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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

An Assessment of Self Confidence as A Determinant of Students Academic Achievements in The University of Bamenda

 Yekpu Eleen Ndze
University of Bamenda, Cameroon

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study sets out to study self confidence as a determinant of students Academic achievements in the University of Bamenda. Building self confidence is salient as far as success in academics is concerned. Low academic achievements are indicators of internal inefficiency which could equally affect external efficiency adversely. Low academic achievements could to a certain extent be attributed to lapses in self confidence building by students. This to a large extent could adversely influence students’ self efficacy in academics. Within the context of this study, 412 students were selected to constitute the sample of the study. The purposive sampling technique was adopted and the main instrument for data collection was the questionnaire. The tool for data analysis was the spearman rank correlation and the following results were obtained: for the hypothesis one, it was found that goal setting significantly influences students academic achievement by 73.9%(p-value<0.05), while in the second hypothesis vicarious learning influences students academic achievement by 63.2%(p-value<0.05). Based on these results we conclude that self confidence significantly affects students academic achievement in the university of Bamenda.

Key word: Self confidence, determinants, students’ achievements, university.


Students’ academic achievements remain a salient aspect of education production function in every institution of learning; which cannot be undermined as it has been utilized to determine the internal and external efficiency and effectiveness of the school system. The school system is characterized with many students failing courses, many repeating and some finally dropping out of the system. This could be due to issues related to student’s inability to build strong self confidence to systematically face the challenges. Low academic achievement would certainly prevent the university system in economizing scarce resources as well as meeting set institutional objectives. This reduces possibilities for youths who are tomorrow’s developers to actively participate in the socio-economic and political development of the society as they should because of lapses in relevant skills. Within the context of this study, self confidence is seen in terms of setting realistic expectations and goals, vicarious learning and handling peer criticisms within the context of teaching and learning.


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