RSIS International

Built Environment Education as The Bedrock for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VIII, August 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Built Environment Education as The Bedrock for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria

Yakubu Bayi ANGBO1, Godwin NDARNI2, Obadiah BASHAYI3
1Department of Estate Management, Isa Mustapha Agwai I Polytechnic, Lafia, Nigeria
2Department of Architectural Technology, Isa Mustapha Agwai I Polytechnic, Lafia, Nigeria
3Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Isa Mustapha Agwai I Polytechnic, Lafia, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Technology, social and economic phenomena of man are in-separate-able. This is so because right from creation the concepts of technology, social behaviour and economic desire of man were innately deposited or rather inbuilt in him. The quest to know (technology), the quest for companionship (social desire) and the quest to be better up (economic drive) were all seen from Adam and Eve right from creation. Besides, the three terms (technology, social and economic) developments connote the concept of education. They are dynamically advancing. The paper seeks to bring to lime light the relevance of technical education as the only way out for attaining and resolving human social and economic challenges for national growth and the problems that impede the quality of technical education graduates in Nigeria to compete favourable with other advanced technological world. The researchers employed both primary and secondary data as their methodology to draw out findings for this research. The primary data were through personal observations and experiences of teaching over the years and secondary data was through literature review. The findings reveals that technical education of built environment is being hampered by defective education policy, students’ poor educational background, poor motivation of staff and poor teaching and physical facilities. These challenges have affected quality of our graduates to drive the technology needed for sustainable national development. To overcome these challenges, the paper recommends that the welfare of the teachers should be reviewed and their salaries increased, government should review admission policy to remove quota system and allow for merit irrespective of geopolitical region, proper funding and provision of functional facilities in schools. In conclusion, technical education holds the key to national development and government at all levels must give attention to it for national growth.

Keywords: Sustainable, Technical Education, Technology, Skills, Development, Built Environment and National Development


Education is an instrument for political, socio-economic and national development. Sustainable development (SD) is a fundamental pillar for the socio-economic welfare of Nigeria, as with every other nation. Education oriented by technical knowledge is key, best and the idle thing the developing countries and Nigeria in particular need seriously at the moment. For national tolerance and economic growth of any developing country, the technical knowledge