RSIS International

Analysis Implementation Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (Aik) Values in University Subjects(Case Study: Industrial Engineering Study Program Ft-Umj)

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

Analysis Implementation Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (Aik) Values in University Subjects
(Case Study: Industrial Engineering Study Program Ft-Umj)

Mutmainah, Didi Sunardi, Annisa Mulia Rani
Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Internalization of AIK is also a Quality Target and Quality Standard of the Learning Process at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta (FT-UMJ.) The objectives of this research are 1) to map the implementation of the Internalization of AIK implementation in the subjects taught at the IT-FTUMJ Study Program, 2) to identify problems and obstacles experienced in carrying out the internalization of AIK values in courses, 3) Recommending proposed strategies in their implementation.
The research method is a descriptive, qualitative method, with a case study. Data collection techniques are documents and interviews. The informants in this study were 11 (eleven) permanent lecturers at the Faculty of Engineering who taught 46 core courses. The documents seen are the IT Study Program Vision, Semester Learning Plans (RPS), Teaching Assignments and Quality Goals.
The results showed that only 4 courses included AIK material in the RPS or 8.6% of 46 courses. The results of the interview show that not all lecturers understand the Internalization of AIK, which has been given so far to the extent of Islamic values regarding behavior. Rules / Decree of the Chancellor regarding the Internalization of AIK, have never seen but have heard of an appeal or order from the leadership, Internalization of AIK in courses is very important to be included in the RPS so that it becomes the difference between RPS at UMJ and other universities and as an indicator of the achievement of the vision of the IT study program in Islamic aspect. The obstacles experienced by lecturers are due to the limited religious knowledge possessed by lecturers to examine AIK values related to courses. Recommendations in this study are to encourage leaders to issue policies or rules regarding the obligation to carry out AIK Internalization in courses listed in the RPS, make written guidelines and rules regarding technical implementation, conduct socialization to lecturers, provide assistance and guidance to lecturers, conduct monitoring & evaluation and Follow-up Improvements, so that it is a continuous process (continuous improvement).

Keywords — Internalization of Values, AIK, RPS, qualitative descriptive, Quality Standards.


Muhammadiyah Higher Education is a form of Muhammadiyah Charity Business for the Republic of Indonesia and as the participation of Muhammadiyah in advancing education and people’s lives. Universities have a big role in instilling the values of life in students. Values education is not just a special program taught through courses, but includes the entire educational process. The targets of his da’wah are students through AIK learning which is one of the characteristics of Muhammadiyah & Aisyiyah Higher Education (PTMA). The achievement of Muhammadiyah da’wah at PTMA is not only a burden for AIK, but also needs to be supported by non-AIK courses that internalize Islamic values in their learning activities.