International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705
Samwel Kazungu Kambi, Corazon Tangonan Banaga, Omondi Richard Mc’Otieno
University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, P.O. Box 2500 – 30100, Eldoret, Kenya
Abstract: Despite the Kenyan government developing and implementing numerous development plans, strategies and reports aimed at alleviating poverty, it is apparent that the poverty levels in the country have continue to escalate and still remains an elusive affair despite the government’s effort in initiating various developments to curb poverty levels in the country. Additionally, the poverty levels in the country have been on an increasing trend due to poor economic performance which has led to many Kenyan households leaving below the recommended one dollar a day leading to most households being unable to afford decent meals and nutrition, lack of access to basic education, health and sanitation and decent housing. Despite the entrenchment of the devolved governance structure in the Kenya constitution 2010 so as to enhance democratic institutions and enhance accountability in governance and power for the citizens, as well as ensuring equitable distribution of resources to address the needs at the grassroots, certain regions of the country still lag behind in terms of development and the poverty levels are still on the rise. This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of poverty reduction strategies as adopted by the devolved system of governance in Kenya. The findings of this study points out that county government should enhance the involvement of the public in decisions related to poverty reduction and more specifically, they should enhance the involvement of the public on decisions involving major decisions on which poverty reduction projects to undertake, identification of key poverty reduction programs, resource allocation and utilization decisions. In order to foster a good working relations and continuity of the poverty reduction initiatives, the government should improve on the public involvement in the County government development committees as well as in the poverty reduction project monitoring and evaluation.