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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Assessment of Counseling Therapy for Pre-retirement Anxiety among Academic Staff in Universities in Kano state, Nigeria

Karimatu Isa Maisango1 , Dr. Muhammad A.B2
1University Library
2Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Department of Physiology, Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Pre-retirement anxiety affects the performance of workers and its presence can be avoided with adequate planning for retirement. This study was conducted to ascertain the extent towards which university academic staff of Kano state plan towards retirement and the counselling strategies appropriate for overcoming pre-retirement anxiety. Survey method was employed, where one hundred and fifty-three (153) academic staffs were drawn as sample size. Questionnaire was used as data collection instrument and the data was analysed using statistical software package for social sciences (SPSS) 23.0. The result showed that the majority of the respondents were aware of retirement as mandatory upon reaching the mandatory age of retirement a figure of up to 84.3%.while a large proportion of the respondents cited sudden death as a cause of anxiety (62.1%), others disagree with the concept that total dependence on salary can result to anxiety (73.2%). The overall level of readiness and preparedness towards retirement was generally recorded to be low. The most favourite counselling strategy trusted by the study group is union facilitated (93%), followed by mandatory retirement counselling program and annual evaluation of preparedness to retirement both on an equal proportion (83%). It is therefore, recommended that pre-retirement counselling should be provided to academic staff prior to retirement time.

Keywords: Counselling, pre-retirement Anxiety, Academic Staff, Universities, Kano State, Nigeria


The inability of workers to perceive retirement positively and make adequate plans for it does provoke anxiety. So also, the absence of meeting the estimated or calculated target plans that are usually set in place before retirement is also a trigger. That amount to ill preparation, poor implementation of research findings on retirement, faulty pension policies and financial insecurity among others. The deteriorating condition of retirees is presumed to be one of the factors that cause pre-retirement anxiety. However, this generally varies depending on many other factors such as individual differences, entitlement by the organization and environment factors. Furthermore, the provision of counselling is imperative pre-requisite guide through retirement. In developed countries retirement is usually guided, controlled and maintained at the right time that many workers pass through it successfully unlike what is observed in developing countries like Nigeria. In the former it has now reached a stage of changing the perception of employees on retirement.

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