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Bioactivity of Endophytes from Calliandra calothyrsus, Leucaena diversifolia and Sesbania sesban Against Cercospora zeae-maydis
July 2, 2020 -
Visitor Navigation Pattern Prediction Using Transition Matrix Compression
July 2, 2020 -
The Study of Coprecipitation of Heavy Organics from Crude Oil
June 30, 2020 -
Soft Computing Techniques in Various Areas
June 30, 2020 -
Impact of Nuclear Weapons Nonproliferation Regime on the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
June 28, 2020 -
Workplace Envy and Turnover Intention among Employees of National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria
June 27, 2020 -
Investigating the Utilization of ICT and Its Applications in Teaching Computer Studies in Secondary Schools in Niger State Educational Zone
June 27, 2020 -
Challenges against Effective Teaching and Learning of Geography in Senior Secondary Schools in Ilorin Metropolis of Kwara State, Nigeria
June 25, 2020 -
q–Special Function and Integral Transform
June 24, 2020 -
B-Mode Ocular Ultrasound: The Aba Experience
June 23, 2020