International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue X, October 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Wijewardhana BVN
Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
Abstract:-Central to sociological understandings the gender cannot be identifiable just as difference between male and female or between the lives of women and men but more specifically it is the inequality. In particular, sociological perspective of gender has traditionally focused under different circumstances, basically along the lines of how the respective society is organized, through it’s social structure. According to similar studies, women’s empowerment is the process, by which women gain greater control over material and intellectual resources and challenge the ideology of patriarchy and also to enjoy the rights of autonomous decision making within their family settings and in other social structures, too. In this context, several researches have proved that unemployment is a major life event and It can have a devastating impact on people’s lives in particular on women also affecting their decision making capacities. It affects not just the unemployed woman but also family members and the wider community.
In this research paper, author has seen unemployed women in the contemporary society are unable to follow their rights on the autonomous decision making within family units as well as in other social settings. The selected research area is consisted by seven districts in Sri Lanka also, in focus of a 700 sample selected from both rural and unburn unemployed categories of women. The selection process was followed by the random sampling method. Data were gathered through questionnaires, Interviews (Formal/ Informal/ Focus Group Discussions), Case studies and Observations. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of data and findings were applied. As revealed through several group discussions certain factors such as; being elders in the family, poverty, under-aged marriages are the blockades preventing them joining higher education also resulting unemployment, finally, limiting them for house hold activities. Accordingly, the data shows that unemployment of women affects their economic identity and this has a detrimental impact upon their social and domestic identities.
Key Words: decision making, discrimination, poverty, unemployment, women