International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue V, May 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194
Joseph Enefu1*; Godwin Kwanga2; James Ikyernum3; Godwin Echer Amerwua4; Augustine Tarlumun Ahile5;
John Iorhemen Ajo6; Zauka Solomon Aondoaver7; Disha Terseer8 and Anita Onyeche Makyur9
1,2,3,8Department of Geography, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria
4The Nigerian Police, Zone 4, Makurdi-Benue State.
5Department of Works and Housing (Survey Section) Vandeikya L.G.A
6Department of Quality Assurance, Benue State Ministry of Education (Science and Technology)
7Benue State Community and Social development Agency, Makurdi
9Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Federal University, Wukari-Taraba State
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: The study examined the growth in school population and educational infrastructures/facilities in Makurdi Local Government Area of Benue State. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the educational institutions and facilities in Makurdi town and to examine the growth in school population and its pressure on educational infrastructures/facilities in Makurdi Town. The study population include secondary schools and its facilities, teachers and students. The research studied 5 Secondary Schools selected via simple random sampling technique. The research data were collected through inventory/measurement of school infrastructures/facilities. Data were analysed and presented via frequency, percentage, ratios and tables. The result shows that most of the schools did not experienced increased in school population growth between the year 2009 and 2019. Most of the schools did not exceed the UBEC, 2010 recommended standard (1440) pupils per school in an urban area. No school exceeded the standard limit of student/teacher ratio (35-40) pupils set by NPE (2004) and UBEC (2010). Majority of the schools met the standard requirement of 40 pupils per class. Only few schools failed to meet the standard classroom size requirement (56.0M2) recommended by UBEC, 2010. The schools also meet the individual students/space requirement (1.4M2) set by UBEC, 2010 and NPE, 2004. Only three schools meet the standard library requirement (120.0M2) for 40 pupils. The schools did not meet the standard requirement for computer laboratory (140M2) set by UBEC, 2010. Most of the schools did not meet the standard space requirement (3.5M2) for each pupil set by UBEC, 2010. None of the schools meet the physics, chemistry and biology laboratory standard requirement (140.0M2) and individual space requirement (3.5M2) set by UBEC, 2010. All the schools have various sport facilities. The schools have access water but did not meet the UBEC (2010) requirement for urban schools while toilet facilities were grossly inadequate. Although some of the schools did not meet all the UBEC (2010) and NPE (2004) standard requirement for schools in urban areas but the current population in all the schools have no serious implication on the facilities for now. The study recommend that all school owners in Makurdi town should adhere strictly to the NPE (2004) and UBEC (2010) requirement for standard secondary school in urban areas.
Keywords: Pupils, Pressure, Education, Infrastructures, Makurdi Town.
The world is getting populated despite various regulations put in place by organizations and nations. According to Wood (2011) the earth population would grow so great to overcome the earth ability to provide enough food and other infrastructures necessary for human survival. Abdulrahaman (2013) opined that the fear of world population is on the ration of global population to food and other amenities as postulated by Reverend R.T Malthus.