International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue VI, June 2020 | ISSN 2454-6194
Arthropods as an Alternative Protein Source in Experimental Rat Feed
Shittu, A.I1*, Remi-Esan, I.A2
1,2Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: Research on the use of arthropods in animal diet is on the increase due to increasing fishmeal demand for animal feed. In this study, the use of cockroach, grasshoppers (Zonocerus variegatus) and crayfish as alternative protein source for rat feed was conducted and compared with fishmeal feed. The proximate analysis showed that a high crude protein values of 28.27%, 22.88%, 22.11% respectively for crayfish, cockroach, and grasshoppers. These arthropod enriched feeds showed they consist favourable amount of protein higher than fishmeal. Moisture content of 6.72%, 6.4% and 6.0%, crude fat of 16.13%, 14.51% and 3.51%, crude ash of 20.12%, 15.50% and 14.5% respectively. There was a considerable increase in weight of the rats fed with the arthropod enriched feed. The highest mean weight was recorded in rats fed with crayfish feed, followed by grasshopper then cockroach while the least mean weight was recorded in the rats fed with the control (fishmeal). Replacing the dietary fishmeal with arthropod fortified meal did not affect the growth pattern of the experimental rats and this is a positive indication that edible arthropods can be used as a substitute for fish protein in animal feed. It can also be incorporated into animal feed alongside fishmeal to further enrich the animal feed. In general, this study showed that protein meal from arthropods hold a great potential as a source of nutrients for rats.
Keywords: Arthropods, fish meal, growth pattern, protein