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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IV, April 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Analysis of Recruitment Effectiveness and Employee Selection Using Computer Assisted Test Method against Aparature Competence in the Government of Malang Regency

Dina Maritha1, Tanto Gatot Sumarsono2, M. Ch. Sina Setyadi2
1Student in the Master of Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of employee recruitment and selection using the Computer-Assisted Test method on apparatus competence in the Malang Regency Government and analyze among employee recruitment and selection using the Computer-Assisted Test method that has a dominant influence on apparatus competency in the Malang Regency Government. The population in this study were all officials who handled staffing in all work units in the Malang Regency Government as many as 98 people and the number of samples in this study was 98 people, so the sampling technique used census. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis show that the recruitment and selection of employees using the Computer-Assisted Test method affects the competence of the apparatus in the Government of Malang Regency, which means that the better the application of recruitment and supported by good selection can improve competence. Employee selection using the Computer-Assisted Test method has a dominant effect on the competency of the apparatus in the Government of Malang Regency. This shows that the main thing that can improve competence is the selection, especially the recruitment method in the Malang Regency Government, which must obtain approval from the Related Ministry.

Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Competence


In carrying out the duties and functions of government affairs, a local chief raised civil servants (PNS), those who have met the requirements specified in the legislation in force, appointed by the competent authority and entrusted with the task in something of office or assigned other countries assigned tasks based on something law and paid according to the applicable legislation.
In the process of appointment of civil servants in local government administrations, the necessary planning and determination of the formation of the needs of employees against the required positions. In the process of appointment of civil servants in local government administrations, the necessary planning and determination of the formation of the needs of employees against the required positions.

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