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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Assessment of Physicochemical Properties of Soil around Dr. Abubakar sola Saraki Memorial Abattoir, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

Henry Olawale Sawyerr1, Adeola Anthony Dada 2*, Lateefat Olajumoke Ayinla3, John Tolulope Salami4, Shegun Victor Oluwatuyi5, Saheed Adesola Oguntade 6

IJRISS Call for paper

1-6Center for Ecological and Environmental Research, Management and Studies (CEERMS), Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria
1-6Department of Environmental Health Science, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria.
*Corresponding author

Abstract- The study was carried out to assess the soil around Dr. Abubakar Sola Saraki memorial abattoir, Akerebiata, Ilorin. The physicochemical properties of soil found in the study area were assessed for pH, Electrical Conductivity, Available phosphate, Calcium, Exchangeable base, Organic matter content, Organic Carbon and TVC. pH and EC were found to be within the WHO permissible standard (6-9) except MSS3 whose pH is 9.6, this indicates alkalinity of soil, this could be as a result of cumulative deposition of animal bones and feed which are rich in calcium and carbonate-rich materials like soaps used in washing in the abattoir which are later absorbed by the soil. While the Available phosphate (7.94,8.02 and 8.7) were above WHO standard (0-5 ppm), which could be as a result of the uncontrolled deposition of animal dungs in the soil. Calcium range from 5.35348 to 5.75828, all figures are within the WHO set standard.

Keywords: physiochemical, Pollution, Abattoir, soil, abattoir


Natural contamination is seen as any condition or circumstance in which any substance or mix of substances present in the biological framework is hindering to the wellbeing of man, plant, and creature or influences the welfare of man now or at a later time 6
One sort of waste that is of incredible worry to both urban and rural territories in Nigeria is the abattoir or slaughterhouse wastes 8
Abattoir is any premises used for or with respect to butcher of animals whose meat is proposed for human usage, and consolidate a butcher house, anyway excludes a place organized on a farm 1. 4 also defined an abattoir as a premise approved and registered by the authority in charge for healthy inspection and slaughtering of animals then for onward processing and preservation and storage of meat products for human consumption. Again, 3 characterizes abattoir as an extraordinary office structured and authorized for getting, holding, butchering assessing animal’s meat and meat items before release to the general society.

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