement planning on inclusive education in public primary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. The specific objective was to examine the effect of school administrative support on inclusive education in public primary schools in Nandi County, Kenya, This study adopted explanatory survey design using mixed method approach. The study sample size comprised of 62 headteachers, 308 teachers, and 6 sub-county directors of education giving a total of 376 respondents. For headteachers, and teachers, stratified random sampling followed by simple random techniques was used while purposive sampling technique was used for sub-county directors of education. Interview schedule and questionnaires was used to collect data. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.This study concludes that administrativesupport has a positive significant relationship on implementation of inclusive education.The findings provided important information to the policy makers in the Ministry of Education on challenges faced by headteachers, teachers, parents and learners in the teaching and learning in an inclusive setting.

Key Words: Analysis, Administrative Support, Inclusive Education, Implementation


For effective implementation of inclusive education policy, there has to be a culture of collaboration and administrative support that encourages the policy’s goals and practices (Sharma, 2012). As Smith-Davis (2002) states that education for persons with disabilities should form an integral part of national planning, curriculum development and school organization. In addition, the literature also notes that collaborative administrative support is vital in order to monitor inclusive education policy implementation processes (Mckenzie, 2012). Moreover, there is no shortage of literature that indicates a lack of effective collaboration has been a hurdle to achieving inclusive education goals (Mullicket al., 2012).