International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
An Efficient Steganography for Covert Communication: Secret -Visible Mosaic Image
Pratheksha Rai N1, Arpitha K Shetty2
1,2Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, AJIET, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
Abstract: Image transfer through the network is an very important issue in the present time scenario. In this system combination of small cells of secret data to form a target in mosaic sense here Secret-fragment visible mosaic image is proposed .In this method though the image from far appears to be original and made of different pixels but actually the image will be done using fragments. When generation of mosaic image is started original image is sub divided into many tiles images. Before image is getting split, check the host image and the secret image is of same size. Find the best tile image for embedding in the targeted image cells. Placing data of the tile image fitting sequence in the target which is an image is placed into unevenly selected pixel in formed mosaic image. Information which is enclosed will be made as a text key file. Image fitting sequences will be present in a key file. Receiver can’t retrieve the embedded data without this key.
Keywords: mosaic image, data hiding, and secret communication.
The method of hiding secret information into tile image or so that none can estimate the existence of the hidden information is called steganography. Existing steganography techniques may be classified into three categories text, images, and video steganography, and image steganography aims to embed a hidden information into a tile image with the yielded stego-image which will be looking like the original cover image. Many image steganography process are proposed, and some of those try to hide secret pictures behind other pictures. Mosaic is a way of creating artwork composing small pieces of materials, such as tile, glass, stone, etc… Considering this type of image which is mosaic in nature, we can see all fragments of original image. In this case fragments are so small in size and unevenly distributed in position so that the viewer can’t categorize how the original image look like. By this image can be said that it is secretly hidden in the outcome of mosaic image, but small tiles of images are visible to viewer. As it is fragmented and embedded into the image it is called secret fragment visible. Mosaic image is the result of odd rearrangement of tiny fragments of hidden image in terms of another image called cover image. Building same an effect of image steganography. Problem of embedding a large amount of image data after a cover image is created accordingly by the type of mosaic image. This particular type of data hiding is new and it can’t be seen so far.