RSIS International

ANFIS Based Speed Control of BLDC Motor with Bidirectional DC-DC Converter

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue VI, June 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

ANFIS Based Speed Control of BLDC Motor with Bidirectional DC-DC Converter

Rahul Kavathe#, Jayalaxmi O. Chandle*, Nikhil Patil#, Mahadev Kokare#

IJRISS Call for paper

#Student M.Tech Electrical Control System,
*Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, VJTI, Mumbai, India

Abstract—In this paper we have designed Adaptive Neuro fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) controller for the speed control of bidirectional brushless DC motor (BLDC).The fuzzy models under the framework of adaptive networks are called Adaptive-Neuro Fuzzy Inference System. The ANFIS controller is used in three phase BLDC Motor drive system to control the four quadrants operations without loss of power. In this process energy is conserved during the regenerative period and storage of excess energy in battery takes place during regenerative braking. The bidirectional DC-DC converter is used for the battery charging and discharging purpose. The bidirectional dc-dc converter can be operated in buck-boost mode. The stored energy in the battery provides power to the BLDC motor in motoring mode, while during regenerative braking mode the energy is fed back to the source by the same bidirectional buck-boost converter. The simulation will be done for Brushless DC motor with ANFIS controller using MATLAB/Simulink software the effectiveness of the proposed ANFIS controller is compared with that of thefuzzy controller.

Keywords—BLDC motor, bidirectional DC-DC converter, Fuzzy logic controller, ANFIS controller, Artificial neural network, Fuzzy inference system, four quadrants, battery.


The bidirectional dc-dc converter which is also known as buck boost converter has many applications such as controlled battery charging. These buck boost converter are being used to achieve power transfer between two dc power sources in both direction [1] The dc-dc converter can be categorized in to buck, boost and buck boost types and they are of low cost, compact in size and reliable operation.In this paper a bidirectional dc-dc converter will be developed to control power flow between the battery and BLDC motor, hence the desired control variables are both output current and voltage. The bidirectional buck-boost converters are applicable in energy storage based on battery applications.From this deduction Itcan be concluded that the best selection of DC–DC converter BLDC motor system is the buck– boost DC–DC converter since it gives optimal operation irrespective of the load value [2].