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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Assessment of Employee Recognition on Performance of Organization: A Case of Meru Water and Sewerage Services.

Betty Karwitha Mwiraria 1*, Dr Appolonius S Kembu, PhD2
1Masters of Business Administration, Mount Kenya University, Kenya
2Lecturer School of Business and Economics, Mount Kenya University, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Employee recognition is critical in all firms in Kenya, especially those that are growing. This is due to the fact that staff turnover is high, as workers look for better opportunities elsewhere with higher pay and benefits, or as employees are headhunted by competitors. With this in mind therefore that this study will investigate effect of employee recognition on performance of organizations. The objective of the study was; to determine the influence of recognition of employees on performance of organization. Using Herzberg’s two-factor theory as its foundation, the study used a descriptive research methodology with a target sample of 150 workers from Meru Water and Sewerage Services. The major data collecting tools were questionnaires, which were validated and reliable via a pilot study. A regression model was used to establish the link between research variables and organizational performance, and the results were presented in a table. Results of the study revealed that recognition had a positive and significant impact on the performance of the organization, as indicated by the t-values of (t=2.817, p0.05), on the organization’s performance. According to the findings of the research, acknowledgment is critical in improving employee performance, which in turn improves the performance of the firm. In addition, the researchers discovered that workers’ performance would improve if they are properly and promptly rewarded for their efforts. According to the findings of the study, MEWASS management should make every effort to provide recognition that will attract, retain, and encourage its employees in order to assist them in working in a conducive environment that will improve organizational performance.

Keywords: Employee recognition, performance, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, and descriptive research methodology.


Organizations nowadays have a critical challenge in terms of employee recognition, which is critical since workers are the most important assets a company may have. Companies should succeed, according to Boyens (2007), when they are able to retain their most skilled personnel rather than recruiting and training new staff. Successful and highly productive organizations are built by encouraging people to enhance their performance. In order for the company’s competitive advantage to be maintained, all employees must make a thorough commitment to meeting the performance standards set out (Breaugh & Frye 2008). It is possible to improve the performance of a company by providing employees with access to critical resources, empowering them, and expanding their knowledge and talents, as well as through boosting employee morale and changing their attitudes and viewpoints. Horton (2007), in his study of inter-industry variation in male and female employees turnover in manufacturing companies in the United Kingdom (UK), discovered that the annual late on employee turnover in men was lower than female in the oil refineries industry and higher than female in the jute industry in American cooperative companies, among other findings. As a result of the high female employee turnover rates in fruits and vegetable product firms, the researcher came to the conclusion that male employee turnover rates across all manufacturing enterprises were lower than female employee turnover rates.

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