International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Ayurveda Management of Diabetes Mellitus-Single Case Study
T.Punchihewa1, P.P.Uyanege2, B.P.LR Balasooriya3
1Consultant, Ayurveda Medical Officer, Provincial Ayurveda hospital, Pallekale, Kandy, Sri Lanka
2Demonstrator, Ayurveda Medical Officer, Dept. of Ayurveda Basic Principles, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
3Ayurveda Medical Officer, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is the disease afflicting mankind since a very long time. In Ayurveda this disorder is under the section of Prameha. it is mostly correlate with Madumeha and Ikshumeha. Ayurveda texts deeply describes about the etiology, pathogenesis, prognosis, complications and management for this disorder. Diabetes mellitus is mostly relate with gene factors, dietary factors and life style. But the prevalence of this disease was increased day by the case study is an important need of this era. In this study 56 years old patient presented with poor control of diabetes along with Allopathic treatments. Through physical findings and investigations the diagnosis leads to Madhumeha . The study was assessed by subjective criteria and Objective criteria.The treatment plan opted was Ayurveda internal medicine with changing Diet and lifestyle. Our findings conclude that Ayurveda management is most effective when using with pathyaapthya..
Key words-Prameha, Madumeha, Ikshumeha, Pathya-Apathya
Ayurveda describes a collection of complex clinical conditions collectively called Prameha with frequent, abnormal micturition, which correlate in many ways with obesity, metabolic syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus. Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and Diabetes Mellitus all have three metabolic disorders in common.
The role of intermediate metabolites is crucial in Prameha’s pathogenesis because it is an acquired disease due to incorrect metabolism if nutrients are present. Because of incompletely digested food, .Ayurveda Ama refers to toxic digestion and metabolism intermediates.
Diabetes mellitus falls under the category of Prameha in ayurveda. Prameha is a collective term of 20 disorders in which the entire urinary system is involved, characterized by abnormal values of excessive urination.
The treatment of diabetes without adverse side effects remains a major challenge, and Ayurveda can play an important role in it .The far-reaching distinction in Ayurveda’s primary and secondary Dosha typing helps the person to fine-tune therapy.