Soil Quality Testing Using Internet of Things
April 30, 2018 -
Hand Waving Bot
April 28, 2018 -
Fabrication of Lowcost Saltspray Chamber For Testing Corrosion Resistance of Materials
April 28, 2018 -
Design of Water Distribution Network for a Small Rural Area Using EPANET
April 28, 2018 -
Cumulating Test Paper Score based on Digital Image Processing using Python
April 25, 2018 -
Aural Beam Levitation Using the Concept of Acoustics
April 25, 2018 -
Microhardness and Corrosion Resistance of HVOF Sprayed NiCr Coating with SiC Addition
April 25, 2018 -
A Compilation of Modern and Affordable Water Purification Systems for Rural Areas Constituting to Developing and Third World Countries
April 24, 2018 -
Wireless Power Transfer at Domestic Level Using an Induction Stove
April 24, 2018 -
A Navigation and Reservation based Smart Parking platform using IoT by Queuing Theory
April 21, 2018