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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Awareness and Level of Adoption of Improved Poultry Management Practices among Farmers in Mando, Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria

Akanni-John, R. and Olukotun, O.
Federal College of Forestry Mechanization P.M.B. 2273, Afaka-Kaduna, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:-The study investigated the awareness and level of adoption of improved poultry management practices in Mando, Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Data were collected randomly through the use of well-structured questionnaire from 57 poultry farmers. Descriptive statistics such as means score, percentage, frequency table and likert scale were used to analyzed the data. The findings indicated that majority (71.93%) of the respondents were male, while 60% of the farmers were between the age of 30-50 years. The findings also revealed that majority of the farmers (85.96 %) are aware of improved poultry management practices in the study area. Keeping daily poultry records had the highest adoption level (68.4%), adoption level was also high in vaccine/vitamins. antibiotics (61.4%), improve feeding (59.7%), improved battery cage (59.7%), identification technique of sexing (47.4%), Debeaking machine (47.4%) and identification of culling sick birds (38.6%) while the lowest adoption level were improved heating source (21.1%) and slaughtering and packaging (21.1%). The likert scale result revealed that eight out of the twelve improved poultry management practices studied were adopted while only four was not adopted. Lack of credit/ fund to adopt improved practices ( 70.18 %), Improved practices were too expensive (58%), lack of government support (54%) lack of information (47%), lack of awareness (47%) and lack of training (42.11%) were the major constraints affecting adoption of poultry management practices in the study area. In view of the findings, the study highlighted the need for government to address the issue of credit availability through an institutionalize frame work aimed at linking farmers to formal sources of credit, if the quantum of poultry production is to keep pace with the protein requirement of the population. The study also recommended that farmers should establish cooperative society so that they can pooled their resources and knowledge together in solving most of the problems identified.

Keywords: Awareness, Adoption, Poultry, Farmers, Improved, Management Practices, Constraints

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