Upgradation of SCADA System at SLDC, Bhopal
August 12, 2018 -
Section Factor with Respect to Surface Roughness
August 12, 2018 -
Relationship for Thrust and Thickness of Stone Pitching Along Side of River
August 11, 2018 -
Design and Development of a Colour Sorting Machine using PLC and SCADA
August 8, 2018 -
Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment: A Revolutionary Approach in Software Development
August 6, 2018 -
Smart Grids, Deployment Efforts and Challenges
August 5, 2018 -
Anonymity Analysis of Bitcoin Transactions Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
August 5, 2018 -
Creation of Smart Contract for the Blockchain based Trade Finance
August 5, 2018 -
Deep Learning Enabled Fraud Detection in Credit Card Transactions
August 2, 2018 -
Classification of Different Plant Species through ANNS Methodology
August 2, 2018