International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue II, February 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
An Intervention Study to Improve Interpersonal Relationship Skills
N.Vipulan1, V.Piratheepa2
1J/Hindu College, Jaffna, Sri Lanka
2Department of Geography University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Abstract:-The recent educational reforms are emphasizing to gain skills that could develop personalities. There are many problems faced during teaching and learning activities due to lack of skills among the students. Daily teaching and learning behavior have been observed of the students studying in secondary school that, they are having difficulties in communication methods, using words, activity forms, conflict of ideas, and communication skills. In this juncture, understanding the importance of this problem, this study has been carried out to improve the inter personal relationship skill and identify the factors which are influencing in interpersonal relationship skill and put forward the suggestion to improve the skill. Twenty five percentage samples were selected who have lack of Interpersonal Relationship Skills among the forty students in the class. Specific problems regarding the interpersonal relationship skills have been identified through observations, Questionnaire and discussions. Activities have been planned and implemented to solve this problem. Progresses have been recorded in reflective journals and strength and weaknesses also identified of each intervention. After intervention of planned activities, satisfactory progress has been assessed through the analysis and that, it has improved from 0-36 % to 71 – 100% in planned intervention. The progress in each intervention has been observed and reorganized the activities for further improvement.
Key words: Interpersonal skill, Problems, Relationships, Students, Intervention.
Lack of interpersonal relationship skills between students and teachers will affect teaching learning environment and it will cause to increase the gap between teachers and some sort of problem in the class. These impacted on learning and teaching activities and need to spend more time to regulate the students. Further, it was observed that, the teachers only concentrate to teach their subject but not take care to improve the communication skill of the students. From the day today learning and teaching activities, respect less communications, using cinema and drama style ‘punch words’, and jokes have been observed among the students while communicate each other.