Attitude of Students towards Elective Subject in M.A (Education)
- January 20, 2021
- Posted by: RSIS
- Categories: Education, IJRISS
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue I, January 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Attitude of Students towards Elective Subject in M.A (Education)
Basanti Mahanta1, Dr. Bijan Sarkar2
1Student, Department of Education, University of Kalyani
2Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Kalyani
Abstract:- Researchers have decided to find out the students’ preference towards the selection of their Elective subject in M.A. in Education. This study is done by using descriptive survey method and researchers have analysed data in qualitative approach. 140 samples have taken from two Universities (University of Kalyani& West Bengal State University) of Education department. One questionnaire is framed by the researchers, which consists of 18 questions as the representative of eighteen reasons of subject preference. After data analysis, Researchers found that the majority of student prefers Educational Technology as their Elective subject.
Key Words: CBCS, Elective Subject, Core course.
1.0 Introduction:
According to the UGC recommendation, Choice Based Credit System has been introduced for all higher Education section in West Bengal. Now it is very popular and burning topic in educational aspect of West Bengal. In the CBCS policy of curriculum construction, elective subjects have offered for the students and students independently can choice any subject as per their own preference. Sometimes the term ‘Elective subject’ is used as ‘Optional Paper’. In CBCS, students have to learn some compulsory subject. But, they have also chance to select or choose their favourite subject with compulsory paper. In which Universities are going with CBCS, have to provide different Elective or Optional Subjects for the student. By searching different CBCS Curriculum in various Universities, Researchers found different Elective subject like- Educational Technology, Guidance & Counselling, Health Education, History of Education, Mental Hygiene, Measurement & Evaluation, Population & Environment Education, Teacher Education etc. Researchers want to know that in which Elective subject is more favourable to the students and in which reasons behind their subject preference. As the delimitation, researchers have considered only Education department in two Universities- University of Kalyani and West Bengal State University. And select the topic as-
‘Attitude of Students towards Elective Subject in M.A (Education)’.