Case Study of Communication Systems of Raja Bhoj Airport, Bhopal

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue VIII, August 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Case Study of Communication Systems of Raja Bhoj Airport, Bhopal

Ishita Verma

IJRISS Call for paper

BE-VII Semester, Electronics and Telecommunications Department, LNCT, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Abstract- This paper presents an overview of various aeronautical communication systems and linkage between Primary and Secondary systems. It also describes the purposes, characteristics, and operational facts of both existing and requirements of future aeronautical systems.

Keywords: NAVAIDS, ILS, DVOR, DME, RADAR, Communication system.


In 1972, the Government of India constituted the International Airports Authority of India (IAAI) to manage the nation’s international airports and constituted the National Airports Authority (NAA) in 1986 to look after domestic airports. In 1994, GoI notified Airports Authority of India Act. Thus in 1995 both these organizations were merged to form a Statutory Body called Airports Authority of India (AAI) under Act of Parliament.

The Airports Authority of India (AAI) is under the Ministry of Civil Aviation it is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure in India. It manages a approximately of 129 Airports, which includes 18 International Airports, 7 Customs Airports, 78 Domestic Airports and 26 Civil enclaves at Military Airfields. It also provides Air traffic management (ATM) services over Indian airspace and surrounding ocean areas. AAI covers all major air-routes over Indian landmass via 29 Radar installations at 11 locations along with 700VOR/DVOR installations co-located with Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). 52 runways are provided with Instrument landing system (ILS) installations with Night Landing Facilities at most of these airports and Automatic Message Switching System at 15 Airports.